I decided to make the collars and donate 50% of the profits to the BCD while feeling helpless watching a close friend fight bone cancer. I joined a small group called Bone Cancer dogs in 2004 when my 3 year old Lab fought cancer of the jaw. BCD has grown into a non profit organisation raising funds for research and awareness in bone cancer in dogs. Helping dogs in turn helps humans.
Lyn loved coming up with new ideas and together we worked on the collars, ideas for web sites, and ways to sell them. Some days our ideas were so wayout we wondered what was in our coffee and laughing togther we forgot about the black cloud hanging over our heads. Working on them the pain seemed to ease for Lyn.
Sadly Lyn passed before I was able to set it all up. Doing them without her isn't the same. Until a cure is found I hope good pain relief can be found to help those suffering at the hands of the beast.
No human or animal should have to fight this beast. Together we can make a difference.
In memory of Kassabella and Lyn who both bought so much joy and endured so much pain. We will never forget you.
26.04.2019. Etsy new rules means I don’t get USA dollars. Without USA dollars I loose too much in banck fees so am donating the money to https://www.cancerresearchtrustnz.org.nz/ .
Kassa web site if anyone is faced with this and would like to read our story..http://kassabella.tripod.com/kassabella/index.html