Come and have a laugh with your dog and try out the new sport taking NZ by storm!
Hoopers involves you guiding your dog through a course of hoops, tunnels and around barrels. We have a lot more space at our fully fenced grounds obviously, so come and join us and register today!
Class starts this SUNDAY!!!
Some little snippets from agility and hoopers today! Forgive the framing as filmed on landscape.
One more try of the nzaro round the pole sign . Finished with dog on left this time :)
with nzaro expo coming up next month and LINK having this sign in this month we thought we'd give it a go in the last of the light this evening.
2 days left ! Any more 'hot dogs' for Practical Canines Friday lunchtime class!
It's a nice cosy size ATM. but there are a few spots left for any lunchy dog school wannabes!
If you've already got a login with us, this is how you register for a new class
We've heard people are having trouble signing up for classes - so here is a wee video that hopefully will help you out.
Some lovely work at tonight's rally-o class
Teaching a leave
This is scout and I reviewing "leave" which is a great trick for your dog to know, it basically means "look away". Scout does already know that a closed fist with a treat in it means she should look at me, so we quickly moved to a plate. You can see one time where I was a bit slow and she got the treat off the plate, and another where she actually looked at the plate and then at me, and I didn't click, which was my bad. When I do that it confuses her, but I really only noticed because I was videoing. So if you think your dog is confused, and you're not sure what's going wrong, try doing a video of yourselves and watching the replay, so you can see where you miscommunicated.
Walking on a lead on the footpath
Walking on a lead. I'm using a mix of rewarding with a clear marker and treats when she is in a good position, and stopping when she gets to far ahead to let my dog know where the "sweet spot" is. I have a hand full of tiny treats to use as rewards for being in the right place.