Should we get them a chew toy? 🤔🤦♀️ Nui and Puku - a couple of very smart huntaways that don’t get beds on the weekend because they get bored 🙃
Meet the newest member of the team (well she’s been here a while to be honest 😅)
How on earth did we come up with the name Puku?(meaning belly in Māori) bit of a silly name tbh, but came after billy always saying to the dogs ”look at your big Puku”. And given the greedy guts she is, it stuck pretty quick!
Here’s hoping she’s going to be as clever as her mum out mustering 🐑🐄
And it’s here!! The finest looking hound in the field… if you can see them 👀😅 available in both our standard style, and new venture style. HURRY there aren’t many available!!
Little late to the party sharing our 2023 highlights… but better late than never!!
Our big move to the sunny Hawkes Bay and straight in to cyclone Gabby 🫠🫠 we’ve finally found our feet and ready to see where Natural Hound will go for 2024 💪💪
Made to get muddy and grubby 🐶🐶
Did you know that once temperatures drop below 20 degrees your working dog will be burning calories to keep warm at night?? Every 10 degree drop in temperature is an extra 7% feed requirement 😳😳 having a good insulated kennel, and even a dog coat can help this meaning less $$ to keep weight on your team of dogs over winter!
Nui has been getting a lot of work this summer and has been loving her bed - so much so she voluntarily heads back to her kennel each lunch 🤭🤭
There is nothing better than coming home to a comfy nights sleep after a big day sweating it out #workingdog #nzsheep #nzworkingdogs #nzfarming #nzwool
6 dogs a tight squeeze on the back of the bike proving to be a bit of a tight squeeze 😅luckily the 7th dog has retired this year much to her disgust!
Big Earl doing his favourite thing - barking and chasing sheep 🐑🐑
Unsure what to get your hard working crew this year? 👩🌾👨🌾 why not something for their hard working crew! 🐶🐶