Quite a lot of our friends have been asking us about coffee growing and processing. I have found myself on a rather steep learning curve and have been busy reading up on the science and theory behind it all, from the different methods of farming/ growing to the chemical processes that occur in the beans during drying or roasting, which are rather complex. I want to share a few articles with you that explain, far better than I ever could, some of these subjects. Since we are currently in the midst of cosechas or harvesting season, here is a great explanation of one of the different processes we are using here at Quetzal Mountain Coffee Co. We will have washed (typical store bought coffees), naturals of course and some honey processes this coming year. This article explains in pretty good detail the honey processes. Enjoy! https://perfectdailygrind.com/2017/02/yellow-red-black-honey-processed-coffees-whats-the-difference/
“How much honey is in the honey-processed Costa Rican espresso?”