Immunovet New Zealand Ltd

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Immunovet New Zealand Ltd Immunovet - Fermented Wheat Germ Extract. Strong Immune System - Healthy Pet Immunovet heals the Immune System. It is suitable for ALL pets.

It is a natural complementary supplement for pets that provides a source of biologically active compounds. These compounds have a proven immune boosting activity which affects both the humoral & cellular immune system. Immunovet - Rich in macro and microelements, vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids, the active component is the specially fermented wheat germ extract. It is closely familiar with a

human dietary supplement for medical purposes for cancer patients named Avemar, which is also manufactured by Biropharma. Immunovet for Pets is now available New Zealand in chewable tablets & granulate/powder. Having seen the benefits myself on my own dog with an autoimmune disease, I am extremely proud & excited to be bringing this fabulous product to New Zealand. For more information & testimonials to this product please visit the webpage
Immunovet first became available to the public in 2007. Jazzie a National Speciality winning Leonberger was the first dog in North America to be treated with Immunovet. She had Intestinal Adenocarcinoma with 3 lung mets. It stopped the growth & the primary near her Duodenum was removed. She lived 16 months rather than 3.

We get alot of enquiries from Australia, as at present Immunovet is not available there. We have been concerned that it ...

We get alot of enquiries from Australia, as at present Immunovet is not available there. We have been concerned that it would not get in to the country as a few years back we had a few orders sent back. This was right after our Australian Distributor was granted his import licence. Well, I can confirm that Immunovet has safely arrived at its Queensland destination. We have also had no issues with sending Immunovet to Malaysia. While I cannot guarantee this could change, it is looking promising for those desperately wanting to get their pets on Immunovet in Australia. It is plus postage, which is not pretty between our countries

awww look at this beautiful smiley bunch

awww look at this beautiful smiley bunch


Támogasd a kisállatod immunrendszerét az -tel! 🐇🐁✅

Kedvenceink egészsége különösen fontos, és mi pontosan tudjuk, hogy milyen szükségük van egy erős védekezőképességre. Az rágótablettái kifejezetten az ő igényeikre lettek kifejlesztve, és számos jótékony hatást kínálnak:

🔘 Immunstimuláló hatás – erősíti a védekezőképességet.
🔘 Gyulladáscsökkentés – segít a gyulladások mérséklésében.
🔘 Antioxidáns védelem – megóvja a sejteket a káros szabadgyököktől.
🔘 Vitalitás fenntartása – segíti az aktív életet.
🔘 Bélrendszer egészsége – hozzájárul a bélhám integritásának megőrzéséhez.
🔘 Természetes védekezés – támogatja a bélcsatorna működését.

Tedd a napi rutin részévé az Immunovet termékeket, és élvezd a boldog, egészséges pillanatokat kedvenceddel! 🐾💚



Explanation of Artemisinin and IMMUNOVET as pro-oxidants and anti-oxidant
There have been some questions about using these two together because of pro-oxidant and anti-oxidant activities. I just responded to this question...rather long, I am sorry, on my page and realized it is important enough to add it here since I don't think any of you are on my page.
Immunovet does not prevent Arte from working. I used it together for Jazzie; she lived 16 months, 13 months longer than her oncologist had given her. She died from pneumonia, probably caused by lysing in her lungs, but she ate breakfast the morning she died. My guilt is that I should have slowed the destruction of her cancer cells; I did not know. Donna Wood in my group "Cured" her Great Dane Emma of a massive facial/oral melanoma within 4 months by using the combination, and then Emma died 3 years later, cancer-free from old age.
Some people make the mistake of reducing everything to either an anti-oxidant or a pro-oxidant. Life is more complex, and so are these supplements. They work differently but assist each other. Artemisinin has a short half-life in the body, so if you give it at night, it does its job and is gone when the IMMUNOVET comes in and weakens cancer cells even further.
These two supplements work, and they do not work against each other; they are unique. Pro-oxidants and antioxidants are not what is involved here. Vitamin C is a powerful anti-oxidant, as is every fruit and vegetable consumed by animals and people. Arte is attracted to red blood cells containing the highest iron; cancer cells and the malaria parasite both contain 25% more iron than a normal red blood cell. Arte enters those cells and causes oxidation within that cell or parasite to destroy it. It is effective at what it does.
Immunovet is not attracted to iron; the processing and fermentation focus on strengthening its benzoquinone composition. Its main activity is not as an anti-oxidant; it induces profound metabolic changes in cancer cells unrelated to oxidation. It works at cellular and humoral levels by reversing some of the immune system's breakdown, which allows cancer cells to proliferate and hide. It blocks the glucose flow to cancer cells; they need 50% more glucose to survive than a normal cell. It is this extreme need for glucose and the way the body feeds cancer cells that causes such fatigue in cancer patients. IMMUNOVET, or Avemar, inhibits the cancer cells from even using glucose, which is why it causes an increase in appetite and a sense of well-being. We have seen this in dogs.
The genius of the immune system is that when it functions normally, it has a system that sends out specialized white blood cells to "seek and destroy" abnormal cells like bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells. These white cells are called Natural Killer cells or NK cells. IMMUNOVET increases the production of these cells to assist the immune system where it has weakened.
Cancer cells can evade NK cells by masking their outer membrane with a unique substance that the NK cells recognize as “normal.” Immunovet suppresses the release of this masking substance—allowing NK cells to better target and kill the cancer cells. This unique ability to uncover hidden cancer cells makes IMMUNOVET so valuable as an adjunct to chemotherapy. That is because it reverses the fatigue caused by the cancer, thereby allowing the patient to withstand the toxicity of the chemotherapy agents themselves. Chemotherapy works by destroying cells...ALL cells. IMMUNOVET protects normal cells, making the drugs more effective because they uncover abnormal cells, allowing them to work quickly on cancer cells.
As I recall, Arte is not recommended for radiation. Still, IMMUNOVET is because it immediately heals the bone marrow and brings the red and white blood cells back to a functioning immune system when the treatments are ended. It has studies to prove everything I have mentioned.
"In all of the studies where Avemar (IMMUNOVET) was used in conjunction with conventional therapies, not only were those therapies significantly more effective, but the patients experienced considerably fewer therapy-related side effects. Both the frequency and severity of common side effects like nausea, fatigue, weight loss, and depression were reduced. Additionally, their immune systems recovered more rapidly." (Pharmindex Handbook of Oncology 2004/2005. CMP Budapest, 2004. p. 611–617) (Cancer Biother Radiopharm 04;19:343–349) (Cancer Biother Radiopharm 99;12:277–289) (Cancer Biother Radiopharm 04;19:746–753)
It also works with T-cells, which are supposed to recognize "self" from "non-self" cells and have somehow failed to do their job. IMMUNOVET "re-teaches" the T-cells working within the major histocompatibility complex genes. That is why it is showing such promise with autoimmune diseases. I have Akitas with sebaceous adenitis, a condition where the immune system attacks the hair follicles, and they are now growing a coat on IMMUNOVET.
Another question has come up: What is the difference between Avemar and Immunovet? This quote was from the veterinarian at Biropharma in Hungary when I asked:
"The original product was Avemar, the common trade name for the dried extract of the wheat germ. Immunovet is a secondary product with Avemar. Immunovet and Avemar are manufactured using the same technology during the production of the active substances, and the two production lines separate during the solidification and drying steps. Avemar contains mainly the water-soluble particles of the biologically active substances, and Immunovet contains the water-soluble part AND the solid parts, too. If we see only the raw production method, then Immunovet may contain more useful molecules than Avemar.”
We have detailed scientific results about Avemar (approximately 40 PubMed publications available). These results show that Avemar's effects belong to the intercellular mechanisms, and some effects are connected to the complex immune system.
Formerly with Shield4Pets

First testimonial received for 2025 the other weekend......Hi there,I have used Immunovet previously for a Cavalier KCS ...

First testimonial received for 2025 the other weekend......
Hi there,

I have used Immunovet previously for a Cavalier KCS with eosinophilic granuloma (autoimmune disease), at the back of her throat. After many nasty medications/steroids prescribed by the vet the granuloma would temporarily resolve but always return when the medication was stopped.

I discovered Immunovet after much googling, desperate to find something to help my girl who was very ill and very sad.

After about a week on the loading dose my little Cavalier started to feel much better and within a month the eosinophilic granuloma had resolved completely and never returned. She was back to her old self 🩷 The vet couldn’t believe it!

I now have another Cavvie that has a bit of a dodgy gut, vet thinks IBS. Vet recommended pre/probiotics which have helped somewhat however she still gets an upset stomach from time to time for no apparent reason (diarrhoea/wont eat for a day or two), so I’m thinking Immunovet might be helpful for her condition.

Only thing is, she’s a breeding dog and is due to be mated in the next month or so.

My question is, is Immunovet safe for pregnant and lactating bi***es? Your advice would be very much appreciated.

Kind regards,

The answer to this question is "Yes we have a number of dog, horse and cat breeders who use Immunovet continuously"


Ha kutyánkon vagy macskánkon szemproblémák jeleit észleljük, fontos, hogy minél előbb állatorvoshoz forduljunk, hogy elkerüljük a további problémák kialakulását. A leggyakoribb szemészeti gondok közé tartozik a kötőhártyagyulladás, szaruhártya fekélyek és a száraz szem, de súlyosabb esetekben műtéti beavatkozásra is szükség lehet. Az segíthet a gyorsabb gyógyulásban, különösen allergiás vagy immunológiai eredetű problémák esetén, kutyáknál és macskáknál egyaránt! ☝️🐶🐱👀



Wishing everyone a healthy and happy 2025 🥳

Have a fantastic Christmas everyone!

Have a fantastic Christmas everyone!


Az segít, hogy kedvenced a hidegben is egészséges, energikus és aktív maradjon! 🌟🐱🐶❄️

🔘 Gyorsabb gyógyulás: Klinikai vizsgálatok bizonyítják, hogy az Immunovet gyorsítja a gyógyulást. Kombinált immunstimuláns, antioxidáns és gyulladáscsökkentő hatása révén könnyebben regenerálódik kutyád, cicád, ha beteg. 🐾

🔘 Betegségek megelőzése: A mindennapi használat segíti az egészséges kutyák, macskák kondícióját, szebb szőrzetet, bőrt és gyorsabb regenerálódást terhelés után. Támogatja az immunrendszert és segít megelőzni a betegségeket. 💪

🔘 agyar világmárka: Az Immunovet már 2003 óta számos magyar állatorvos ajánlja és alkalmazza házi kedvencek, lovak és haszonállatok számára. 🌍

Tartsd négylábú barátodat egészségesen a hideg hónapokban is és használd minden nap az Immunovetet! 🐕🐈


Woohoo! We got our renewal to bring Immunovet to NZ renewed for another 3 years today! BUT, times are tough and I am not...

Woohoo! We got our renewal to bring Immunovet to NZ renewed for another 3 years today! BUT, times are tough and I am not sure we are going to make it. So, we know this stuff works, is safe and natural - please tell your friends, please write testimonials so others can see that there is NOTHING like Immunovet available in NZ. I will fight to keep Immunovet available in NZ even just for the selfish reason of wanting to use for my own pets. STRONG IMMUNE SYSTEM - HEALTHY PET! IMMUNOVET!

One of the many zoo animals thriving on Immunovet

One of the many zoo animals thriving on Immunovet

Great to be reminded of the power of Immunovet ourselves. Last week our girl got stung in the mouth - we think. We dont ...

Great to be reminded of the power of Immunovet ourselves. Last week our girl got stung in the mouth - we think. We dont actually know what happened but she was clicking and licking with her mouth, by bed time one side of her mouth and eye had swollen. The next morning her face was swollen and her neck had a big bulgy bit, starting on her jaw but through the day dropped to the middle of her neck. She was extremely itchy all over. Obviously her Immunovet was pumped up big time as soon as the issue was noted. I do believe this was the reason she got over it all so quickly BUT I had forgotten about "The Immunovet naughties". I have heard this from quite a number of people, what happens is, because Immunovet makes pets feel so much better they get far more lively and naughty. She really was hyper. Anyway, she is all well now and I am lowering the dose back down to her maintenance dose. I would really hate to be without Immunovet - there is NOTHING like this product available in NZ. Strong Immune System - Healthy Pet!

A nice surprise last night to receive this feedback from a past customer of ours. Often I am told stories about the wond...

A nice surprise last night to receive this feedback from a past customer of ours. Often I am told stories about the wonderful things Immunovet has done for peoples pets but not often (enough) is it put down in words to share with others - real peoples feedback is so important for people to see.
From Nikki M
" "I just wanted to contact you to say thank you. Our Jack Russell Fox Terrier cross had such bad skin allergies that he was chewing his paws raw. He was on a massive dose of steroids that weren't working that well. We started him on immunovet pills and it completely changed his and our lives no more steroids for the rest of his life, perfect white paws, no more itch. He has since passed on but I always recommend your product to people with itching dogs because for us it was a miracle!!"

Improve Quality of Life for your pet and reduce vet bills. Immunovet is a 100% natural supplement that boosts your pets immune system to make them happier and healthier.


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