🎃 Howl-o-ween at Mighty Mix Welly! 🎃
The dogs at Mighty Mix Welly are showing off their best costumes and tricks for a treat! (Piper and Winnie just want treats, no tricks…)
Think your pup has what it takes to snag the top spot? Show us your dog’s Halloween costume and trick – we’ll pick a spooky winner!
Comment below or post your pup’s trick with #MightyMixTrickOrTreat and tag us to enter! One lucky winner will receive a free bag of Mighty Mix Turmeric Treats to keep those tails wagging! 🐾
👻 Let the Halloween howl begin! 👻
(We’ll pick a winner by 6pm Sunday night so you have the weekend to get creative!)
#MightyMixWelly #MightyMixTrickOrTreat #Howloween #tricksandtreats #healthydogtreats
Recently we went and helped our farm friends for docking! Moe absolutely loves playing farm dog and getting totally filthy! 🦊 And the best part, a well-earned dinner of the Frozen concentrate to replenish and recover! Ya girl was HUNGRY!
Mum on the other hand, not as skilled as Moe.. let’s just say catching lambs is not my forte.. 🤣
#mightymixdogs #mightymix #dognutrition #mightymixmoments #towniesgotothefarm #docking2024
Has your dog tried the @mightymixdogfood turmeric treats yet!? Dogs love them and they have added health benefits! Win, win ✨😋
#mightymixdogs #mightymix #dognutrition #doglovers #doglove #mightygooddogfood #nzmade
So so pretty…. 🤭
#funnydogs #drivingmecrazy #workingfromhome #mightymixdogs #mightygooddogs #doglovers
Look, I’m not saying that Moe might be the most spoilt dog out buut…
#mightymixdogs #doglove #doglovers #mightymix #spoiltdog #dognutrition
We’re all Cynophilist round here…
Dog food that’s made for your dogs by dog lovers 💙
#dognutrition #doglovers #mightymix #healthydogs #mightygooddogfood #mightymixdogs #bestdogs
A great day back at the Wellington Barket. It was so nice to meet so many lovely dog parents and get to put names to faces with exsisting customers! Thanks again @felixnfidonz for organising another fabulous Barket!