Super stoked with Griddles looking so strong this weekend! This is his first session ever on a scale jump.
. Central Working Trials Seminar.
Script working a challenging cavaletti with poles at a higher height.
This isn't something I do often, as I generally prefer to challenge with pole configuration rather than height.
But this provides additional challenge by extending the range of motion of all of the joints, and core engagement.
Go Scripty!
Mr Grid has luckily never had to have a surgery other than a routine dental. But all my dogs have training to wear cones and other post surgery tool, just in case! And look how easy he found it, having the foundation skill of putting his head into things well generalized. This is his first session.
Want more top tips? Check out my webinar on later this week over at @fenzidogsportsacademy
PREhab: Essential skills for IF or WHEN you need rehabilitation
Date: Thursday, January 9th, 2025
Time: 3pm Pacific Time (Click here for time at FDSA (Pacific Time).
Fee: $19.95 USD
Performance dog’s require a large range of training. It’s not just all about sports specific training. Most sports dogs will have more medical and body related professional care than pet dogs. Also performance dogs owners are often more knowledgeable about correct movement and form, they are often able to pick up issues early. Many performance dogs will need some form of rehabilitation over their lives. From a strain or sprain to orthopaedic surgery, unfortunately it is somewhat likely!
There are a large number of skills that training BEFORE you dog needs them will make rehabilitation much smoother, faster, and less stressful. And the great thing is, that even if your dog never needs rehabilitation, these skills are still transferable to other medical care, husbandry, and fitness.
This webinar will cover training a range of skills relevant to rehabilitation including cooperative care, managing a dogs body in recovery, and foundation fitness skills that will likely be a part of exercise rehabilitation.
I haven't done a ton of pivoting with Grid - he tends to try to sit and often spreads his rear pretty wide.
Here I'm marking him pivoting to re orientate to me rather than lure, and being thoughtful with his head position when reinforcing. You can see his head placement improves over the small session.
Pivoting works the rear leg abductors and adductors, and requires core engagement and shoulder stability.
For some dogs reinforcement type and mechanics matter in Fitness a ton. This is because lack of consistency can cause stress or frustration, which often leads to excessive movement.
Check out Carrie and Spider who are working in my Targeting Fitness class:
- clean mechanics
- a smart loop that includes safe movement off equipment
- excellent form!
Got any questions about class? Please ask! DM me or email on [email protected]
Evo in his ad for One Laundry 💜
He was THE BEST BOY on set for this add, and did about 30 takes perfectly!
How can we speed up teaching new things without frustration in fitness?
On the whole, I find that fitness is pretty low on frustration and arousal for our dogs. It is likely because the reinforcement rate is high and remains high, and we can have a lot of success and improvement with smart equipment choices or changes.
But there are a couple of things that dogs can find difficult that can lead to frustration, stress, and sometimes excessive movement:
1. Shaping new behaviors
2. Luring can lead to confusion of when to move and when to not
There are a couple of ways that we can work on this, but my favorite two are using targets and a clear system for cuing movements and stillness.
Here is Flori having a go at the ipsilateral exercise. It's one she hasn't done much at all due to her knees. Look at how when I change the setup to give her clear targets, she almost instantly gets the exercise correct?
Want to learn more? Check out my upcoming December @fenzidogsportsacademy class 'Targeting Fitness'