The West Paw Feast mat is the perfect way to slow down your dogs eating. Slowfeeder on one side and lick mat on the other. Super strong, durable, dishwasher friendly, made from recycled materials and even comes with a replacement guarantee...what's not to love!
Ask your favourite NZ retailer for the feast mat!
#westpaw #slowfeeders #nzdogsofinstagram #nz_dogs #nzdog #nzdogstuff #christchurchdogs #aucklanddogs #wellingtondogs #nzagilitydog #nzdogwalker #nzdogtrainer #nzdoggydaycare #nzpets #dogenrichmenttoys #dogenrichmentactivities #dogenrichmenttoys #nzfrenchbulldogs #nzboxers #nzboxerdogs #nzpugs #nzbordercollie #nzsh*tzu #nzlabradors #nzlabradoodle
Halloween is just around the corner! Get spooky with the brand new black West Paw Toppls.
Now available from your favourite West Paw retailer
#nzdogtoys #nzdogsquad #nzbigdogs #nzdogs #dogenrichment #slowfeeder
#slowfeederbowl #k9enrichment #dogpuzzletoy #christchurchdogs #aucklanddogs #wellingtondogs #mentalstimulationfordogs
The amazing hard-webbing anti-bite PawznDogz snuffle mats are extremely durable and machine-washable. The strong suction cups hold the snuffle mats strongly in place.
Satisfy your dog's natural hunting and scavenging instincts. 10minutes of snuffling equals mentally 1hour of running. or check with your favourite PawznDogz retailer
Enjoying some frozen coconut yoghurt on a PAW 2-in-1 slowfeeder on a beautiful Winter day
When your PULLER tricks you
Thanks to Everything Dog for the picture
Great first day at Pet Expo in Christchurch.
Met heaps of passionate businesses and families
#westpawus #westpaw #puller #collar #pawzndogz #planetdog #petstages #liker #pitchdog #goughnuts #petdreamhouse #spiniteractivefeeder #pawlickpad
It's all West Paw and Goughnuts fun at the boarding kennels of @everythingdognz
DM us your pics of dogs enjoying our enrichment ranges and we will give your business a shout
Check out the new range of SPIN Interactive feeders on or at our retailers