In the Comfort of Home - house call pet euthanasia

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In the Comfort of Home - house call pet euthanasia Making your most difficult time as peaceful as we can for you and your pet

Diamond was a great dog, she came to us in a different way. Our friend's son wasn't able to keep her and his parents fou...

Diamond was a great dog, she came to us in a different way. Our friend's son wasn't able to keep her and his parents found taking care of her difficult so she came to us, for just until she'd go back to her original owner. Well, a year later he decided she was home with us. Diamond was a really good girl, she loved walking and being with us. She traveled with us across the country twice and made friends wherever she went. Sadly her body grew old. She almost made it to 16 on 12/20 but missed that by a couple of months, amazing for a dog that was 89lbs. She was always afraid at the vets office so we decided it would be a last kindness to let her go in her home, in her favorite place. It was such a hard thing to do but the vet was so kind to us and Diamond. We will miss her forever.

Motley was born June 2008 in Illinois and he moved to New York with his dad when he was 3 months old. He loved his cat s...

Motley was born June 2008 in Illinois and he moved to New York with his dad when he was 3 months old. He loved his cat siblings Thunder, Ella and Prince and all his dog friends. He could be usually found sleeping on the couch or in the kitchen waiting for any food that was being cooked. His favorite foods were peanut butter, peppers and berries of any kind. He was a constant light in his mom and dad's lives and he will be missed forever. Long live Motley in our hearts

How do you wrap up nearly 12 years of love in and companionship into a short story. It is nearly impossible but I'll giv...

How do you wrap up nearly 12 years of love in and companionship into a short story. It is nearly impossible but I'll give it my best shot. Tucker was born on December 20th, 2011. He shorty entered our lives after along with his sister Daisy. Fun fact they and my daughter share the same Birthday. Just another reason I knew he was destined to be with us. Tucker was the biggest goofball. He greated every person who came with lots of licks. He was our gentle giant who literally would never hurt a fly. As he aged the days become filled with couches and snuggles. He was doved our smooshy because of how cuddly and squishy he was. But the minute I mentioned the word ride there he was. He loved his weekend trips to our camp. He loved our socks haha. He loved snacks and sometimes he would even set off on his own adventures in our trash for them. I could list on and on about the things Tucker enjoyed but the list is endless. His sister Daisy misses her brother terribly as we do. Our house feels empty without him. Our hearts hurt. He forever changed our life and we will miss him EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.

Bentley was a rescue from a backyard breeder. He was in rough shape when we took him in around 8 months old. He could ba...

Bentley was a rescue from a backyard breeder. He was in rough shape when we took him in around 8 months old. He could barely walk due to being on metal crate material for so long. His little feet had bloody sores.
He quickly became the "King" of the castle and was such a strong piece of our home and family. Through the years, he developed a bond with his mom like no other. He couldn't bare not be with her. They traveled together, slept together, and occasionally she took him to work. When his mom was away for a work trip or vacation that was not pet friendly, he had a hard time eating and sleeping. They really relied on each other. He even had his very own bed in every room of the house. Bentley's favorite thing to do, was sunbathe. Inside or outside. He loved being warm.
His personality was referred to as "little dog" syndrome and he was quite picky with people. Although, this should never be condoned, it's just who he was.
Around 6 years old, he had his first seizure followed by a stroke. He became incontinent and started being referred to as "diaper dog". Walking became more difficult, and dependence upon his mom was even more. Me, being mom never cared. I would have carried that 7-pound min pin for the rest of my life.
Changing Benny's diapers was just a part of the day, and he knew what "diapy time" was.
Bentley knew all of his names, "Benny", "Ben", "Bentley Cooper", "Bing", "Benny Boy", "Coopie Boy", AND "Mufasa".
Sadly, Bentley suffered a severe seizure 4 days prior to his passing. He enjoyed as much food, love, warmth, and car rides that could have been given during that time.
Bentley would have turned 15 on December 29th, 2023. I know he lived a full life, with love and compassion, but every day is still very hard without the little sound of his feet and his annoying little bark.
I miss him terribly and can only hope our other animals were waiting to greet him at the Rainbow Bridge.
Momma loves you, Benny Boy. Always.

My sweet Noreen came to me in 2011 and we had over 12 wonderful years together. She was a constant, loving companion. In...

My sweet Noreen came to me in 2011 and we had over 12 wonderful years together. She was a constant, loving companion. In July, I found out she had a terminal illness. With medication, we had 4 more happy months together. On Dec 3rd, I had to let her go and am grateful that Dr. Roger was able to provide her with a comfortable and peaceful passing at home. I will miss my girl.

Cocoa was our 13.5 year old mini schnauzer. We love her more than words can say and miss her deeply. She might have been...

Cocoa was our 13.5 year old mini schnauzer. We love her more than words can say and miss her deeply. She might have been getting up there in years but she was still loving her walks, her carrots and her family. Dancing in the kitchen 2 days before she left us! She had an acute illness with kidney failure. We have such a void without her-she is everywhere in our home. I'm just happy we were able to be with her as a family and not have suffer. She was a trooper even in her final hours. We will be forever grateful for Dr. Katie, and this service to have her be at home with us, her things and be comfortable. She was an amazing dog and an integral part of our family. It will not be the same without her.

November 30th we said farewell to Eber, our beloved Maine C**n. He was a barn kitten; one of two that my wife found in a...

November 30th we said farewell to Eber, our beloved Maine C**n. He was a barn kitten; one of two that my wife found in a flower pot in our goat shed where we lived in Oregon. Over almost 14 years he survived rainy winters, coyote, the neighbors dogs, and flying air cargo on United when we moved back to Albany.
Even though he weighed 23lbs, he was a big softie, scared of his own shadow. He spent months under the coffee table terrified because he was convinced the ceiling fans in our Albany house were raptors circling to eat him. In his defense, he spent a good part of his life outdoors in the mountains where actual raptors were circling overhead sizing him up. He would run from strangers but he remembered our Oregon friends who got to pet him when they'd come and visit.

All he ever really wanted was peace and quiet and a good brushing and also to have his tummy rubbed in front of the fire. He got a lot of that over the years. We loved the wildness in him. He was never fully domestic and it was our honor to share our homes with him.

We were grateful to Dr Roger for helping him leave us peacefully, from his favorite spot in front of the fire with lots of pets and more than a few tears.

Our “best boy,” Riley passed away a week ago. He was 11 years and 8 months old. He was the sweetest cat you would ever m...

Our “best boy,” Riley passed away a week ago. He was 11 years and 8 months old. He was the sweetest cat you would ever meet. He was with my husband and I since he was 8 weeks old in our first apartment together. Fast forward to 3 kids later, he was still the friendliest, best boy up until his last breath. His health slowly declined over the last year and we weren’t ready to say goodbye. I am so glad an organization like, In The Comfort of Home exists, because I don’t think we would have been able to make this decision without them. I made the phone call that morning and Riley was able to pass peacefully at home that afternoon. I cannot say enough about the kindness and compassion of Dr. Roger. He walked us through every step and showed such empathy. I never expected to receive Riley’s paw print immediately after, or a patch of his hair. We picked up his ashes today and received a beautiful urn. As hard as this week has been, I’m so glad we have these things to remember him by. THANK YOU.

Payton came to our family on Christmas morning 2012. A special gift from Santa. The most loyal and loving dog we have ev...

Payton came to our family on Christmas morning 2012. A special gift from Santa. The most loyal and loving dog we have ever had right up until the very end. A lover of life and her family, we knew that we could not allow her to suffer and that she needed to leave this life in the most loving and stress free way so that s why we contacted In The Comfort Of Home. Ended up being the most beautiful process at the worst of times. Dr. Katie was kind and comforting and our little girl left this world in the embrace of her loved ones. Our faces and voices being the last thing she heard and saw. Can't say enough about this process and how terribly we miss you Payton :(

Cole our beloved companion of eleven and 1/2 years passed away peacefully with the help of In The Comfort of Home. We re...

Cole our beloved companion of eleven and 1/2 years passed away peacefully with the help of In The Comfort of Home. We rescued him from Homeward Bound Dog Rescue of New York and he was the smartest, sweetest, gentlest boy that we could have ever wished for. He filled our days and nights with love. Our hearts are broken. Cole wasn't just a dog, he was our baby that never left our side. He loved us and greeted us every morning with kisses and a wagging tail. Putting him to sleep is one of the hardest decisions we have had to make. He should have had a few more years with us but his health deteriorated rapidly after another bout with anaplasmosis in the fall. He didn't bounce back and out vet found a tumor in his stomach that was affecting his breathing. He was struggling and we couldn't bear to see him in pain. The house is so empty without him. I keep thinking I hear him......Cole's companion Caeser will be lost without him. They were inseparable.
Cole was able to slip away peacefully with the help of Dr. Roger in our home and for that I will be forever grateful. Thank you Dr. Roger and your team for your kindness and compassion.

Shim was 13 years old. I bottle fed him from 3 weeks onward, he was a rescue. He was my guy, I loved him dearly. He lost...

Shim was 13 years old. I bottle fed him from 3 weeks onward, he was a rescue. He was my guy, I loved him dearly. He lost alot of weight the least year or so and it was only a matter of time, too soon at that.
Dr. Trish helped Shim move on to be with his brothers and sisters who he knew before he passed, that were older than him. She had a caring, calming aura about her and the keepsakes she left we will forever be gratefull for. Being able to help Shim pass away at home versus a car ride each way to a vet was a godsend, thank you. I am not sure I could have made the trip safely honestly. Being home for all involved added some relief to the situation.

thank you again


Holiday Weekend Hours

*** As always, we try to be available every day. However, please keep in mind, we often book up and we are not available overnight. It is best to leave a message early with your full address. The following are expected hours during the upcoming holiday weekends (subject to change): ***

Thanksgiving 6am-11am / Christmas Eve 6am-3pm / Christmas Day 8am-3pm / New Years Eve 6am-3pm

[A bit of advice: When considering timing, look at your pet instead of the calendar.]

We had to say good bye to our sweet gentle Shea last week. We are so grateful to Dr. Roger for making Shea’s last moment...

We had to say good bye to our sweet gentle Shea last week. We are so grateful to Dr. Roger for making Shea’s last moments peaceful in the home he loved and felt comfortable. I cannot say enough about the responsiveness, kindness and compassion of everyone at “In the Comfort of Home”. Thank you isn’t enough.

We said goodbye to our beautiful Dexter on November 8th —the hardest thing any of us have had to do in quite some time. ...

We said goodbye to our beautiful Dexter on November 8th —the hardest thing any of us have had to do in quite some time. He passed away at home and peacefully—under the lights of the Christmas tree which he loved so much—thanks to this wonderful company.
My husband and I had Dexter before we had our kids; he was the first big decision we made as a couple, and to us, he will always mark the beginning of our family. He was never a best-friend kind of dog; he was always our baby. Once we had real, human babies, obviously there became a difference between our kids and our pets. As the kids get older there are more activities that they become involved in—life begins to speed up and feel a little more hectic—and consequently it feels like there is less time each day to share that quality time with the animals that we once had all the time in the world for—but we never stop loving them. Never stop showing them that we care about them. And Dexter knew this, he was proud to be our family dog—and we felt lucky he was ours.

I’ll never forget his distinct wolf-like howl—especially when he was doing it for his own amusement and being cheeky. I’ll miss that stubborn attitude and his ability to make himself appear more forceful and assertive than his personality would ever allow him to genuinely be. He would stand at the edge of the fence — his four legs extended out as much as possible so that it gave the impression that he was larger than he actually was (so that the passersby knew he meant business) — and just bark in his deepest bark until they disappeared from his view. Then he would turn around and walk back inside like “yeah, I just did my job.” Meanwhile I am standing there in the doorway chuckling to myself—knowing that if someone were to actually approach the property, he would be the first one to greet them with his tail wagging, his paws flailing like a puppy, and his little face looking upward to meet their gaze.

I’ll miss the more subtle things that I didn’t consciously think about everyday but were always there—the sounds of his loud, rhythmic, slurping from his water bowl, his long, heavy exhales when he laid down in defeat of boredom, the clinking of the tags on his collar—rubbing together when he shook himself dry or went to itch his ear, the ever-so-slight sound of the squeaker in his chew toys when he would gently gnaw on them, and his claws scratching the hardwood floor as he tried to pull himself out from under our bed each morning.

But mostly I’ll miss the silence of the expression in his eyes when he looked at me, and the unequivocal love I felt from him. He will be missed dearly, with all my heart.

We have no idea where Nina was born, just where we found her. I was three years old, and we went to the humane society w...

We have no idea where Nina was born, just where we found her. I was three years old, and we went to the humane society with the intention of finding a friendly little kitty who could get along with our cat we already had. Like a newly-running toddler, I took off looking at the different cats. My parents found me by a worried worker running to try and get me out of a cage I had crawled into, yelling about how no one knew where the cat came from, she hated everyone, and had scratched and bit anyone who had gotten within 10 feet. Nina had already curled up on my lap, and we took her home that same day. Unsurprisingly, she did NOT get along with our pets, nor my parents, just me. The vet estimated that at the time we got her, in 2004, she was already six years old. She was an outdoor cat for a decade-- what brought her inside was an absolutely brutal coyote bite, for which she needed 12 staples in her side, and she healed and kept going with no issue. I have seen her chase deer across our three-acre yard, square up with raccoons, and fight every single stray cat that happened to be unlucky enough to wander onto our property. She stayed cognizant until the very end, her body just couldn't keep up with her spirit. To put her down, our lovely vet, Dr. Trish, administered a dose of sedative. Nina, my little tank of a cat, took two doses before going out, and still needed a good five minutes after the second dose for her to fully sleep. Our whole family was so beyond unsurprised, as that was just typical Nina fashion. Until her heart stopped, you could hear her old-lady purr-snore combination that she always did when I slept next to her. When she passed, she was approximately 24 years old. She saw me start pre-school, and saw me graduate college. She was my soul-cat, my Nina-bina, my lovely little angel. I will miss her forever.

Today, my precious tiny beautiful angel Sebastian crossed the Rainbow Bridge..Never enough time, never..  💔I want to tha...

Today, my precious tiny beautiful angel Sebastian crossed the Rainbow Bridge..
Never enough time, never.. 💔

I want to thank Kathy Calabrese Stelman and Mohawk Hudson Humane Society for giving my husband and myself the opportunity to adopt this precious little soul into our lives.. We adored and loved him to the moon and back.

Please keep us in your thoughts, as we are truly broken hearted on this very sad day.

Rest well my sweet little Sebastian, you will live in our hearts forever.. 💞
My beautiful boy 💔

A special thank you to ~ In The Comfort of Home ~ Dr. Roger for his compassion at this very difficult time.

Harley was a hurricane rescue from down south as a puppy. Unfortunately, the family that took him in didn't have the mea...

Harley was a hurricane rescue from down south as a puppy. Unfortunately, the family that took him in didn't have the means to take care of him anymore. We first met when he was just 2 years old, and that's the one and only time I've ever experienced love at first sight. For 6 amazing years we were lucky enough to experience his joy, his weirdness, and call him family. However, he started acting strange a few months ago. And before we knew it, he became extremely ill overnight. After a trip to the hospital, we discovered Harley had a brain tumor that left him blind in one eye and his motor functions started deteriorating fast. Even with the proper funds and care, we were told he had 2 weeks to a month at most. After bringing him home, we couldn't stand to see him suffer day and night, and we had to make probably the hardest decision a pet parent ever has to. I wanted my boy to be at peace, and that's exactly what the staff at In The Comfort Of Home was able to give us, on such a short notice none the less! They were understanding, kind, and respectful through the whole process with my Harley, and I can't thank them enough for that! Harley was more than just a dog; for 6 years he was my rock, my partner, and my best friend! And while losing him still pains me and my family to this day, we all know he isn't hurting anymore, and is up there chasing squirrels in the clouds like he always wanted!

15 years with the best dog we could have ever asked for. On 11/4/23 we made the difficult decision to let our chihuahua ...

15 years with the best dog we could have ever asked for. On 11/4/23 we made the difficult decision to let our chihuahua Rosie cross over the rainbow bridge to be with P***a, Brownie, my wifes grandmother (“Nanny” who she absolutely adored her as a puppy) and so many other furry friends and people in the heavens above.

She was the most spoiled “diva” you could ever meet! She was a big sister to our two children who are now 7 and 3 and boy did she love them with all of her heart just as they did the same to her! They loved feeding her treats, petting her, and chasing her around 😁

Rosie also is survived by our 2 yr old dog Luna. Like most pet siblings they had their share of ups and downs. Especially being 2 completely different breeds and sizes, they had their share of ups and downs but Rosie always stood her guard and loved barking at Luna. No matter what I’m sure they loved each other to the very end.

We gave Rosie the best possible life she could have. Surrounded with lots of love and happiness. This morning as we were driving both of my kids saw the sun peak out and screamed it was Rosie! (My youngest acknowledges the sun and moon to be our relatives dog that passed away last year and now does the same for Rosie) They were full of joy screaming hi to her and saying she was eating sour candy in heaven! 😆

We want to thank Dr. Roger for coming and helping her peacefully cross the rainbow bridge at home as it was her favorite place to always be. It was the hardest decision we ever had to face and I know that even in moments of guilt as much as it hurts she is at peace. We can’t wait to have Rosie back at home with us soon❤️

Our Sami was 12.5 years of pure love. A golden doodle with all golden inside and out from her smile to my shadow. The pr...

Our Sami was 12.5 years of pure love. A golden doodle with all golden inside and out from her smile to my shadow. The process with comfort at home was as ideal as this painful experience could have been. Dr. Amanda was kind compassionate and professional something that is so necessary during one of the most difficult times of our life. My Sami left this world without pain in her bed with her people around to see her off. We laughed one last time with or ate her eating pupperoni sticks(she never had them in her life). But the last meal should be something decadent.

Jackson passed across the rainbow bridge 10/27/23.We adopted him from a rescue and realized soon he was obviously abused...

Jackson passed across the rainbow bridge 10/27/23.
We adopted him from a rescue and realized soon he was obviously abused. He never learned typical dog things like playing with toys or playing ball. He was plagued with anxiety and struggled to find his place at times.

He loved people. Some knew him as Squeakers, for his adorable squeak before he learned to bark. Some knew him as meat buddy, for his incredible attachment and loyalty to anyone who would do him the honor of sharing their meat with him.

Samson is there waiting to show him the best places to run and chase. And Buster is probably waiting around the corner to give him a long missed GET!

We gave him the best life we knew how to give. We know it was a world away from where ever he was before we knew him. We will miss him greatly.


I’m so happy to share that I am now an affiliate photographer for The Tilly Project🩵

When my sweet girl, Lark, was diagnosed with renal failure I was lucky enough to have photos taken of us doing one of the things she loved most in this world—playing fetch in the water.

I cannot put into words how meaningful those pictures are to me, but I’m hoping to express that feeling through this newest venture. I want to pay it forward by helping you capture those last special moments with your beloved pet. Just like I did with Lark.

For the remainder of 2023, sessions are complimentary and I will work with you to create an experience that best fits your pet and their needs. All final digital files are yours to keep and I am happy to help you choose printed products if you wish. Please note, this special service will still be offered after the end of the year, but at a discounted price from my standard packages.

For more information about the service or to schedule a session, please email me at [email protected]

We came upon Ella by accident when we stopped by a rescue in Arizona. We are a small family, myself my husband and my so...

We came upon Ella by accident when we stopped by a rescue in Arizona. We are a small family, myself my husband and my son. I had recently suffered the loss of my mom and sister. The love Ella brought into our home healed our pain. She was funny and shy yet a little bossy and protective and most of all the sweetest girl. She was the best thing that ever
happened to us. She was with us for 12 years. I will never forget her and she can never be replaced.
She has left us with wonderful memories and just her love that we will hold onto forever. She passed away peacefully in her home on Oct 30,2023 .

I got Bailey in 2006, beautiful boy he's been my constant companion, losing him I'm so heartbroken my home feels so empt...

I got Bailey in 2006, beautiful boy he's been my constant companion, losing him I'm so heartbroken my home feels so empty without him .. he was and will always be my beautiful boy.



We adopted our boy from MHHS about 10 years ago. He quickly became a part of our family and a neighborhood celebrity. He...

We adopted our boy from MHHS about 10 years ago. He quickly became a part of our family and a neighborhood celebrity. He often say literally in the middle of the cul-de-sac like he owned our neighborhood.
Indy’s most favorite thing to do was to sit in the sunshine and sleep, especially in our bed, head first under the blankets. This is what I personally miss most.
When he got sick I knew it wasn’t going to be long before we had to make the awful decision to say goodbye. But it was all about him and what he needed. It was never about how difficult it would be for our family. I just knew we needed Dr Katie to come to our home rather than bring Indy to the vet.
He was terrified to go get his nails clipped so the vet was generally harder and more stressful.
We will always appreciate the kindness and love we felt when Dr Katie came to our home. We are forever grateful. Thank you so much.

Luna was a woman who knew what she wanted in her life. Most of the time it was food or butt scratches. She was a sassy a...

Luna was a woman who knew what she wanted in her life. Most of the time it was food or butt scratches. She was a sassy and loving little puggle.
At the age of 18 I decided I wanted to get a puppy, my aunts friend had a pug and a beagle that had 9 adorable puppies and Luna was the only female so I took her home with me at 6 weeks (I know now this is a big no no)
Luna was born on a full moon august 26 2012 which is why I named her Luna! She basically grew up with me. Spent my remaining teen years and all of my 20s with her by my side- from many moves, relationship woes, different schedule changes etc, she was my baby girl and I would do anything for her.
With knowing what she liked she also knew what she didn’t like and sometimes that was being touched or bothered. We’d be sleeping in bed and Id move my leg and if she didn’t like that she’d growl and let me know, if she was touched out she’d let me know. At 6, I brought this to her vets attention and he told me to have her put down for aggression. She was not aggressive or atleast not in a way I couldn’t manage, I just knew when she didn’t want to be bothered I wouldn’t bother her. We got along just fine! Unfortunately last year Luna got into a dog fight and had to have emergency surgery and was fighting for her life, she had made it through thanks to the capital district Veterinary referral hospital! Despite everything she never gave up her appetite!
Luna turned 11 this august and had gone almost fully white on her face, I’ve been preparing for this day for awhile especially after her accident. I’ve noticed she was slowing down and wanted to be more alone. I know she loved the couch but she some days didn’t even want to go outside. I’ve been keeping a close eye on her and noticed her skin was acting up, I had called in an appointment to the vet and they couldn’t get her in for another month so I just did all I could to try to help her, and then I noticed bruising. She would scratch her skin and bruise. The vet advised I take her in to the emergency vet. Luna was acting different, she was following me around and whining, basically telling me we needed to go to the vet and that something was wrong. On our way there I noticed her bleeding from her nose and mouth, which was new and very concerning.
When we arrived they took her back and not long after they told me it was one of three options and all weren’t good. One being rat poisoning and that would be the best option because there would be a cure. The other two not so much. It came back that it was not poison and her platelets were at zero. All signs were pointing to cancer and the options to treat it were not promising and would be very hard for her at her age and condition. I did not want to see my girl suffer. So I decided I was going to give her one last amazing day of all the things she loved. I think Luna understood what was happening, she cuddled me in the back seat of the car on our way to her favorite park where she sniffed and sunbathed in the grass. She came up to me and laid next to me and let me pet her for hours. She loved when I would kiss her ears repeatedly so I made sure I did that to her hearts content. I tried to get her to eat icecream and pizza and she refused which was not like her. I was able to get her to enjoy some chocolate in her final hours. Luna stayed by my side and licked my tears away as to tell me she knew and she understood. As we waited for Dr Katie we cuddled in her favorite spot in the yard, where I told her she was the goodest girl and that I cherished every moment with her. That I would see her again. Dr Katie was amazing! Despite Lunas condition making it hard to administer the medication she made sure my girl didn’t feel pain and could go in peace. I am forever grateful I was able to give her the goodbye she deserved, outside in the sun in her favorite grassy spot, cuddled up with her mama. It is so hard but I know she had a great 11 years and is now in a better place. Luna leaves behind fur siblings that already miss her and we hope in time will heal. I loved her unconditionally.
Thank you for reading Lunas story.

We adopted Ladybug as a 6 year old “senior” from Mohawk Hudson Humane Society when our children were very young, 3 kids ...

We adopted Ladybug as a 6 year old “senior” from Mohawk Hudson Humane Society when our children were very young, 3 kids under 3. We were told that she came in as a stray, had many medical issues in her past, and that she may only live a year. Our response? Let’s give her the best year ever. She went from a street dog to a dog who spent weekends at the lake, swimming off the pontoon boat, eating grilled chicken, and relaxing by the fire. She watched our children grow, she guarded them, and they became her reason to live. We eventually brought her home a sibling, another MHHS rescue, a black cat named Bettie. That “one year” turned into eight. We knew as the years went on, as the kids got older, and the good times and memories became more plentiful, that goodbye was going to be more difficult. Last week, it became apparent that the time was near. Ladybug lost interest in playing with her kids. She watched longingly from the safety of the patio. She grew tired, desperately wanting to climb the stairs at bedtime to sleep with the family, but needing help to get there. She couldn’t stand or walk for long periods of time. so I did with anybody would do. I asked for help. Everybody I asked pointed me in the direction of In The Comfort of Home. So I made that very painful phone call. Dr. Trish came into our home and treated our family with such love and respect, she doted on our old Lady and let us take our time. If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn’t change a thing. Thank you, Dr. Trish and everyone at In The Comfort of Home for the wonderful services you provide. You took a painful day and made it a beautiful memory that we can cherish as a family.


Opening Hours

Monday 06:00 - 17:30
Tuesday 06:00 - 17:30
Wednesday 06:00 - 17:30
Thursday 06:00 - 17:30
Friday 06:00 - 17:30
Saturday 06:00 - 16:30
Sunday 06:00 - 16:30




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