Rabbit haemorrhagic disease (otherwise known as calicivirus), causes sudden death and is easily transmitted through fomites (bedding, hay etc). It was introduced into NZ illegally in 1997 but has become widespread, so vaccination of pet rabbits has been an important part of their welfare.
Symptoms of RHDV in Rabbits include:
*Anorexia (not eating)
*Nervous signs such as convulsions, ataxia (wobbliness), paralysis, opisthotonos (spasm of the muscles causing backward arching of the head, neck, and spine), and paddling.
*Groans and cries
*Respiratory signs such as dyspnoea (difficulty breathing), frothy and bloody nasal discharge, and cyanosis (bluish cast to the mucous membranes, caused by low oxygen levels in the red blood cells).
There is no specific treatment for the disease and mortality rates are very high; this makes prevention crucial. Unfortunately, many times rabbits are found to have passed away before an owner has noticed the signs.
There are several strains of rabbit calicivirus (also known as Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease Virus (RHDV)) in New Zealand. RHDV's only affect rabbits and the European hare (RHDV2), they don't present a danger to cats, dogs, or any other type of animal. The Filavac Vaccines have been used in New Zealand for many years to protect domestic rabbits from all three strains of RHDV.
It's recommended you vaccinate rabbits at 10 to 12 weeks of age, with an annual booster vaccination to keep them protected.
Rabbits get the virus:
* from direct contact with other rabbits – through their eyes, nose, and mouth
* from flies, fleas, and possibly some mosquitos, which can carry the virus.
* Urine, faeces, and respiratory secretions may also shed the virus.
To minimise the risk to your rabbits:
*keep them separate from wild rabbits
*wash your hands between handling rabbits
*control insects around pet rabbits as they can spread the virus between them
*avoid cutting grass and feeding it to pet rabbits
*thoroughly clean and disinfect cages and equipment.
Give us a call to book your bunny for a vaccine at 50% off. Be quick, don’t miss out! ☀️