Really neat to see the progress of Joy and Spider, focus and impulse control. This video shows the distance between Billie and Pipi we started with.
Great to see complete focus from Spider, while strengthening Billie and Pipi down stay #DogTraining #healer
Tilly and Emmy progressing nicely. Although we had slight movement from Emmy prior to recall, the ultimate goal was focus on owner which was successful, as we advance we work on strengthening the down stay. #grouptrainingclass #DogTraining #impulsecontrol
This is the best way to socialise your dog, being around other dogs in a calm, structured environment. #dogsocialising #grouptrainingclass #DogTraining
Closing the gap
This is where you finished, Billie and Pipi much closer with Spider focusing solely on owner.
This video shows where we end up, significantly lessening the distance between our dogs. The video was unknowingly recorded in fast forward thanks to my little helper 😂 Unfortunately poor young Marlow was out of shot for this one.
Had our first group class today with 5 doggo’s. Was really neat getting back into group training. Everyone did a great job, working through over stimulation, slowly bringing the group together and lessening the distance threshold. Group classes are the best way to teach your dog that when they are around other dogs it is not a free for all, structure is paramount. This video shows the distance threshold where we started.
A wee bit more from our session today 🐕
Long video…..Tilly has been working with her GSD pup for approximately 12 months and this video shows what great progress she has made. Consistency and hard work produce results. Both are now ready for more advanced obedience, introducing a change in environment but still applying basic obedience. So good to see, keep up the great work Tilly!
Play needs to be structured and supervised too.
We had the pleasure of watching our friend’s doggo over the weekend, this is the first time they had met.
After an introduction period which took about 20 mins with Pipi on lead, we were ready for playtime.
This play was supervised and controlled with corrections when necessary, Pipi is very boisterous and our wee mate submissive.
To create positive connections Pipi needed to be kept in line and not allowed to become over stimulated which in turn would negatively impact our new mate.
Structure is everything for our doggo’s for them understand what is appropriate and what is not in any given situation.
The perfect time for some recall training.
No one on the beach but still plenty of distractions.
No commands such as “sit” after the recall just the recall, followed by a release command (free). This is important to show your dog that not every recall is going to result in being leashed.
Recalls are best practiced when your dog is moving away from you because in most other situations when you want a solid recall your dog is generally moving away from you, so practice as if in a real situation.
Remember, even in everyday day activities (outside of specific training sessions) such as going for a walk on the beach, it still needs to be structured and your dog needs to understand there are still boundaries.