Thank you so much to our caring community for your messages of concern and recommendations 🙏 We have sought a second opinion and have confirmed that Nermal is as well as can be, given that he may have suffered a blow to the side of his head and his back. This may have caused irreversible nerve damage so we can no longer expect him to gain his full eyesight back nor be a normal, agile cat. However, since he is estimated to be less than 2 years old, we are very optimistic that he will make a fast recovery and live a long life, but within a safe space and not freely roaming. We will do our best to keep Nermal healthy and happy 🙂🐈
Nermal was given a clean bill of health last weekend, but still with low platelet count. We were told that he can receive the usual vaccines after a week.
But I am still worried about him. Although he has gained a little weight, he is still wobbly and weak. And we still don't know how old he is.
Have I mentioned that he is almost blind? And his right eye seems to be swollen and red inside. He has been in this cage for more than a month and too afraid to come out.
My heart aches to see him like this. I don't know if we're doing right by him.
I want to get a second opinion. Can anyone recommend a vet who specializes in felines?
Nermal is feeling so much better
After 3 weeks in isolation, he feels good enough to explore. 🥰🙏
Nermal is still in isolation. Poor guy wouldn't leave the crate even if we leave the door open. He was so stressed during his follow up check up yesterday, clawing out from the carrier the entire ride. Surprisingly he didn't gain weight even if he had been eating a lot and drinking water. He is still partially blind. Doc Aaron is now saying it may be a viral infection. We will finish his round of injectable hormones this week and return for another check up plus blood work.
P.S. The white cat is Jimmy, our boarder who loves to sleep all day when he's not out exploring.
We saw tremendous improvement in Nermal's condition this past week. He has been eating a LOT and also pooping regularly now (which he hasn't done while confined at the vet clinic). He is no longer coughing but still has the sniffles. His 3x a day, 15-minute sessions with the humidifier seems to help with his breathing.
What a fighter! 💪🥰
Nermal is going home.
He is finally eating. Originally his eyesight had faded but it seems to be returning as he gets stronger. It's still a long road to full recovery but we will eventually get there. Thank you for your prayers and for rooting for Nermal. 🙂
This si Nermal.
Nermal and 4 other cats have been coming to our facility for the past couple of months, mostly to eat but also to keep Kent company.
We hadn't seen Nermal for about a week until late last week - his face sunken and he had tears in his eyes. He appeared to be coughing and wouldn't eat anything.
This video is of Nermal last Sunday when we visited him at the vet, one day after we took him to be looked at. On our way there I noticed blood coming from his nose. Doc Aaron later said that he appears to have experienced trauma, like he was hit in the face 😭 so his left nostril was clogged and swollen. Tests showed that he is super anemic at dangerously low blood counts, but his organs appear normal.
Today is Nermal's third day at JuanVet and he is still being force fed along with antiobiotics and anti-inflammatory meds. His blood levels continue to be very low.
We are asking for everyone to send positive thoughts for Nermal to overcome this and get better.
Thank you. 🙏
For our 6th months of operation, we visited with our furriends! 🐾🥰
Yggdrasil is an immense and central sacred tree in Norse mythology. Around it exists all else, including the Nine Worlds.
We honor the memory of the first 30 souls that pass through our Send-off Hall by posting their photos to Yggdrasil, our Tree of Life. We thank you for choosing us as your pet's final connection to the Eternal Green Meadow.