Anyone else have a dog that watches tv?
Bodhi is enjoying watching crufts with me 😉
#crufts2025 #metime #puppylove
Anyone for some ASMR….
Not sure how people enjoying listening to this 🤣
#asmr #asmrdogeating #notforme
Sorry we have not posted in a while…
We have been super busy with so many new and exciting projects, including a new Puppy 🤣
Finally decided to introduce him… This is Bodhi and he is my new Team Member… Bodhi will be doing some super cool things in the future, so be sure to check back for Bodhi pupdates…
#gwp #germanwirehairedpointer #newbeginnings #puppylove #staytuned
Fun Fact — A dog’s sense of smell is 100 000 times stronger than a human’s. They can detect odors at parts per trillion, which is like a drop of liquid in 20 Olympic-sized pool..
#chocolatesnoot #dogscent #dogscentworktraining #workingdogs
Just over here waiting to be found…
#mantrailing #dogtraining #dogsnoseknows
Maggie says she wants to stay with me all day….
I absolutely adore this dog… She is so quirky and has a good amount of spicy 🌶️ 🤣
#dogsofinstagram #weimaraner #dogtraining #rainydays☔️ #wetdogsofinstagram #spicy
Introducing Finn and Dott…
Finn and Dott are both adopted dogs…
Finn is a little human reactive and Dott is on the Anxious side…
We started off with some basics and part of their homework was to find time to take both dogs out to just run and be silly and decompress…
Homework completed and dogs had an absolute blast of a time..
Finn and Dott are both lovely dogs that just need a little bit of individual guidance in order for them to thrive as individuals…
Its not often that you come across dog guardians that go the extra mile and that are 100% aware and active in managing their dogs reactivity as well@as taking the necessary steps to ensure no more accidents..
I look forward to watching you all grow…
#reactivedog #reactivedogsunite #dogtraining #dogtrainersofinstagram #basics
I couldn’t be more proud 🤩 Well done on completing your course to Overcome The Fear Of Dogs, its been amazing to watch your confidence grow… From terrified to curious 🧐
#cynophobiaovercomer #kidsarounddogsapprovedtrainer
I have always loved scent work and all the positive things it does for our dogs, so really enjoyed this one!
#scentworktraining #settle #dogsofinstagram #dogtrainer #wellingtonnz #keeplearningkeepgrowing
Maggie and her love of branches 🤣
Its easy to reward a dog when the reward is literally everywhere you go 🤣
However, sometimes Maggie’s choice of reward is a tad extreme..
I love how proud she is as she trots along with her tree getting commentary from passing people 🤣🤣
#reward #entiretree #whatstick #dogtraining
These 2 have so much fun together, I never thought Princess would enjoy a puppy this much 🤣
#chaseme #bushwalks #zoomies #dogtrainer
Another amazing webinar with @kadkidsarounddogs
Really enjoyed this topic…
#educationmatters #notjusttalk #specialist #childsafety #kidsarounddogsapprovedtrainer