Roma Dog Behaviour Academy

Roma Dog Behaviour Academy One on one dog training so you can live a happy life with your doggie. Dog Behaviour Academy.

One on one training classes, socializing doggie dates, puppy training courses and more!

Puppy Tips - Shower desensitisationI had this chat with a client the other day, who told me that it has been difficult t...

Puppy Tips - Shower desensitisation
I had this chat with a client the other day, who told me that it has been difficult to bathe their dog as he doesn't like water.
Bath time for dogs has never been an easy task! especially for those dogs who hate water (like Roma!).
We need to understand first that showers are NOT something normal for dogs, it's a human thing... it's not in their nature! and we add the restriction, the soap, the hair dryer... Oh lord.
Here are our tips to good socialisation with shower time:
1) It was to be gradual. First couple of times, be brief. Water, some quick shampooing, no conditioner or anything else, and let your dog "air dry" in the sun, during a walk.
Don't scare them with the hair drier yet. Too noisy! That will come later when they are more confident about the shower time.
I try to use the hair dryer to the minimum with Roma, and I bring many towels to dry her with that while giving her kisses and cuddles. After that, we always go for a relaxing walk so she forgets about the horrible time she just had (5 minutes!! drama queen)
2) Mood: playdate, treats & fun. Your mood has to be happy, use your happy voice, bring your treat pouch and celebrate every step of the shower with treats. If they see you stressed, concerned, or complaining about getting wet and your dog is moving, you will add negativity to what is already negative to them. Happy mood & treats are the key!
3) Try to ask yourself: does my dog REALLY need a shower? I know lots of people obsessed with showering their dogs (once or twice a week) but is it really necessary to put them under that stress? are they THAT smelly and dirty? Does your dog love being clean and smelling like roses?
I know Roma HATES the smell of any shampoo. After she has a shower she tries very badly to "remove" the smell by rubbing herself on the grass. Imagine if you were covered in a smell that you don't want!
4) There are 2 good places to shower doggies quickly: the Dog Wash on Parton Road, Papamoa, and Animates Tauriko & Cameron Road. In 10 minutes (or 5 at the beginning), in and out!

Happy showering! :D

We have availability for petsitting during Christmas period, send us a message!We also offer cat-minding visits in Papam...

We have availability for petsitting during Christmas period, send us a message!
We also offer cat-minding visits in Papamoa area 🙂
Leave your furry babies with someone you can trust! 🙂

ONLY 2 SPOTS LEFT!Hi everyone,As we do every year, we’ll be launching Puppy Clinics based on socialising. We hope your p...

Hi everyone,
As we do every year, we’ll be launching Puppy Clinics based on socialising. We hope your pup can join us!
These will be 4 sessions in which puppies will play & interact with each other in different environments, guided by best practices in dog training.
Starting on Wednesday 20th December, for 4 Wednesdays (20th, 27th, 3rd, 10th Jan) at 5 pm (might be 5:30 if too hot)

-Only 4 spots available.
-Suitable for puppies from 3 to 7 months.

Please send a message if you would like to bring your pup along and help them make some friendships!

Oh... this Council, honestly......................................................

Oh... this Council, honestly......................................................

Who kicked the dogs out?


Very random haha but is anyone selling a single bed or mattress? Of course in good shape.
Need it ASAP 😀

Hi everyone,As we do every year, we’ll be launching Puppy Clinics based on socialising. We hope your pup can join us!The...

Hi everyone,
As we do every year, we’ll be launching Puppy Clinics based on socialising. We hope your pup can join us!
These will be 4 sessions in which puppies will play & interact with each other in different environments, guided by best practices in dog training.
Starting on Wednesday 20th December, for 4 Wednesdays (20th, 27th, 3rd, 10th Jan) at 5 pm (might be 5:30 if too hot)

-Only 4 spots available.
-Suitable for puppies from 3 to 7 months.

Please send a message if you would like to bring your pup along and help them make some friendships! 🙂

We have availability for petsitting during Christmas period, send us a message!We also offer cat visits in Papamoa area ...

We have availability for petsitting during Christmas period, send us a message!
We also offer cat visits in Papamoa area :)
Leave your furry babies with someone you can trust! :)

Hi everyone,As we do every year, we’ll be launching Puppy Clinics based on socialising. We hope your pup can join us!The...

Hi everyone,
As we do every year, we’ll be launching Puppy Clinics based on socialising. We hope your pup can join us!
These will be 4 sessions in which puppies will play & interact with each other in different environments, guided by best practices in dog training.
Starting on Wednesday 20th December, for 4 Wednesdays (20th, 27th, 3rd, 10th Jan) at 5 pm (might be 5:30 if too hot)

-Only 4 spots available.
-Suitable for puppies from 3 to 7 months.

Please send a message if you would like to bring your pup along and help them make some friendships! :)

Graduation class for Rolex, who just finished the one-on-one puppy programme ❤️ Mr. Rolex -yes, Mr. as he was a puppy wh...

Graduation class for Rolex, who just finished the one-on-one puppy programme ❤️ Mr. Rolex -yes, Mr. as he was a puppy when I met him and after a couple of weeks of not seeing him he is now huge and with a teenager face- is one of the chilliest and most gentle pup I’ve ever met 😍
All the best for you and your family, little darling ❤️

Training walks with Cora so she can join the pack next week ❤️

Training walks with Cora so she can join the pack next week ❤️

Second class for Teddy, where we discussed the techniques & action plan to achieve a good recall ❤️

Second class for Teddy, where we discussed the techniques & action plan to achieve a good recall ❤️

Our last meet-up socialising class of the year happened on Saturday ❤️ thank you all for coming, it’s been a pleasure be...

Our last meet-up socialising class of the year happened on Saturday ❤️ thank you all for coming, it’s been a pleasure being part of this lovely group of doggies and people ❤️ until the next one 😍😍😍

Holiday period is fast approaching and it’s time to look for someone who will take care of our babies.While I recommend ...

Holiday period is fast approaching and it’s time to look for someone who will take care of our babies.
While I recommend much more hiring a petsitter rather than sending your pets to a cattery / kennel (for many reasons), every week and for the last 15 years, I’ve heard testimonies about terrible experiences when hiring housesitters.
This is why I wanted to share my opinion about best practices before & after offering a stranger the job of looking after our most beloved pets.
I’ve applied these rules over the years when looking for sitters for my furry babies, and we share the same policies during Roma DBA’s petsitting services.
Before hiring someone:
1) If promoted on Facebook, have a look at the person’s personal profile. Is it sketchy? Does the person have many friends, nice posts, nice messages from others? Does the person have any pictures of animals in their profile, or shared anything related with pets (rescues, donations, time spent, etc.?)
2) Is the person looking for accommodation or for a job looking after pets? What is the priority? Is it a serious job for them or pure conveniency? Sometimes the sitter is there only to live in the house, while is only “surviving” the pets, not spending good loving quality time with them. And some people don’t even like the pets!
3) Ask for qualifications. OK, I’m not asking for a professional dog trainer or vet nurse here (that’s a gem!), just simply training courses related to animal care. Many of them are free, many of them are affordable. If the sitter has never been interested in attending to any course related to animal welfare, to learn more / get more education on this matter… do they take this job seriously?
4) Experience: Do they have their own pets? How many animals have they dealt with in their lives?
How many years has the person been working with animals? Has the person shadowed someone or has been ever been supervised on how to care for animals properly?
What’s the experience in emergency situations? Does the person known about first aid, has a close relationship with vets in your area to find a quick solution to a life-threatening situation? Can the person realise quickly if your pet is in distress?
What is the experience with dogs with behavioural issues (anxious, barky, reactive)? Is the person going to improve or worsen those behavioural issues?
5) Does the person have a business profile? Business page with google reviews? Has the person been in the area for long, is known in the community?
Can the person provide at least 3 referrals from other clients, and a police check?
6) Does the person pay taxes for these services as a serious business? Does the person have insurance in case they break something in your house or anything happens to your pet?
Once you hire someone:
1) Write detailed instructions / lifestyle about your pet’s routine, so the sitter can follow it properly with no room for error. The more detailed, the merrier. How many walks, where do you usually go, (don’t let them go off the lead!), meal times, medications, where they sleep.
2) If the sitter doesn’t provide a contract for the services, you can write up one with the routine of your dogs, and clear policy about the house rules. Is the sitter allowed to invited people over? 2 people told me in the last month that their sitters invited people without their consent. One of them brought a random man, the other one her boyfriend + extra couple to “spend the weekend”.
3) Have a backup person that will come over during the period you are away to supervise the sitter. Get a dog walker (ever day if possible), a neighbour, family, vet, to pay a visit every second day or so to check on your pets’ welfare. 3 people recently told me that they were horrified by the testimonials of neighbours: sitters yelling at dogs, leaving them in the backyard by themselves for ours, not being at home all day, leaving the cats locked out at night. I’ve checked some sitters as per request from my clients and found the animals terrified of them, with no water in the bowls, old smelly food in their plates, thinner, depressed, hiding. Ask someone to pay a visit and flag anything that seems odd.
4) Agree on a way of reporting about the welfare of your pets. Will hey send daily updates with photos and videos? Or no updates at all? We send a detailed report at least 3 times a day. You can see in them your dog eating, playing, having cuddles, going for walks, being happy. Will you get that from your sitter?
5) And last but not least, get a CAMERA. I’ve been recommending this to everyone. It’s only $150 and huge peace of mind. Place the camera outside your house (not inside, unless agreed with sitter… we don’t mind!) and check the movements of your pets & the sitter.
Are your dogs being walked every day as promised? For how long?
Is the sitter away all day?
I got a testimonial from a friend who recently told me that she could see in the cameras that her dog didn’t leave the house for 3 days even though the sitter told her he did.
She could also see how the sitter would leave in the morning and come back late at night, leaving the dog by himself, and invited a man in the middle of the night and she could hear screams from a heated discussion.
Luckily, the next morning she sent someone to rescue her dog and kick the sitter out of the house.
All the things listed above are a huge differential in our service, and that’s why we charge accordingly.
Sometimes what’s cheap turns out to be expensive, so please, don’t go cheap on your loved ones.
If you have any questions about petsitting, flick me a message and I’ll be happy to help.


Hey, there’s a deceased kitten on the verge of 698 Papamoa Beach Road.
Just scanned the microchip, no microchip. Unfortunately had to leave it there because I wasn’t on my way home, just stopped quickly to see if I could help find the owners.
If there’s anyone with a little heart and can take this kitty home to take it to the vet tomorrow where they will keep him in the freezer until they find the owners, that would be great 💔

We had a new one-on-one puppy class with Bentley to help him get confident around other people and dogs.He met Roma and ...

We had a new one-on-one puppy class with Bentley to help him get confident around other people and dogs.
He met Roma and did so well! The next day he came to our meet-up class where he socialised with other 9 doggies who respected his space, and he was introduced to the group keeping a little bit of distance, only approaching to us at his own pace.
By the end of the class he was jumping around the paddocks very comfortable and confident with all the doggies and their parents.
Some doggies need more time to get confident in life, that’s why patience, effort, and guided socialising is the key.
If you have a skittish puppy, getting help from a trainer will be the key for a successful socialisation ❤️
Go Bentley! ❤️

Happy Friday faces 🐾🐕❤️

Happy Friday faces 🐾🐕❤️

Still don't know how Beannie hasn't been adopted yet :(

Still don't know how Beannie hasn't been adopted yet :(

Beanie is a smart and sweet girl who is super smoochy and loves her belly rubs! She absolutely loves going on walks and runs and just generally being part of any adventure.

Beanie loves going to new places and is very social, she is also happy to just be at home chilling out and getting all the pats.

Learn more about Beanie and apply to adopt this big softie now at

We need your help to get more dogs like this into a home where they can be loved and cared for. Donate today and help us give our dogs a second chance at life. Donate online at

Hullo, just letting you know that all of the donations from the Spring Cleaning you gave me have been redirected to Hung...

Hullo, just letting you know that all of the donations from the Spring Cleaning you gave me have been redirected to Hungry Dogs of Tepuke (dogs) and The Kitten Orphanage (cats).
Thank you so so much for your help to those who donated.
If you still want to get rid of things from your pet that are in good shape - toys, bedding, food, etc- or if you want to make some sort of donation, please let me know and I’ll collect it.
Please, help other animals in need. These rescues do a great job and need the community to get involved ❤️

First session with Teddy to help his family work on his recall. It’s important to understand that without a complete tra...

First session with Teddy to help his family work on his recall. It’s important to understand that without a complete transformation of the relationship with your dog, where you have a better understanding of how your dog thinks, feels and reacts, and what are the things inside and outside of your house that could affect your dog’s behaviour, there’s no tips & tricks & quick videos that will help you with this.

Since Roma was treated with Beransa to help her with her canine osteoarthritis, I’ve seen a complete change in her mobil...

Since Roma was treated with Beransa to help her with her canine osteoarthritis, I’ve seen a complete change in her mobility.
She is not limping anymore, it’s incredible! It makes me so happy to see her walking normal again, not in pain!
Please, anyone whose dog has mobility issues, ask their vets about Beransa. Or ask Brett at Beach Road Vet Clinic for a consultation.
Cannot be more thrilled with the results.
It also works for cats! 💕💕
More about Beransa:

Second class for Louie to help him with his reactivity at home and during walks.His mum has now all the tools to tackle ...

Second class for Louie to help him with his reactivity at home and during walks.
His mum has now all the tools to tackle this behaviour and start helping him to reduce his anxiety around strangers.
Is your doggie struggling with being around strangers? Flick us a message 🐾❤️

Last puppy class for this handsome doggo called Murphy ❤️ such a cutie 😍

Last puppy class for this handsome doggo called Murphy ❤️ such a cutie 😍

Last puppy class for Bonnie, she is such a sweetheart ❤️

Last puppy class for Bonnie, she is such a sweetheart ❤️


How do you all deter flies from entering your home?
Or how do you get rid of them when they are in?
I feel they are all grouped outside my house, ready to run in once I open a window or a door 😵‍💫
I’m looking for a natural way ideally, I’m so tired of having all the house closed because of it, and Roma hates them!
Any suggestions are welcome 🙏

I saw Charlie on Friday, who we used to walk until he moved to the Mount 💔My god I love this dog and I miss him so much ...

I saw Charlie on Friday, who we used to walk until he moved to the Mount 💔
My god I love this dog and I miss him so much ❤️

Happy gotcha day to Alma, the vice president of Roma Dog Behaviour Academy! 3 years ago you came home as a foster, super...

Happy gotcha day to Alma, the vice president of Roma Dog Behaviour Academy!
3 years ago you came home as a foster, super pregnant.
You had 4 kittens at home (who were adopted) and you never left.
You are a mix of sweetness and evilness in equal parts - I call you evil cat - but for sure you add happiness to our home and we love you lots, little rascal.
I hope this year you stop stealing from the neighbours and become more loving! haha
Alma, the thief kitteh --> check out her page!

Petsitting Bear this weekend ❤️

Petsitting Bear this weekend ❤️


Last puppy class for naughty Herbie… so hard to focus 😆❤️

Today's happy story is absolutely over the moon! 🙂Houdini is home, after almost a month of being lost.This lovely lady c...

Today's happy story is absolutely over the moon! 🙂
Houdini is home, after almost a month of being lost.
This lovely lady called Anna posted about a cat that appeared at her place.
I offered my microchip reader to see if the cat was registered and if we could find the owners.
Dropped the scan off, and yes! she soon sent me the microchip number.
I checked the database and YES! Houdini was there. Marked as lost.
You can't imagine my joy! I immediately called the owner who couldn't believe that Houdini appeared in Rota Close street, in Papamoa, when he lives in... 13th Avenue, Tauranga!
Boy if that cat could talk, he travelled 13 km (or 3 hours by foot)...
Houdini was picked up immediately.
This teaches us 2 big lessons:
-Microchipping and registering your pets in the New Zealand Companion Animal Register is absolutely crucial.
-Caring about other animals pays off.
I've had this argument many times with people who say "if you see a cat that doesn't belong to your neighbourhood, just don't feed him and leave him alone, it's probably wondering". WRONG! if you see a random cat in your neighbourhood, PLEASE CARE.
Feed the cat, look for the owners, put up a post, and ask for a microchip reader. PLEASE, CARE FOR THAT CAT.
This story is self-explanatory and has a great ending.
Thank you Anna for caring for this little mate!
Houdini is home! :D

Would you look at that smile?We had our second reactivity class with Frankie today ❤️ Frankie is better since our first ...

Would you look at that smile?
We had our second reactivity class with Frankie today ❤️ Frankie is better since our first session, so today we hit the street and had some live exercises where we practice the technique of desensitisation 😊 he did very well! ❤️

Please adopt Beanie 😭

Please adopt Beanie 😭

How has Beanie not been adopted yet? We don't get it. Just look at this happy wee face! Beanie is hoping her Christmas wish of finding her forever family comes true this year.

Beanie is a smart and sweet girl who is super smoochy and loves her belly rubs! She absolutely loves going on walks and runs and just generally being part of any adventure.

Beanie loves going to new places and is very social, she is also happy to just be at home chilling out and getting all the pats. She is located in Auckland

Apply to adopt Beanie now at

We need your help to get more dogs like this into a home where they can be loved and cared for. Donate today and help us give our dogs a second chance at life. Donate online at

Grass seed season is officially here :(Grass seeds are no joke. They are very aggressive, poke they way into your dog, p...

Grass seed season is officially here :(
Grass seeds are no joke. They are very aggressive, poke they way into your dog, penetrating the skin and getting into their bodies.
During the years, I've seen cases of grass seeds getting in the paws, ear canals, throat, eyes, deep in the muscles of the legs, and even in ladyparts :(
Avoid long grass where grass seeds can be seen, keep your dog's grooming up to date, avoid sand dunes and brush, check & re-check your doggo after each walk.
Another piece of advice: get pet insurance if you haven't already.
I have PD Insurance NZ and I have my mind at ease.
You can use the code ROMADBA to get a special discount!

Last puppy class for Bentley ❤️However, we will keep working together to build his confidence, reduce general anxiety an...

Last puppy class for Bentley ❤️
However, we will keep working together to build his confidence, reduce general anxiety and create positive socialising around other dogs ❤️
Puppy classes are just the beginning of the training towards a healthy & loving relationship with your doggo ❤️

Last puppy class for this little mate called Ollie ❤️ we discussed about teenager years, boundaries at home, socialising...

Last puppy class for this little mate called Ollie ❤️ we discussed about teenager years, boundaries at home, socialising, recall, lead training and more ❤️ even though he graduated from these classes we will be in touch to keep up with the training ❤️ puppy classes are the first step to create a healthy and happy relationship with your doggie ❤️

First class helping Louie ‘frog legs’ with his reactivity towards humans during walks and with visitors ❤️It will be a l...

First class helping Louie ‘frog legs’ with his reactivity towards humans during walks and with visitors ❤️
It will be a long process of desensitisation & general work, but by the end of the first class he was sitting next to me calmly 😍 go Louie ❤️

Lucky me 🍀 I’m back.Feeling blessed for the time I got to spend with my family & friends during these difficult times. I...

Lucky me 🍀
I’m back.
Feeling blessed for the time I got to spend with my family & friends during these difficult times. It’s was a huge heartbreak to leave them.
But also feeling blessed for coming back to my second home where I feel so loved 🥰
The support, messages, encouragement, kind words and more that I receive on the past weeks was huge ❤️
I’m so lucky to have this beautiful community around Roma DBA. So lucky to have great friends and the best clients.
Lucky, lucky me 🍀
Have a wonderful week everyone 💕

Man, I have THE BEST clients ❤️Thank you Caroline, mum of Willow, Ranger & the Cattins, for the ’welcome back’ flowers 🌸...

Man, I have THE BEST clients ❤️
Thank you Caroline, mum of Willow, Ranger & the Cattins, for the ’welcome back’ flowers 🌸 💕
I feel so loved 🥰




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