Pet Pro Trainer

Pet Pro Trainer We teach people to train their pets with effective and kind methods. Puppy preschool on now!


“Why on earth would you want to teach your dog to target their nose to your hand?
It’s a common question, yet the answer is such that I never feel I can completely convey the benefits of teaching your dog to target!
Here is targeting taking a positive role in teeth exam. Shown by Mr Toto. His wonky grin is so lovable
Targeting in some form creates the basis for so many useful things such as cooperative care, stationing(bed/mat), crate training, recall training, sports training(like Treiball, flyball and agility contacts) and so much more!
What do you use targeting for with your dog?

Are you struggling with Separation Anxiety  with your dog?Starting this October 1st, we’ll be offering our first ever be...

Are you struggling with Separation Anxiety with your dog?

Starting this October 1st, we’ll be offering our first ever behaviour FOCUS group!
We are starting with Separation Anxiety!
This is open to anybody in New Zealand as we work remotely with Sep Anx!

Now for years I’ve been working on a 1-1 basis with many clients to help provide a solution to their Separation Anxiety. Our new Focus Groups will allow us to offer the same expert guidance, the same constructive support and all of the same effective results but in a small working group!
Want in?
Sign up to one of my FREE Separation Anxiety Live Zoom Meets.

Saturday, September 14th and another on Saturday 28th around 10am

Pop along to the link below for more info and to sign up for the FREE events

So much effort goes into creating a great puppy! Genetics, environment, breed, temperament, super socialisation, learnin...

So much effort goes into creating a great puppy!
Genetics, environment, breed, temperament, super socialisation, learning history and training! Nature and nurture blend and intertwine!
We were very glad to meet this super lad yesterday and to be a part of his journey! … and to all those so far involved… good work people! ;)

If you have a new pup in your life, don't forget we have new puppy classes coming up in September. Come along and get a super start for your puppy!

Are you struggling with separation anxiety with your dog ? I’m starting unique hybrid small group focus groups in Octobe...

Are you struggling with separation anxiety with your dog ?
I’m starting unique hybrid small group focus groups in October! To explain more about how we work with separation anxiety and how the groups will work, sign up to one of the 2 free zoom seminars on the link below…

I've been having a really good think about what we can do to help folk out in this challenging economic climate. This is...

I've been having a really good think about what we can do to help folk out in this challenging economic climate. This is what I've come up with...

Puppy classes typically sell in 5 or 6 class structures. They involve play sessions and tonnes of educational content but can be pricey due to the effort involved. I want to offer people more flexibility whilst still providing all you need to create an absolute legend of a pup!

I'll be running some puppy classes AND puppy play groups starting in September and running through October (maybe longer if theres demand). I really want to get people signed up to it before locking down dates however.

The idea is that you'll be able to book packs of 3 puppy classes. These 3 classes will provide all the educational content you require for your pup PLUS you'll be able to 'opt in' to additional play groups (running after the classes) OR you can do a class one week and play group the next if you want more time to work on exercises.

Once I have enough interested parties we will come up with a schedule, so message now to get on the list!

Classes are in Berhampore, South Wellington on Sunday mornings.


So day 2... and I thought another thing I could try and do alongside just the basic desensitization technique with the harness just hanging out whilst we worked, was a chin rest. The chin rest is a targeting exercise which is commonly used in cooperative care. It provides some consent from the dog because, once trained to duration, the dog can make the exercise stop simply by breaking the chin rest. They don't get the reward for that iteration but the power to stop the harness(in this case) is usually far more powerful!
Here we just feed in place initially then start to wait for a little more duration. Then we could remove the treat and cue with hand position and/or verbal cue. Once we have that duration we are just starting to fold in some distraction by handling the harness clip and bringing it around her neck...something she absolutely wasn't tolerating just a few minutes earlier.


Little Miss Sensitive! If you have a dog that is ultra sensitive about their harness, follow along as I'm going to attempt to recondition Ms T to wearing a harness. We are starting right at the beginning because she balks at the sight of a harness just due to a few previous attempts to get her to wear one when she was younger.
For all intents and purposes ... session 1 - Reconditioning Harness

First mini road trip with all of the dogs! Ok, just up to Fielding, there and back in a day but still… I used to do this...

First mini road trip with all of the dogs! Ok, just up to Fielding, there and back in a day but still…
I used to do this all the time with young dogs but a little different with a geriatric bedlington, Winnie hopping on 3 legs and a 12month sensitive baby dog!
Covered crate for the win. Less barking, less stress even though Tallulah pulled some funny poses!
Watching the sunrise is a treat even when driving! Thankyou nz!
I did more rallyo probationary judging so am closer than ever to becoming an nzaro rally o judge.
Tallulah was IN the building! That might seem trivial to some but boy we knew we’d have trouble with this sensitive girl.
Eva did great assisting and working through Tilly’s challenges and had her working on tricks in the far ring!
Trialled the first rallyo freestyle course which combines rally obedience with trick training for the funnest time :)
A good day!

Oh my gosh, I’m so proud of this pup! At 12 months old she just did her first job for me helping introduce a dog to othe...

Oh my gosh, I’m so proud of this pup! At 12 months old she just did her first job for me helping introduce a dog to other dogs in a controlled way to reduce frustration! They both did a brilliant job and looked like absolute pros! A smile for the start of the day!

Thoughts for the day! Does anyone else have a bottle library? … or is it just us. We have fallen short on actually ratin...

Thoughts for the day! Does anyone else have a bottle library? … or is it just us. We have fallen short on actually rating them a number on difficulty depending on how crushed they are.
In other news Winnie asked to go for a short walk then wanted to ride shotgun back, so thankfully feeling better. Paw still hot and non weight bearing but it’s something

Heading dogs are weird! After watching the moon moving through the clouds or rather the clouds moving past the moon, for...

Heading dogs are weird! After watching the moon moving through the clouds or rather the clouds moving past the moon, for quite some time, she wanders out to do some yoga by the light of said moon

UPDATE: good news, Winnie is feeling better and no longer constantly crying! We assume she got some kind of infection al...

UPDATE: good news, Winnie is feeling better and no longer constantly crying! We assume she got some kind of infection although the cause is unknown as no evidence of wound. For now just happy we can sleep happier. Winnie thanks everyone for the kind thoughts and words.
My wee girl is very poorly. Depending on what happens next I may be forced to reschedule some things. Apologies if that affects anyone this week. For now we are crying. Winnie is family and we love her. When she hurts, we hurt. Heading to vets ( for the third time this week) soon and I pray we will get at least an answer. This is the hard end of dog parenting.

Poor old Winnie! We are having a hard time of it this past week so please if I miss an email feel free to bug me again. ...

Poor old Winnie! We are having a hard time of it this past week so please if I miss an email feel free to bug me again. Winnie has been very uncomfortable with what we assume is a sprain but it came on without any known injury which to me is concerning. It’s splinted and she has pain relief but still, I think in pain. My heart breaks for her as I just want to make it better and don’t know how. We will pop back tomorrow for redressing and will need to get it reseen on Tuesday if not better. Pics of the other two time stealers! Newly groomed Toto and the young nutter.

It is said that we all have our own mountains to climb. One person's small hill can be another's Everest! Although we cl...

It is said that we all have our own mountains to climb. One person's small hill can be another's Everest! Although we climbed a small hill today, it meant quite a bit more for us. I can count on the fingers of one hand, how many on lead, pavement walks we've had with Tallulah since bringing her home 9 mths ago. Most would end abruptly and quickly with a dramatic tail tuck and desire to retreat to find safety, such is the extent of her sensitivity to unknown sounds and sights. Fields are where she feels comfortable but streets are hard. Today we walked, mostly nose down, for 20minutes through streets and up to a small look out. We played (briefly), posed for a pic and walked back. It's taken a while but I'm so proud of her.

Its very common for clients to ask me whether daycare is a good choice for their dog, yet the answer isn't all that clea...

Its very common for clients to ask me whether daycare is a good choice for their dog, yet the answer isn't all that clear cut. Choice of daycare is really important and assessing the individual dogs needs comes above everything.
Some people think that their dogs need loads of stimulation ...and some dogs do...but many might be as happy to snooze at home with a dog walker or a friend or neighbour visiting to break up the day. Certainly younger dogs have more energy but they are often also still developing and many can get overstimulated which can leave a dog that finds it hard to settle and gets frustrated when they see other dogs and can't get to them to play.
Anyway, this is a decent article to give you some things to think about when deciding to daycare or not to daycare and which daycares to choose :)

Since there are no official regulations in place for dog daycares in New Zealand, how can you make sure daycare is the best option for them?

Toto got tulips! A prize for being a good boy at the dog safety presentation this evening! :) such a good lad in his jum...

Toto got tulips! A prize for being a good boy at the dog safety presentation this evening! :) such a good lad in his jumper on this cold evening.

It's always tricky and often tactical introducing a pup into a household where we already have existing resident dogs. W...

It's always tricky and often tactical introducing a pup into a household where we already have existing resident dogs. Winnie is easy. Bit grumbly but within minutes often just wants to play and engage. Toto on the other hand is a bit more challenging. He doesn't like newcomers or interlopers and it takes a progression of strategic and controlled introductions. I'm really grateful (especially after some tricky anxiety-related behaviours from Tallulah this week) that these two are really warming up to each other so well. Barriers are now starting to come down, doors are opening. Its far better to put in safeguards that can finally come down than just cross fingers and hope for the best. Heres to new puppy love and building good relationships!


I can't lie, we have had a tough week on the whole!
Its a bit of a feature of heading dogs that they are particularly sensitive to their environment, specifically sudden changes. Well I was stupid enough (in hide sight at least) to bring in a heater that had been in the other room for a few months. I was cold and stupid. What can I say.
Unfortunately it wasn't accepted well by Tallulah who is now 5 post heater incident and still fairly suspicious. Said 'evil' heater was turned off and deposited upstairs. The heatpump has been tarnished by association (it also pushes out warm air).
Now I do need to add that Ms T has had a reasonable good day today! She's romped the big fields and had a second walk around Tawatawa. She's ate and played with her rubber chicken and has responded to cues. Her tail has been up and proud for much of the day. She even got to herd the chickens this morning (a special treat)
However a little regression here tonight because of the time of day. Its interesting to see her try to work through this. There are no heaters operating (I'm sitting here with the heat off in a lot of layers). Nothing is different than its been for months but this is the time of day the incident occurred so its taking her longer to work through.

"I need, I need, I need..." a quote from a friend after spontaneously coming across something, (I think it had Totoro or...

"I need, I need, I need..." a quote from a friend after spontaneously coming across something, (I think it had Totoro or Hello Kitty on it) in a shop years ago! ..but she didn't get it! I suppose she didn't 'need' it after all.
So what is the difference between 'needs' and 'wants' when it comes to supplying dogs with at least the basic foundation for a comfortable life?
I would define 'needs' as the bare minimum required to maintain comfort, in respect to physical, mental and behavioural!
When 'needs are fulfilled' then behaviour doesn't tend to spill over uncontrollably.
Tallulah is our first full 'heading dog'. We are having to up our game.

Lately I've experienced many people trying to do the same... the huntaway that can't stop barking, the collie with the hard eye, the heading who desperately needs 'brakes'.
I'd like to invest in a deeper dive, a look into the 'worked up' nature of working dogs as pets and how we can fulfill those 'needs' and (even) 'wants'.
Who's interested?

Thought I’d get a morning shot of the sunset and quite un-cued Tallulah gave us all a wave! It’s good to have rewards ha...

Thought I’d get a morning shot of the sunset and quite un-cued Tallulah gave us all a wave! It’s good to have rewards handy to ‘capture’ these behaviours, mark with a word and grab a reward to follow. In T’s case the reward could just as well be a release to run back to round up the chooks or es**rt me in my clean up the lawn duties! 😉 anyway it was a nice morning gesture from miss long legs!

Sometimes the simplest solutions are the most successful!I've heard many people asking about frustration barking lately....

Sometimes the simplest solutions are the most successful!
I've heard many people asking about frustration barking lately.
It's an issue that we often attribute to by allowing frustration to build as we prepare meals. Once we are at our wits end and the dog has spiralled into a frenzy, we finally give in and feed them. I mean we'd wait til they were quiet but some dogs are literally spinning by this point and any attempt to ease that frustration is futile.
We are often 'told' to eat first and that the dog 'must' wait quietly for their meal. Well I tend to say 'figs to that'! The easiest and most efficient way to alleviate frustration is to not let it build in the first place.
Here are 5 ways we can prevent and alleviate frustration barking!
1. Sod the traditional eat first 'rule'! Its a blanket rule that doesn't help at all if your dog is prone to frustration.
2. Feed in a less traditional way to 'food in a bowl'. When we add training sessions through the day using food and we fill food toys for breakfast, etc...the dog is less intense for the end of the day meal(if thats how you roll).
3. Use food to increase calm throughout the day. Feed food puzzles before leaving the house or at times you want them to practice calmer behaviour, when guests visit, when you are eating or when the kids are getting ready for school.
4. Scatter Feed - the humble scatter feed enriches your dog by allowing them to use their no.1 superpower, their nose. Scenting and foraging not only are enjoyable but very often can reduce arousal, paving the way for better responsiveness and greater ability to settle
5. Practice Clarity- let your dog know when you are working together and when you are unavailable, when its time to rest and when its time to be active with informational cues. "working", "all done" "settle", etc., and be consistent.

With the school hols coming to a close, a new term of classes is starting!For those who don't know, I've been instructin...

With the school hols coming to a close, a new term of classes is starting!
For those who don't know, I've been instructing with Central Allbreeds Dog Training School for close to 20 years now! They have a great fenced and safe venue and classes are fun and functional. If you are not a member, then Practical Canines class is the place to start and I have still a few spots open for both the 1.15pm and the 4.15pm Friday classes!
Pop along here to register or send the link along to friends who might be interested!

Once a member, you will have a variety of classes to pick from (not all run every term) like Agility, Tricks, Trieball, Practical Skills, Canine Good Citizen, Hoopers, Flygility and more :)

I strongly believe that 'training' should be less about heelwork and marching and sooo many 'sits' (let's face it, we do...

I strongly believe that 'training' should be less about heelwork and marching and sooo many 'sits' (let's face it, we do have potential to overdo the old 'sit' requests) and far more about meeting needs (both our dogs and our own).
Walks are for sniffing and games and teamwork. They are an opportunity to build relationship, increase confidence and negotiate challenges together.
So in training, let's think about function!
One of my favourite things to train is 'Middle'. This is what I call the middle position between my feet when standing. It provides a safe place for your dog to 'station' and is especially good for shy or uncertain dogs but also helps excitable dogs to hold focus in big distractions.
Such a favourite with the dogs that they grapple for the position.... hahaha. double trouble middle!

Hearty congratulations to our latest puppy preschoolers! What a terrific bunch! I enjoyed every minute of this terms cla...

Hearty congratulations to our latest puppy preschoolers! What a terrific bunch!
I enjoyed every minute of this terms classes and I hope I will see some of you again soon :)
From left to right: Zuikis, Frankie, Cruz, Coco and Gary!

We were having a lovely walk this morning! Stopped for the obligatory view pic and asked the dogs to jump up on the benc...

We were having a lovely walk this morning! Stopped for the obligatory view pic and asked the dogs to jump up on the bench. Lilly decides to out-parkour everyone by perching in one leap on the 2inch wide backrest.
Lilly, you parkour above and beyond!

Happy Easter to you!from all us eGGs (past and present)

Happy Easter to you!
from all us eGGs (past and present)



Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 2pm - 5pm




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