De los Andes

De los Andes Somos una empresa peruana apasionada y creyente del poder alimenticio de los granos andinos peruanos Neither men fertilized their wives. Maca did the miracle.




The Andean maca (Lepidium peruvianum, L. meyenii) Worldwide known as maca from Peru, is a native tuber of the highlands of Peru. There is historical evidence of cultivation in Peru in the year 3600 B.C. in the highlands between 3600 and 4600 meters above sea level. Maca has been consumed by pre-Incan Andean c

ultures as essential food to endure the harsh weather conditions of the Andean altiplano. Maca was considered by the Incas as a gift from the gods, as the food of the gods. Maca was used in religious ceremonies in their rituals relate to fertility and sexual vigor dances. Maca was consumed in abundance by the warriors who were filled with such vitality that they were simply unstoppable. The chronicles of the Spanish certify that the Incas advised the Spaniards to give their horses maca as these were losing strength and fertility due to the altitude. The Spaniards also noted that not only had children with their wives, but also could with what they put in front and fame of maca was huge and began to recognize their properties

The Andean maca reached such value in colonial times, the Incas paid their tributes to the Spanish authorities this tuber as currency. Father Cobo, during the time of the colony, said that "maca grows in the wild and cold puna sites where there is no chance of growing any other plant food." The first botanical studies dating from 1843 although there were records and documents of the Spanish referring to the qualities of Maca and its cultivation. THE MACA

His fame will come to be a natural aphrodisiac food that apart from increasing libido and fertility is proven nourishing and healing. Peruvian maca has a similar nutritional value of cereal grains: 60% carbohydrate, 10% protein, 8.5% fiber and 2.2% fat. Their proteins contain 7 of the 8 essential amino acids. Essential amino acids are those that the body itself can not synthesize by itself, making the Andean maca an excellent source for obtaining these essential amino acids. The maca of Peru is a source of vegetal sterol that besides being very effective in stimulating the immune system to help fight high cholesterol levels in the body. The maca of Peru is rich in essential minerals such as magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iodine, bismuth, manganese, sulfur, sodium, copper, selenium, iodine, bismuth, silicon, iron, tin, and is ideal for remineralization and benzilados derivatives denominated in macaridina. It includes fatty acids such as linolenic acid, palmitic acid, and oleic acid, and polysaccharides. Peruvian maca provides B vitamins, which are energy vitamins B1 and B2, vitamin C and vitamin E. It has a stimulating effect shot in patients with thyroid deficiency (hypothyroidism). It also has pancreatic stimulant effect so it is beneficial in diabetic non-insulin dependent and insulin dependent type I. Has a high content of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, potassium and phosphorus. It contains four types of alkaloids called macanas that are responsible for their therapeutic effects. Specialists consider maca a superior and healthy food, given its properties as energy, restorative, invigorating and stimulating natural food and recommend its use for people of all ages. Scientists also highlight its qualities as an adaptogen. The plant is rich in these substances that enable the body to enhance its power of resistance and adapt to external conditions. Adaptogens work with the body's natural rhythms to help rebuild weak immune systems, re-mineralize poorly nourished bodies and increase energy and endurance. Doctors also see maca as one of the best natural ways to regulate and support the health of the endocrine system. This action regulates metabolism, energy levels, growth, sexual development and sense of well being and attitude. Fortunately, maca does not contain hormones itself. Instead, it brings a unique set of nutrients that directly feed the endocrine system and help the glands to produce vital hormones in the body itself predetermined by precise dosages. MIRACLE PLANT

The maca of Peru are attributed beneficial properties for the nervous system especially memory. This Peruvian root is a great energizer and hormonal regulator. The beneficial effects reported Andean maca for sexual function are due to its high concentration of proteins and vital nutrients. Among the health benefits of the Andean maca include:


IT IS IDEAL FOR CASES OF ASTHENIA. IMPROVES MEMORY 2006 THIS EFFECT WAS FOUND. IT ALSO HELPS IMPROVE LEARNING. It is ideal for cases of asthenia. Improves memory 2006 this effect was found. It also helps improve learning. INCREASED LIBIDO:

Maca is a natural aphrodisiac that greatly increases libido in both men and women, so called "natural Vi**ra". Usually a good ally for those suffering from erectile dysfunction or premature ej*******on. It also helps in some cases of infertility by increasing the number and mobility of s***m. For men, maca is a sexual enhancer and energizer of the first order and greatly increases the quality and quantity of s***m. This effect is much greater in the case of black maca. REGULATING AND STIMULATE ENDOCRINE FUNCTION:

Improves all the pathologies that originate from hormones or glands that manufacture them. All functions of our body that are affected by the glands and their hormones are improved. essential metabolic functions such as fertility, sexual function, digestion, brain function, nervous system and energy levels. Hormones regulate practically all our body, so that maca of Peru leads to an improvement in almost every aspect of our life. Hormones regulate our mood up (or mood changes), growth, menstruation, sexual development. Hormones play a very important role in many diseases such as some cancers and depression. SUPPORT ADRENAL GLAND:

It maintains the overall health of the body in stressful situations. ANALGESIC EFFECT DUE TO TERPENOIDS AND SAPONINS:

It relieves pain by acting as an expectorant and sedative. ETERNAL YOUTH

Gustavo Gonzalez, director of the Laboratory of Endocrinology and Reproduction at the University Cayetano Heredia (UPCH). Scientists at the University Cayetano Heredia found that the intake of maca has a powerful anti aging effect. Maca for being a species that grows in inhospitable conditions, has been adapted so that its interior contains powerful substances that have allowed him to live in an environment where nothing grows. For some years, this expert has successfully been studying the benefits of this Andean root, which are attributed properties to improve sexual health, memory and even osteoporosis. Now, Gonzales and his team have discovered that it is also a powerful anti aging food. After evaluating more than 1,200 residents of the community of Carhuamayo in Junin region where maca is native, the team showed that frequent consumption of this plant remains intact health status, even with the passing years. "We found that people who consumed maca could have 65 the same health condition and vitality that a 35 year old, it's like not grow old," says Gonzales. The study measured various markers, including physical and mental health, physical role, vitality, presence of diseases and health in general. "The health status normally decreases with age, but maca has the reverse effect. Older people withstood tests of strength in limbs as if they were young. It's fascinating, "says the expert. UPCH team found that maca reduces levels of interleukin 6, a protein linked to inflammation processes, including aging. Therefore, when the plant is consumed, there is less production of this interleukin and therefore a lower risk of disease appear. "Obesity, cardiovascular disease and even infertility are inflammatory processes. It seems that maca has components that make all these processes, which should be presented as a response to inflammation, do not give, so that health status is maintained. " Undoubtedly, these studies open a new line of research for maca. OUR SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATE

Dr. Gustavo Gonzales is recognized worldwide as the highest authority of maca as super food. Currently is our consultant and scientific coordinator throughout the production process concentrates maca. All scientific questions referring to the issue of maca will be absolved directly by Dr. Gustavo Gonzales writing to email [email protected] Here we present a summary of his evolution as a scientist. Dr. Gustavo F. Gonzales is Doctor in Sciences (1985) and Doctor in Medicine (1999) with a post-doctorate in Monash University, in Melbourne, Australia. His fields of research are devoted to Environmental Health particularly the Endocrinology and Reproduction at High Altitudes. Actually is Director of the Research Circle on Medicinal Plants with effects on Health, which includes four universities, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia in Lima, Universidad Nacional Daniel Alcides Carrion in Pasco.



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