Animal Natural Health

Animal Natural Health Animal naturopathic consultations and dispensary. Homeopathic preps, Western/Ayurvedic/Chinese herb

Professional Naturopathic consultations, Homeopathic and herbal medicines and products
* Dispensary
* Chemical-free pet food
*Homeopathic Nosodes in lieu of vaccinations
* Microchipping
* Nail Trim
* Bioptron Light
* Flea and Worm Control



The Animal Naturopath Training Program presents a unique opportunity to study one of the most respected modalities -THE BACH FLOWERS - for those who wish to upskill in their present job, add a new dimension to their pet relationship or make it a career!


The Bach Flowers restore balance and harmony to an animal’s true nature. They provide emotional support for our animal friends to help them achieve inner wellness and better able to cope with life’s challenges, whether in the home, commercial or farm environment. The Bach Flowers are safe to use alone or with other treatments; gentle, non-toxic and inexpensive.

There are no qualification pre-requisites for undertaking study ; however you must have an understanding of written and spoken English to facilitate the learning process.

To provide you with a sound knowledge of the Bach Flowers – and how they work with animals, exploring the animals’ mental, emotional and spiritual lives and their relationships with owners and the environment.

* The Course provides you with excellent case taking guidelines and the essential elements to become a keen observer and an effective client communicator – attributes that will serve you well in becoming a successful Animal Health Practitioner
* Course includes - Behavior, Sentience, Body Language, Case Taking, use of the Bach Flowers, basic anatomy & physiology, identifying signs of ill-health(dogs,cats,birds,horses); basic nursing, common parasites, infectious diseases, predator/predated animals ; treatment for trauma, abuse, re-homing challenges, grief, convalescence; travel, home & environmental stress.

10 Modules, each covering different aspects of health and treatment plans; assignments from each Module with Tutor feedback and monitoring, to ensure engagement and competency.

* The Course is designed for completion in 18 months. Although there is no time limit, it is recommended to allow 6 weeks for each assignment. The student will be awarded the ANTP ‘Certificate in Bach Flowers for Animals’ at the successful completion of the Course.
Your Post-Grad career is supported by on-going up-skilling provided by the Animal Naturopath Training Program
Qualified students will be able to access credits towards further studies offered in the Animal Naturopath Training program.

NZ's most respected Animal Naturopaths with a combined Practitioner experience of over 70 years on holistic animal care
We give you insights to the extraordinary pathways of learning from other modalities that can be integrated into your studies.
We are able to offer students a unique perspective to maintaining the health of our animal friends.
Tutors: Sarndra Urwin Dip NAH (HONS) Dip CL.Hyp HbT
Sarah Mulvaney Dip HAT (HONS) NZRHAT
Education: Maureen Green, Former College Principal,NZ Educational Research Programer and Curriculum Writer

$2900.00 full Course
$295.00 payment by Module

Register your interest at [email protected]

Clients come to consult with the Animal Bach Flower Practitioner because they trust it will be worth it, both for themselves and their companion animal.
Our standard of training will reflect that trust.

My interest in starting the Animal Naturopath Training Program started when our loved dog, called Jasper became sick and I decided to approach a more natural way to give him and his sister a better way of living. And it has been a wonderful journey since I discovered this path, for the puppies as well for the whole family. L.LeT


Many people won't feed pork go their dog, cat, or even themselves. There is a concern about parasites. Find out the truth behind pork.

An appalling act of cruelty occurred in North Wellington, where two individuals shot Ferdinand, a much-loved bull, multi...

An appalling act of cruelty occurred in North Wellington, where two individuals shot Ferdinand, a much-loved bull, multiple times with a crossbow.

The two men appeared in the Porirua District Court last week where they received permanent name suppression and were discharged without conviction.
The two men broke into a couples’ property and used a crossbow to fire three arrows at Ferdinand, hitting them in the stomach, neck and shoulder. Another arrow was fired at a steer.

Both animals were then left wounded and in pain until they were found the next day. Ferdinand had to be euthanised and the steer was left lame after developing an infection in the wound.

This case shows how little regard the justice system has for animals and their wellbeing.

We firmly believe that animals, as vulnerable members of our society, require a dedicated voice to represent their interests—an independent Commissioner for Animals. Just as New Zealand has Commissioners to advocate for the rights of children and the environment, animals deserve the same level of protection.

Please help us protect animals like Ferdinand the bull by adding your name to the petition for a Commissioner for Animals.

Thank you again for your unwavering dedication to animals and be a part of the change we all want to see. Join the call for a Commissioner For Animals. Sign the SAFE Petition today!

This is the dog who was due to be euthanised 4 weeks ago.  He is going for another ultra sound on Tuesday to measure his...

This is the dog who was due to be euthanised 4 weeks ago. He is going for another ultra sound on Tuesday to measure his progress on the inside. He's full of beans at present, eating well and enjoying going to work with his owner. Full report will follow.

Its been a while! I am going through the process of eye surgery so it will still be a while. Have some jaw-dropping case...

Its been a while! I am going through the process of eye surgery so it will still be a while. Have some jaw-dropping cases lately, one of which I hope to bring you shortly. After being recommended for euthanasia by a Specialist Veterinary group on the day of his visit and 3 weeks later is looking for his teddy to take to bed... he's 2 years old!
Also major revamp of product line and looking absolutely gorgeous (and EFFECTIVE) .... letter following.
Will be back late next week. Cheers, Sandy

June 2023

To our White Tui Clients

The White Tui range of animal health products have been refined by our Animal Naturopath
and are now offered under NATPET quality animal naturopathic remedies..

These remedies are designed to
- assist in a crises
- support to achieve wellness
- provide owners with safe and effective on-going health management

Our NATPET brand reflects the research and development we have in place to meet the
challenges of maintaining the health of our animal friends in today’s world. These remedies contain the best in homeopathics, botanicals and other selected modalities to achieve the
best outcome for your companion animal

All NATPET remedies are GE-free, non-toxic, organic/wild-crafted where possible, with
increased palatability and ease of administration. They will not interfere with conventional treatment.

Website changes also mean cost savings for our clients. Check out our Shop and After Pay
facilities to access the best Naturopathic remedies for your animal friends.

In appreciation of your continued support, all existing White Tui Clients will receive a
FREE sample of Flee Flea in your next order.

If they die. we dieMillions of bees are dying – but in weeks, the EU could vote for a bill that could protect their habi...

If they die. we die

Millions of bees are dying – but in weeks, the EU could vote for a bill that could protect their habitat and restore life to our devastated lands and waters. Conservative politicians are siding with the pesticide industry to try and kill the bill – so we need to be louder! Let's show lawmakers in Europe and across the globe that people want them to give bees and nature a fighting chance to recover. Sign now and share with everyone!!!
Dear friends,
Millions of bees are dying, and their homes are being devastated. But in weeks, the EU could vote for a bill that would protect their habitat and give bees and the nature they need a fighting chance to recover – creating a blueprint for other parts of the world.

Conservative politicians are siding with the pesticide industry and other powerful interests against a strong law. In conversations with parliamentarians, we're hearing that we might lose this fight – as politicians seem to think that people don't care about this issue.

What happens in Europe matters beyond the EU's borders. With bees under pressure across the globe, let's show our leaders how much we care!
Pass a strong law to save bees and their homes!
Bees and other pollinators are struggling because of toxic chemicals, because their habitats are being destroyed, because of droughts, the climate crisis, pollution, and more.

And it's not just bees: researchers are sounding the alarm, saying more than 75% of Earth's land areas are in poor condition. Our forests, rivers, and grasslands... it's all under pressure. That's why this ambitious bill, aimed at healing the lands and waters that have degraded, and restoring life to them, is such a game-changer!

MEPs are voting on this bill in the next weeks, and Germany and Spain are two of the key governments that can help us win! A global call joining voices from across Europe shows that wherever we are, we're watching their moves closely. So let's be hundreds of thousands, and we'll deliver our call right to crucial lawmakers in Brussels this month. And to brighten the deal for nature, we'll bring along bee-friendly wildflower seeds for every signature! Sign now:
Pass a strong law to save bees and their homes!
The Avaaz community has stood up for bees again and again. Our 5-million strong appeal to save the bees was one of the biggest in our history. For the forest birds, the grassland butterflies, the urban bees, and for the millions of people who call Europe home, let's go all-out and push the EU to move decisively towards a thriving natural world - connected to, rather than separated from us.

With fierce hope and determination,

Adela, Alice, Luis, Antonia, Isabella, Anneke, and the entire Avaaz team

More information:

Healing nature will help us all. So why are MEPs fighting a key new nature restoration law? (The Guardian)
The EU Nature Restoration Law knocks on the Environment Council's door (WWF)
EU's nature restoration law in difficulty, despite climate policy wins (Euractiv)
We haven't seen a quarter of known bee species since the 1990s (National Geographic)
European Union proposes law to bring back nature (UNEP)


Animal Natural Health
I dont usually get 'political' about anything on FB but this is a concern that may extend to our animal friends. I have not included the coastline changes which are coming which may require you to pay to access the beaches and determine control over your dogs

Make no mistake, David Parker's replacement to the Resource Management Act will make resource consenting even harder. While Three Waters was about taking control of community assets — to put into centralized, co-governed entities — these bills are about taking control of planning laws and what you can do with your home, your property, or your farm — taking the control away from democratically elected councils to put them in 15 centralized, co-governed, so-called 'Regional Planning Committees'.

The effects will be dramatic. As a voter, you will no longer be able to hold to account the decision makers who will determine what you can produce on your farm, build on your property, or how your community is planned. The Federated Farmers and the Taxpayers' Union are no fans of the current Resource Management Act, but David Parker's new regime will make getting a resource consent much, much harder.

Unlike Three Waters, the Government isn't talking about these bills or making the public aware of what it is doing.


For those who like the healthy tech stuff...

(Perna canaliculus)

Perna canaliculus is a species of green-lipped mussel grown commercially in the Marlborough Sounds in New Zealand. It is harvested at the peak of its growth curve. The soft tissue is separated from the shell, flash frozen, freeze dried to remove the water and processed into a fine powder. This process does not destroy the biologically active ingredients although in the writer’s view, there would be a preference for a cold pressed manufacture.

Inflammatory joint disease is a challenging area of therapeutic management in modern veterinary practice where there is a reliance on corticosteroids and NSAIDS.

The two pathways involved in the inflammatory process of particular interest are the
1. Cyclo-oxygenase (COX) and
2. Lipoxygenase pathways;

NSAIDS (Non steroidal anti inflammatories) block COX 1 and 2 activities. This is anti-inflammatory BUT also blocks the beneficial pathways and so cause platelets to stop clotting and gastric irritation like vomiting, ulceration and bleeding. The NSAID profile depends on the proportion of COX (1) and COX (2) activity. An example is the use of aspirin upon platelet aggregations, being a more potent inhibitor of COX 1 than COX 2. Veterinary studies demonstrate that a product may be much more specific for COX 2 but still present at the inflammatory site in sufficient concentration to inhibit COX 1, thus still causing some degree of side effects.

Recent research has shown that certain naturally occurring and novel eicosatetraenoic acids (ETAs) exhibit considerable anti inflammatory activity. Extracts of Green Lipped Mussel have shown to contain ETAs, which have effectively inhibited the 5-Liopxygenase (because they block leukotriene production) and inhibit prostaglandin production by COX (2) pathways. They do not appear to cause gastric intolerance (in fact there is evidence for a partial protective benefit)or affect platelet aggregation indicating that ETAs exhibit little if any COX (1) activity. Thus cold processed extracts of Perna canaculus have been shown to be more potent that aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen. When compared to other natural products, ETAs are between 200 to 350 times more potent that fish oils, other versions of green-lipped mussel extracts, evening primrose oil or flax oils.

Natural components with tin the Perna mussel support joint health by:
- Decreasing inflammatory response and pain
- Enhancing cartilage synthesis by the chondrocytes,
- Reducing the destruction of cartilage caused by degrading enzymes and free radicals.
- Modulating the immune responses to auto0immune response and pro imflannaotr cytokines.
- Veterinary studies of the effect of Cold Processed Extract upon joint mobility demonstrated
- All dogs improved
- No side effects in pre-existing conditions
- Response in elderly dogs demonstrated greater enthusiasm and mobility at exercise
- Some severely incapacitated dogs, under extended feeding regimes showed continuous improvement in joint mobility, allowing reduction of up to 25% in conventional treatment.
- Health in general, particularly the skin & coat improved dramatically.
- Palatability was a non-issue.
- Most effective in low-grade chronic joint stiffness. Elderly dogs had a return to normal activity from lying to standing position or walking.
- Overall 76% of rheumatoid and 70% of osteoarthritis patients benefited and improved.
- Significant improvements after one month.
- A quality of life improvement particularly in the ageing chronically lame horse. Effective in Spavin, fetlock knee and low grade discomfort.

For those interested in the gory stuff...Is there any dog breed that can kill a hyena in a fight? Dogs like Kangals, Ala...

For those interested in the gory stuff...

Is there any dog breed that can kill a hyena in a fight?

Dogs like Kangals, Alabais, Caucasian Shepherds could take striped Hyena,the brown Hyena and the Aardwolf Hyena.
But if we take the biggest and the strongest type of Hyena which is the spotted hyena…. they have NO CHANCE.
Females are more dominant than males, they are way bigger,heavier and stronger. They weigh up to 98–141lb and males weight up to 89–121lb.
I dont’t think many people realize the size of this beast! They have soo powerful bite force that an adult healthy Hyena could bite through a certain amount of steel.
Hyenas fight off Leopards and can also survive an attack from a male Lion, they tank the blows of Leopards as if its nothing, so I don’t think a dog could do anything to it, they have huge neck which is very protected wheres a dogs neck is very tiny and can be easily damaged.
Not only a Hyena is more durable and stronger than a dog but it’s also more fearless and more vicious, it’s hard to beat an animal thats on survival mode 24/7 while dogs get their food delivered.
Hyenas are also hated by the Lions, so if your being hated by the king of the jungle it means you are a big deal.
Only dog that has a big chance of beating a single hyena in a fight is a gray/timber Wolf (if you want to count it) but I think thats a whole different topic

Courtesy of Quora
Note: No dogs here! Hyenas are not members of the dog or cat families. Instead, they are so unique that they have a family all their own, Hyaenidae. There are four members of the Hyaenidae family: the striped hyena, the “giggly” spotted hyena, the brown hyena, and the aardwolf (it's a hyena, not a wolf).

Problems in PawsGrass Seeds, Glass & Splinters So your pet is limping, licking  & biting their paw (note: just one limb ...

Problems in Paws
Grass Seeds, Glass & Splinters

So your pet is limping, licking & biting their paw (note: just one limb usually) and you can’t see a jolly thing wrong.
Sometimes there may be a little swelling or redness but this is often because they have been worrying it.
You have tried the antibiotics, the creams, the soaks.
It may be a grass seed, a splinter, a thistle or a piece of glass?
Your options… Surgery…. Or .. Something Simple.

‘Sedation. IV cath placed. Clipped & washed. Incision made over swelling. Bloody pus revealed upon flushing and exploration. Grass seed produced. Applied bandage – to be removed in 3 days. Diagnosis = grass seed found.’
Bill = mega dollars and the ill effects of a GA. (General anesthetic)!

Something Simple
Try a little homeopathy

Suspect a glass fragment – Silica is your first go-to. Splinters & grass seeds - Myristica seb., or Hepar Sulph in a low potency 6c.
Cost = your time and the price of a remedy.
We have all these remedies in stock and can make up one for your individual needs.

Many years ago my mother was scheduled for surgery for a ‘growth’ on the top of her head. A few days before the op she said she was sure there was something in it so I said try Silica (no harm done in trying!). The day before surgery out popped a rose thorn. She was a keen gardener and had been weeding under her standard roses a few weeks ago. The smallest things can cause the biggest problems!

I am not going to be glued to the Radio at 2 pm today but this is how I explained to the family as to how the Budget wor...

I am not going to be glued to the Radio at 2 pm today but this is how I explained to the family as to how the Budget works

My new toilet has a 4 star rating. This means, according to WELS (Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme) that it is a most efficient toilet.
Like the Budget, there is a hidden criteria.
The rating is based on the amount of flush, not the efficiency of the flush (ie does it actually carry anything away?)

My toilet takes at LEAST TWO, often THREE flushes to do the job because the flush is grossly insufficient. The average Auckland toilet takes 7 liters of water to flush. If my loo has a 5 litre flush (its that poor) it got a 4 star rating but actually the total water usage is up to 15 litres per flush!

I am on a home water tank supply and bought the 4 star loo thinking I was saving but in fact its going down the gurglar!

"From 8 months old, our Foxy/Jack Russell, Bertie, suffered from Inflammatory Bowel Disease. As Bertie passed his 10th b...

"From 8 months old, our Foxy/Jack Russell, Bertie, suffered from Inflammatory Bowel Disease. As Bertie passed his 10th birthday we began to wonder about his quality of life with tummy episodes every few weeks, and were looking for alternatives.

After talking with a friend whose dog had been helped by naturopathy, we tried the change in diet to raw and cooked foods including vegetables, together with the supplements which the naturopath prescribed; and found we had a new dog. Bertie is full of life, plays well, enjoys both his walks and sleeps, and really enjoys his meals. He had always been highly anxious, and even this has reduced.
For us this has meant a new peace of mind, that Naturopathy has given Bertie a new lease on life.”

Sandy: The change in Bertie has been remarkable and in a relatively short time. After 10 years his owners finally felt good about leaving him for a little while to go on a holiday. Its always a pleasure to see Bertie when he calls for his biscuits (NOT dry food). Thanks to clients for sharing his story.

What 'breed' of dog family is this beautiful guy - weighs in around 15-20 kg. No prizes but he is little known about so ...

What 'breed' of dog family is this beautiful guy - weighs in around 15-20 kg. No prizes but he is little known about so congratulations if you get it right!


I would like to dedicate this Mothers Day to a film from the current Italian Film Festival "Una Femmina' - The Code Of Silence. This filn is based on true stories of the heroic young women who stood up against the organised crime of Calabria n Italy. It tells the story of Rosa whose mother was forced to drink acid before killing her because she protested against the brutality within the family. Her daughter takes up the revenge. An extraordinarily powerful film about the strength of women.
Dont have any images but you can access info.
Sandy U

PROZAC:  Fluoxetine, sold under the brand name Prozac, among others, is an antidepressant of the selective serotonin re-...

PROZAC: Fluoxetine, sold under the brand name Prozac, among others, is an antidepressant of the selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor class. It is used for the treatment of major depressive disorder, obsessive–compulsive disorder, bulimia nervosa, panic disorder, and premenstrual dysphoric disorder.

This could have been our 6 year old Westie's fate but he had a much wiser Owner!

Description of our Westie's traumatic shock due to recent thunder/lightening stormy weather.

Our Westie experienced what could be a psychological breakdown in response to the recent intense thunder/lightening. Previously he would race around inside the house barking at the thunder as it raged (we have a metal roof and polished concrete floors so the vibration would be strong).
Approx 16 days ago as the sky became an once again dark ready to experience more stormy weather, our Westie began shaking uncontrollably and couldn't use his back legs. He became terrified. We had never witnessed this before as he is typically a bold forthright kind of character. He adopted an invalid disposition unable to climb up stairs, hop into his bed and preferred to hide underneath a blanket on the floor....definitely not able to tolerate being picked up.
After 5 days of him continuing to decline I took him along to Sandy to have her expert wisdom assess him. Sandy administered several homeopathic remedies and to my surprise that first night he began the sudden return to his former self. After 5 days he was leaping stairs, barking, ruling the roost as per normal.
I am very thankful for Sandy's expertise and depth of insight with resolving our Westie's temporary psychosis in response to the frightening clap of thunder.
Sandy - This Westie's initial response to a particular savage night of house-shaking thunder was so traumatic for him - my assessment of this poor dog was that he was in the equivalent of 'shell-shock'.. My approach to his treatment was to reach for the remedies that would be appropriate at the time of the shock.

Treating the patient adequately at the time of the incident (shock//mental trauma/ unseen soft-tissue injury such as bruising) unfortunately is not considered a necessity by conventional medicine, both for people and animals. This often results in on-going 'coping' issues for the patient, which are often not easily understood by surrounding family. It is sad to see so much suffering in our mental health system and in our drug- suppressed animals lives.
M thanks to my client for allowing me to share this with you.

DRY DOG FOOD SAVES PLANETJust in case you’re not convinced or you missed this news-breaking gem in the NZ Herald under t...


Just in case you’re not convinced or you missed this news-breaking gem in the NZ Herald under their ‘In Brief’ column, I re-print it here.

Feeding your dog dry food instead of tinned meat can help to save the planet, scientists have found.
Analysis of almost 1000 pet diets, including both dog and cat menus, found a wet food diet produced almost seven times as much carbon dioxide as a dry food alterative.
A 10kg dog such as a Dachshund, needs about 534 calories a day and if they get this entirely from the dry meal then their carbon ‘pawprint’ is 828kg a year, the study published in ‘Scientific Reports’ found. However, carbon emissions from a wet food only dog diet found more that six and a half tonnes. This level of greenhouse gas emissions is almost the same as an average Brazilian person’s annual emissions, the scientist writes, making a Dachshund’s wet dinners as bad for the climate as having another human living in Brazil.

Don’t you just LOVE it! I’ll bet that cost a kibble manufacturer some mega dollars to get that across the scientific desk. They say the worlds’ greatest spin- doctors are employed by the pet food industry and this would be a classic item. And to compare it with a Brazilian? How far down the research rabbit hole did they have to go to find that one!
It’s this kind of murky science that tarnishes the reputation of those doing really good work.

Persian, neutered male.He was 2 years oldHe came to me a year ago, on a bad diet, had been vaccinated. He was an unhappy...

Persian, neutered male.

He was 2 years old
He came to me a year ago, on a bad diet, had been vaccinated. He was an unhappy cat, harassed by family members.

First Photo is what he looked like when he came to me – eyes extremely weepy and gungy. Tweaked his diet a little to real food but he’s fussy! Doesn’t appear to drink any water ? Has a sweet, playful nature but extremely wary of men. Loves his face being rubbed…

Started Sandy’s naturopathic treatment plan this week. He is responding really well. There is definitely way less weeping. I noticed it especially this morning when he came in from outside. The right eye became a little swollen and still produces more than the left but there is improvement. A little sinus irritation. Suggested to Owner e/oil of Eucalyptus in the house. Photo 2

5 days later!

Look at my boy now. No more weepy and gungy eyes – it has completely cleared up! Thanks so very much. (Photo 3) A.dB.

Childhood memories can be triggered by the oddest of things, like an odour wafting on the breeze, a face that looks fami...

Childhood memories can be triggered by the oddest of things, like an odour wafting on the breeze, a face that looks familiar from bygone days,an old book (remember the 'Water Babies", Noddy & Big Ears, the Famous Five - all subject to PC scrutiny by the 'do-gooder's' now) . But a little pressy from Anneke of home-growns jolted me back to when I was 4 years old and my daily job collecting the chookies eggs. I opened the egg carton and there were SPECKLED eggs. I haven't seen any since a child!
I'm ok with white eggs, brown eggs but SPECKLED - now that's something else. I was glad no one was around as I pranced around with childhood delight...

Well I didn’t stay quiet for long did I?  But who can keep silent about the terrible cost of war. “All war is a symptom ...

Well I didn’t stay quiet for long did I? But who can keep silent about the terrible cost of war.

“All war is a symptom of man's failure as a thinking animal” Steinbeck

On Poppy Day let us also remember the farm animals, the zoo animals who were abandoned and left to die because of wars, the wildlife whose habitats were obliterated by bombs and chemical weaponry, the domestic fowls, cats and dogs left behind whilst their owners fled their towns and villages

No one to tend their broken bones, no one to feed them, no one to give them water. Preyed upon by wild animals and even wilder human enemies. Butchered and eaten in the open fields in front of their own kind.

Photo is of Rowan at his last Anzac Parade at Browns Bay. The other is of the Dickins Medal for animals. The PDSA Dickin Medal was instituted in 1943 in the United Kingdom by Maria Dickin to honour the work of animals in World War II. It is the equivalent of the Victoria Cross. The Dickin Medal is a bronze medallion, bearing the words "For Gallantry" and "We Also Serve" within a laurel wreath, carried on a ribbon of striped green, dark brown, and pale blue.
Awarded to – 26 dogs, 32 messenger pigeons, 3 horses and one cat.

I will be leaving Facebook for a while due to increased commitments to my busy Practice,  however my website will featur...

I will be leaving Facebook for a while due to increased commitments to my busy Practice, however my website will feature regular Blogs and updates. My sincere thanks to the support of my Facebook fans over the years.
I leave you with a photo of Anna. She was the only dog I owned that had a leg amputated because of an extensive and invasive osteosarcoma. She was 6 years old. She passed away 7 years later as a tired old girl but in good health. Rowan thought she had 'attitude' - he was right. But it was this attitude that saved her from being put down on her fourth visit to the Pound before I had the 'fortune' to adopt her, saw her through her operation and to become one of the funniest but exasperating dogs I ever encountered. Sometimes attitude can be everything!

FREEBut all have found a home. Thanks

But all have found a home. Thanks

Some jottings on remedy administration for animals:Re sterile waterI use boiled filtered water,  (one that removes chlor...

Some jottings on remedy administration for animals:
Re sterile water
I use boiled filtered water, (one that removes chlorine and fluoride and metals). One would have to be sure of the quality of bottled water (much of that is a joke) – once again check if filtered and once again, boiled. I don’t think we can ‘overkill’ the medium in which we are employing the remedy)

I have always viewed the essence of a remedy as a living organism, whether that’s an herbal , a homeopathic or a Bach Flower. There is so much power in the remedy that exposing it to undue cold may alter its effectiveness. My healthy respect for what goes on in water comes from Masaru Emoto’s books, ‘Messages From Water”. Which is also why I prefer away from sunlight/odours/undue noise/dramas etc.

Re alcohol for animals
In general practice I use only prepared water. This has a shelf life of 4 weeks stored correctly, and dispensed in a 25ml bottle is sufficient time to assess the efficacy of the remedy. My White Tui Range of HP/herbals has alcohol but just with alcohol content sufficient to preserve it for a maximum of 5 years.
Giving animals alcohol in an everyday formula is the same as giving a human baby the same – their systems are not designed to cope so I try to avoid it in daily practice.
I don’t use tinctures or if I had to then I would take the alcohol off by bringing it to the boil prior to dispensing Another reason why I don’t use tinctures is by having to boil it what does that do to the efficacy for animals?. I just try not to go there. I would add the dose to an amount of food but I would give the B/Flws in a separate formula if this were the case.
As a side ‘people’ issue, I note that there is often a warning about alcohol in formulas for alcoholics – I think this is stretching the ‘addiction’ a bit too far, especially when the formula is designed to stop the alcoholism

One can use ACV but I don’t, if I need the therapeutic benefits of ACV I would give it separately in their food.

The greatest threat to ‘poor storage’/ contamination, is the practice of the dropper touching the animals mouth, skin or lips. The dropper is then placed back in the bottle without rinsing! That is why the White Tui remedies are all in spray bottles, even (and especially) the ear drops.


422C Whangaparaoa Road
Stanmore Bay

Opening Hours

Monday 9:30am - 5:30pm
Tuesday 9am - 5:30pm
Wednesday 9am - 5:30pm
Thursday 9am - 5:30pm
Friday 9am - 5:30pm
Saturday 9:30am - 4am
Sunday 9am - 4pm




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