Does your dog break a wait cue? Barney has only got lax because he has not had the opportunity to have regular training. So it’s an owner fault - not the dog’s fault. #optimisticdogs #transitiontraining #obediencetraining #waittraining #barneytheweimaraner #fundog
Injuries & operations stop so much but it’s awesome when you can start training & playing again! We were very out of practice! #optimisticdogs #fundog #rallyo #havefunwithyourdog #joywithyourdog
I love how my dogs know when I’m going to the clothesline even though I go out a different door! #optimisticdogs #laundrybuddies #gooddogs #barneytheweimaraner
Have you tried Nosework with your dog? Barney throws himself into it with his usual enthusiasm 😂 To be fair he hasn’t done boxes for a long time #nosework #optimisticdogs #noseworkdog #noseworktraining #scentwork #scentworktraining #rewardtraining #hilariousdog #barneytheweimaraner
I love watching my dogs play & seeing them both have an equal amount of fun. #optimisticdogs #dogplay #fundogs #nicedogplay
Do you let your dog enjoy sniffing on a walk? #optimisticdogs #dogwalk #sniffywalk #reinforcementlearning #premack #gooddog #looseleashwalking
So nice to be able to walk around town again now I’m recovering. Like to practice her skills while we’re about it #optimisticdogs #recall #gooddog #dogwalk #rewardtraining #reinforcementlearning
I’ve never worked seriously on correct standing before. #optimisticdogs #dogstand #platformwork #reinforcementlearning #rewardtraining #dogobedience
Have you got a favourite stuffed Kong recipe? Or should I say - have your dogs got a favourite?! #optimisticdogs #happydogs #stuffedkong #dogmeal
I like to mix up more formal training with fun trick training #optimisticdogs #reinforcementlearning #rewardtraining #trickdogtraining #trickdog #fundog
Does your dog have a trick that they love to show off? #optimisticdogs #reinforcementlearning #trickdog #trickdogtraining #fundog #cutedog
Do you ever think you’re forever in catch up mode? We have got very out of practice- not just my dogs, but me too. #optimisticdogs #reinforcementlearning #rewardtraining #obediencetraining #fundog #cutedog
Do you watch for distraction overload in your training? The joy of the squeak made it very hard for her to remember what she was meant to be doing! #optimisticdogs #tidyup #reinforcementlearning #positivedogtraining #rewardtraining #funnydog #trickdogtraining #trickdog #gamesbaseddogtraining
Does your dog stay in position when you’re out of sight? I haven’t practiced for ages & I want to be sure she’ll stay if I really need her to #optimisticdogs #reinforcementlearning #staydog #rewardtraining #gooddog
How many dog treat bags do you have? #optimisticdogs #treattraining #rewardtraining #reinforcementlearning
Do you have any simple engagement games for your off-leash walks with your dog? #optimisticdogs #gamesbaseddogtraining #rewardtraining #reinforcementlearning #fundog #engagementgames #offleashfreedom #huntingdog
Do you still practice the skills you think your dog has mastered? I left this important training for too long & I’m having to remind her again #optimisticdogs #emergencystop #dogtraining #reinforcementlearning #rewardtraining #gooddog #offleashfreedom
Does your dog cooperate quietly when you trim their nails? #optimisticdogs #cooperativecare #nailtrim #nailtrimdogs #gooddog #calmdog #dogtrust
My dogs provide endless entertainment! 😂 What’s your dog’s funniest expression? #optimisticdogs #dogwalk #impatientdog #funnydogs #yodalookalike #barneytheweimaraner
Do you let your dogs play inside? I normally don’t because they have been known to break things 😂 #optimisticdogs #dogplay #dogfun #insidedogs #barneytheweimaraner