‘Wilson’ & ‘Tomsk’ sprucing up for some work!
Sure-footedness training out back of the farm for a couple of weeks… t’was the worst paddock we could find! 🤣 #Pintala #PintalaPintos #PinatalaMules #Mules #MiniDonks
Ari visits with Primrose and Peggy-Lou #minidonks #Pintala
Three boys having a stretch.
Primrose trying to figure out the bucket that won’t leave her alone… 🤣🫏
8th May - World Donkey Day 🫏
********** NOW FULL **********
Wait list available for any cancellations
Have your mount 'Match Fit' for the upcoming season with a chiro adjustment by Brian Phillips. Brian is well known for his soft touch, knowledge and experience adjusting horses for optimal performance. We've secured Brian for a full day clinic Sunday, February 18th, 2024. Spaces are very limited (only 6 left). Be sure to RSVP swiftly at [email protected] to avoid missing. $50.00 p/horse. Time slots (starting 8am sharp) will be confirmed once receiving your RSVP. Clinic location, 1376 Churchill Road, Pukekawa. Plenty of parking and turn around for large trucks or floats.
‘Merle’ takes the lead! #pintala #mules