The rats got some fresh coconut yesterday and it was a huge hit! Here are the girls being super dramatic because they had to share the coconut 😂😂
#petrats #ratenrichment #cuterats #happyrats
The babies have a new game where I put my hand into the play pen, and they get picked up for cuddles.
Well Cassie & Clementine have decided that this game is too slow, and they have started climbing up my arm like wee koalas 😆
Here are Cassie & Clem showing off their new trick 😂😂😂
Sorry about the flickering! Their room has a fluorescent light 🙈
I also spent most of the weekend creating this giant play space for the rats to enjoy! It’s got lots of places to climb, explore and sleep in.
Soon we’ll be adding a bioactive space at the far left of the table, and hopefully attempt to grow some plants for them to enjoy.
The younger boys are the first to try the new space and they LOVE it
The rats moved into a sweet sleepout at the beginning of the year, and it’s been a process to make the room fun for them & easy to clean for me.
I think I’ve finally gotten the room how I want it (for now) and thought I should share some videos & pics showing off the final set up 🙌🏻
#ratroom #petrats #petratsofinstagram #petratsofig #petratsrule #petratsofinsta #petratsrock #petroom