Chiriqui premium house & pet sitting

Chiriqui premium house & pet sitting house and pet sitting

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Belle says bye 👋 and I'd like to say goodbye to all my friends and those at the rainbow bridge. See you Tigger.

Belle says bye 👋 and I'd like to say goodbye to all my friends and those at the rainbow bridge. See you Tigger.


I'm no longer accepting new clients. My health prevents it and my 60 lb Velcro dog Bella takes all my time.
Questions about raw diet? I can steer you and I recommend Dr. Karen Becker supplements especially if they're still on kibble . Especially those all important offal which wolves eat in the wild.
People can continue to post and advertise as long as it's about animals.
I do not endorse any of the add since I haven't tried them, although I'm familiar with some.
Love 😘 to all my friends and those who wait on rainbow bridge.


Count your age by friends, not years💖🌻💖



Ready to start pet sitting again. I took time off for health reasons, but I have an all clear.Those of you who know me, ...

Ready to start pet sitting again. I took time off for health reasons, but I have an all clear.
Those of you who know me, pass the word around. I can also provide good references and have over 15 years pet and house sitting.


This old gentleman made a pram for his paralyzed dog himself. As he said, he takes him for walks so that the dog feels that despite his complete paralysis, "he can still see the world and he is still part of it". Dogs are family ❤


Pitbull Love 💛


I'm retired now as a dog sitter. I will miss it.


I saw this article from Dr Becker's newsletter and thought of those missing loved ones this year. Every year I think of my friends waiting for me at the rainbow 🌈 bridge.
Belle and I wish all of you a merry and joyful 💕 Christmas.

Hi All,

This week, we slowed down to appreciate a wonderful year with this community of pet lovers and advocates. I wanted to giveback, so we decided to post one free recipe per day leading up to Christmas. I hope you and your pets have enjoyed them so far!

I am ready to relax and celebrate a Merry Christmas with my family. I appreciate you joining me on this journey and hope you have a wonderful holiday. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Holidays to anyone celebrating!

Featured Product
CocoTherapy Organic Virgin Coconut Oil

Featured Products
CocoTherapy Hairball Plus
Real Mushroom's Organic Reishi Capsules for Pets
Flora4 GREENS PLUS Ground Sprouted Seeds

Featured Product
Dog Greens- Organic and Wild Harvested Vitamin and Mineral Supplement for Dogs

Featured Products
CocoTherapy Organic Coconut Chips
Mt. Capra Fermented Goat Milk Protein
Flora4 Sprouted Seeds

Featured Products
CocoTherapy Hairball Plus
Real Mushroom's Organic Reishi Capsules for Pets
Green Juju Just Greens Blend
#1 Holiday Dangers
Whether your traditions are the same every year, or you are planning new activities, it is always a good idea to review those plans through the lens of pet safety. Evaluate your home for these potential pet dangers this season.

Christmas Trees: Whether real or artificial, Christmas trees can present problems for your pet. You may have seen funny videos of cats climbing up Christmas trees on social media…this is certainly NOT humorous if your cat or dog knocks down the tree and injures him/herself or breaks the glass ornament passed on to you from your grandma. Make sure your tree is tightly secured so that there is no chance of it tipping or falling over, causing injury to your pet. The water used to keep a real tree fresh can be a health hazard for dogs and cats; it may contain bacteria, mold, or fertilizer and other chemicals that can be toxic to your pet. Make sure the tree water is covered and inaccessible. Pets consuming real or artificial tree needles can develop stomach upset or bowel obstructions; be sure to keep needles picked up.
Other Holiday Plants: Many of us know that Poinsettias can be harmful to our pets. While these plants can cause mild to moderate gastrointestinal irritation, there are other plants that pose an even greater risk of nausea, stomach upset, toxicity, and even cardiovascular problems. They include Amaryllis, Chrysanthemums, Evergreens, Holly, Ivy, Juniper, Lily, and Mistletoe.
Holiday Decorations: No matter how many precautions we take, accidents can happen. Even if your pet does not possess a curious temperament, it is best to not make any assumptions when it comes to holiday decorations. Unbreakable Christmas tree ornaments are best; however, if you really want to display your treasured breakable ornaments, hang them out of reach of pups and kitties. Tinsel and ribbons are often too tempting for pets, especially cats. Ingesting these items can cause vomiting and a worse-case scenario - an intestinal blockage with possible emergency surgery. Pets can also be curious about lights, wires, and electrical cords, so it is best to keep them out of reach. Chewing on lights, wires, and electrical cords can deliver an electrical shock. Use electrical cord covers and cord organizers, making sure tree lights are tucked well inside tree branches.

Wrapped Gifts: Storing wrapped presents under the tree or in other rooms on the floor can pose a threat to curious cats and dogs depending on their contents. Be sure to keep any wrapped food or treats up and away from your furry friends. Just because you can’t see the contents, doesn’t mean your pets can’t smell them. Aside from the gift contents, the wrap itself, if consumed, can cause bowel obstruction and perforation.
Holiday Food and Drink: I recently added a “Holiday Food Guide for Pets” to my website. The warnings about chocolate are included in the guide, but did you know that the darker the chocolate, the more toxic it can be to our furry companions? Baker’s chocolate and cocoa powder are more dangerous to our pets than milk chocolate. Ingested raw yeast dough can block or rupture the internal organs, potentially causing seizures and respiratory problems. It is also a good idea to keep trash can lids secured. Monitoring trash cans while hosting a party can save you and your pet a trip to the emergency veterinary hospital. Make sure alcohol is not lurking in places you might not consider during the regular calendar year.
Hosting Parties and Entertaining Guests: Be sure to remind guests to close the door behind them when they enter your house. Keep purses and shopping bags out of reach. Purse contents can include sugar-free gum or candies containing xylitol, which is deadly when consumed by pets. Make sure your pet has a safe, quiet place in your home to escape and relax from company. It is up to you to make sure your guests and your pets understand the boundaries and rules of the house. Those rules should not change just because you are celebrating the holidays. Ask visitors to keep prescription and over-the-counter medications secure and out of reach.
Fire Safety: Do not leave pets unsupervised around lit candles, outdoor fires, and fireplaces. Cats are often drawn to the warmth of a candle or fireplace and they may get too close to stay safe. Pay special attention to kittens – they may singe their whiskers or burn their paws if they explore too closely. A long tail or a curious paw could knock over a lit candle and potentially start a fire or burn your pet.
Batteries: Keep small toys and loose batteries off the floor, away from the mouth of a pet. In addition to acid, batteries contain zinc, which can cause pancreatitis and kidney damage if ingested by a pet. Batteries come in all shapes and sizes, some small enough to be swallowed. Make sure toys, watches, remote controls, and even greeting cards are not within reach of your furry family members.
Fireworks and Noisemakers: Fireworks and noisemakers are often used in New Year’s celebrations. Your action plan to keep your pet anxiety-free and safe in your home on the 4th of July can also be applied on New Year’s Eve. There are many natural calming aids you can use, including CBD products, Homeopathic Products, and Flower Essences.
We hope you enjoy a happy and safe holiday season this year! This information is not just helpful between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day, but any time of the year for celebrations and hosting overnight guests.

#2 Grieving Loss
Though the holidays are a joyous time, it can also be hard to enjoy the festivities without a loved one. This will be our first Christmas without our dog, Stewie, and we will absolutely miss his wagging tail Christmas morning. If you, too, are grieving a loss, below is a passage you may find helpful from my blog on overwhelming grief after my heart horse, Rocky passed.

The loss of a family member is generally accompanied by grief, sadness, a sense of loss, anger, and depression. While everyone understands that this applies to loss of a human, not everyone understands the powerful emotions that accompany the loss of an animal. Many say "it's just a dog (or cat, or horse, or rabbit, or bird...), but for those who love our animals as family members, the loss is just as painful.

Over the years I have lost many pets to illness, cancer, old age, trauma, and accidents. Each time, the grief and pain arrives, sticking around for varying lengths of time. Sometimes there is guilt associated with the loss, feeling I should have or could have done more, that I missed some warning sign, that I let down my guard and didn't watch them closely enough. I dread those feelings and it is incredibly easy to drag them to the surface, even years after the animal is gone. There are many sayings out there, like "Every time I lose an animal they take a piece of my heart" or "Each time an animal dies a piece of my heart is replaced by their memory". I know my animals all live in my heart because my heart breaks and I feel physical pain in my chest when I think about them. I truly believe we will all be united one day, ever since I had a conversation with Roberta Grimes about animals in the afterlife. Our reunion is most likely many years away, but I do look forward to hugging each and every one of them again.

This past week was very difficult for me, as I said goodbye to my beloved horse Auto Pilot, better known as Rocky. I bought him in 1995, when my children were young and showing their first pony. I wanted to get back into riding and showing, attempting to relive my youth, winning ribbons and awards and feeling a sense of accomplishment. I rode many horses in my search to find "the one". I went to a barn in Delaware to ride an off-the-track Thoroughbred. While watching the horse schooling in the ring, I realized the horse was way too much for me. I saw another horse schooling in the ring; he looked perfect. When I asked about him, I was told he was the Quarter Horse they had offered for sale that I had no interest in during our phone call when I stated I didn't want a Quarter Horse. I asked if I could ride him instead of the Thoroughbred.

After one lap around the arena, I knew I had found my new best friend. He did everything I asked, was brave to the jumps, and had an incredibly smooth gait. He was out of my price range, but I begged and pleaded, negotiating a price I could almost manage. I took him home on a one week trial. My trainer predicted I would be bored with a horse that was so well trained and that he was a boring brown; I just laughed. In that week we went to our first show and he won every class. I never thought I could own a horse of this caliber.

Over the next 21 years Rocky and I went to shows and won more than I dreamed possible. He was shown by both my children and their father, along with dozens of lesson students and kids who didn't have a horse to show. He taught children under the age of five, always careful with them. He challenged the better riders who thought they knew more than he did; after all, his name was Auto Pilot. He always wanted to do things his way; he knew how to get the job done. When I met Hue, he hadn't been on a horse since childhood and had never been taught to ride. Rocky took him under his wings and taught him the basics. Rocky has been "retired" many times in his career, but was kind enough to return to the show ring whenever he was brought out of "retirement" for a person in need.

Rocky was healthy his entire life with me, until this past fall when he was stricken with EPM - equine protozoal myelitis. I suffered the guilt of being away from home when he got sick. Luckily, he survived and bounced back to normal, but he was showing his age - 33 years. He moved a little slower, had lost some weight, and was having trouble regaining what he had lost. He's always hated cold weather (I knew we were soulmates), so the winter was not his friend. When he stopped eating and started lying down while I was at the barn last week, I knew we were in trouble. After 8 days of struggle, the impaction in his large intestine got the best of him. I knew the moment I saw him last Saturday morning that we would be saying goodbye. My heart split into fragments. While Hue, my daughter and her fiance', and friends from the barn surrounded and hugged me, I couldn't process the words of condolence, and still can't. I'm having trouble believing he is gone and haven't been able to go to the barn to see our other horse. Walking by his empty stall seems like an impossibility.

I know that time helps heal all wounds, even those that cut to the core. I tell that to people all the time when they lose a beloved pet. I understand there is nothing I can say that will ease their pain, but I say the words anyway. For now, I am grateful for those who have surrounded me with love and understanding, but grief is still my constant companion. Going to work and dealing with people requires incredible effort. For that reason, I am taking a short leave from social media and focusing on healing my heart. I'm not sure if that will help, but speaking without crying is difficult right now. Writing this blog has allowed a lot of tears to flow, something I've been holding back. Sometimes putting on a brave face and stuffing down the emotions just makes things worse. I give you permission to cry, scream, yell, and shake your fist when you lose a companion - emotions need to be felt in all their fury, but for some of us that's difficult to do.

Until next time, go hug your animals and humans; tell them how much you love them and how much they mean to you. They won't always be there.


Search for a good source of bones etc for your pup? I have a friend going to check it out today and she's as picky as I am about her dobies diet.
I'll follow up with her experience and maybe photos 🥳👍

Today I received an interesting question concerning a certain brand of dog food. As you may or may not know I am a huge ...

Today I received an interesting question concerning a certain brand of dog food.
As you may or may not know I am a huge believer in more appropriate foods for your animals and have spent months now studying nutrition and have seen the difference with my own beloved Belle.
Feeding raw or combined with a high quality kibble isn't that hard after you find your sources. Get to know a few good butchers. I know in Potrerillos there's a butcher every Thursday who sells all parts of the cow.
Canasta básica is good for chicken, gizzards, beef and or chicken liver, necks and feet. Sometimes you have to go to a few places and it might take time, but I can either take the time to feed Belle the best diet I can on my limited income or later spend my time in a vet's office trying to figure out how I pay the bill.
I'd like to start a page for people here in Panama who want their animals to live the best healthiest pet and live longer.
Please feel free to ask me any questions or post suggestions.
I'm semi retired from dog sitting now and want to concentrate on improving the health of our pets. ❤️

Did you know, Suzanne, regulatory authorities don’t care about the quality of ingredients in pet food?And here’s the pro...

Did you know, Suzanne, regulatory authorities don’t care about the quality of ingredients in pet food?

And here’s the proof…

In 2019, the FDA stated “we do not believe that the use of diseased animals or animals that died otherwise than by slaughter to make animal food poses a safety concern…”

Feeding commercial pet food like kibble to your dog is kinda like a box of chocolates.
…you never really know what you’re gonna get (but not in a good way)😱!

☠️Diseased meat

💀Euthanized animals

☠️Cancerous & tumorous meat

🤮Out-of-date human-grade meat still wrapped in plastic and foam
Not to mention the cockroach-infested manufacturing facilities that have been documented with one of the largest, most well-known commercial pet food companies.

Is it any wonder our pets are sicker than ever?!

So what can you do about this...this is not all that is out there🙏?

Well, these 14 veterinarians, myself, and other animal nutrition experts believe they have the answer…

Dr. Ian and his guests will dive deep into why raw food is the answer, overcome the myths perpetuated by big pet food companies, how you can avoid the biggest mistakes, and how to feed your dog a raw food diet successfully, no matter what budget you’re on.
If you are interested in watching the live summit, message me. Just to let you know, I receive no commission for this. I'm just doing it for your beloved pets.

Love from Bella

Agree 💯%

Agree 💯%


Like my Bell

Wow is right.

Wow is right.



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