Green Meadows Pet Aftercare - Pet Cremation in Negros

Green Meadows Pet Aftercare - Pet Cremation in Negros We believe that every pet deserves a dignified farewell.

Our mission is to provide a peaceful and compassionate environment where you can celebrate the life of your pet and find comfort in knowing they are treated with the utmost care and respect.

Beyond their practical purpose, cats held a special place in Norse mythology and beliefs. The Vikings believed that cats...

Beyond their practical purpose, cats held a special place in Norse mythology and beliefs. The Vikings believed that cats possessed supernatural powers, acting as guardians against evil spirits and bringing good fortune to their owners.

It is of no coincidence that Loki was named after the Norse God of Mischief. But their names are about the only common thing they shared. Of course as a kitten, Loki would sometimes fall into mischief like any other kitten would. But as he grew older, Loki became the strict father, the disciplinarian in the family. He kept everyone, including the dogs, in check.

This, together with a spattering of sweet traits and playful demeanor, enshrined Loki in the hearts and minds of everyone in the family. We only need to look to the stars above to see Loki up to his old ways, and he will always be there, we just have to look closely.

Have you ever asked yourself, would I be willing to take on a pet even though I'm not that young anymore?A lot of people...

Have you ever asked yourself, would I be willing to take on a pet even though I'm not that young anymore?

A lot of people have this apprehension, thinking what will happen to them should I go first? If you have people you trust that will take care of them when you go, by all means do it. To the loved ones you entrust your furbabies to, it would be like leaving a legacy behind.

Moochie, though, did not want to put her furmom into this dilemma. So after twelve happy and loyal years, she bade her farewell. She's probably telling her furmom, don't worry, I'll make sure to be the one who greets you first when you finally make that trip to cross your own rainbow bridge.

We all have and play favorites, it's a human trait, probably. Our favourite son/daughter, grandson/granddaughter, favori...

We all have and play favorites, it's a human trait, probably. Our favourite son/daughter, grandson/granddaughter, favorite sibling, cousin or friend. The list can go on and on...

Gus was fortunate enough to be the favourite of his family's matriarch. But unlike some dogs who can turn into spoiled brats, he was pretty cool about it. He never played the domineering alpha dog of the house, snarling at the others as if to say, I am the chosen one.

He simply went about his day, trying his best to stay beside his furmom when she is around. In the mornings, she would reward him with his favourite - hot pandesal. Their bond is so strong that she never gave up on him when he went down with Distemper. Even while one hospital was recommending to put him to sleep, his furmom found another vet who would painstakingly nurse him back to life, for over three months.

It is his furmom's act of love and kindness that gave them both five more years to spend together. And when it was his time to go, he left without fanfare or drama.

You will be so missed, Gus, and your remains will now stay in the place that you called home for eleven years.

Get your doggies extra spoiled today!!!

Get your doggies extra spoiled today!!!

A love letter to Sofia, from Mom and DadTo Fifi,Run free in fields of endless green, with a sky that’s always clear and ...

A love letter to Sofia, from Mom and Dad

To Fifi,

Run free in fields of endless green, with a sky that’s always clear and warm.

We hope you’re enjoying all the things you loved: chasing after butterflies, basking in the sun while watching the birds, and finding endless treats.

We miss you everyday but we find solace in the thought that you are now in a place where pain and sadness don’t exist, and where you can play with all your furry friends.

Thank you for the love you gave, and for the joy you brought into our lives. As you frolic in your new paradise, please know that we are sending all our love and will be thinking of you every day.

Thank you for being strong until the end. We never gave up because you showed us you were brave.

Thank you for showing us that you felt our love for you.

Until we meet again, know that you are dearly missed, cherished and you will always be our Yumyum.

With all our love,

Mom and Dad

We’re still finding it hard to put our feelings into words when we think about Sofia. Our hearts are filled with a mix of sorrow and gratitude that's hard to fully express.

We can still remember the day we first met her as if it were yesterday. Sofia was a little bundle of bliss wrapped in the softest, cottony white fur. From that moment on, Sofia felt like home.

Her big brown eyes had an amazing way of melting hearts, even though she had feistiness that made her all the more lovable. Her fur, so soft and cloud-like, always smelled faintly of fresh bamboo, making every cuddle session feel extra special.

Her gentle purrs, playful antics, and curious gaze brought so much love and hapiness into our lives. Whether she was energetically bouncing around or curled up for a nap, she had a way of making every day brighter and more meaningful.

Sofia had a quirky love for music, but she wasn’t exactly a fan of our singing. She’d often give a nip or a smirk before turning away, but we knew she was just asking for a cuddle. Those little moments of rebellion were just part of what made her so charming.

She blessed us in many ways, from her role as the female alpha to the variety of insects and lizards she shared with us, along with her many litters. We deeply appreciate all these gifts.

She never showed us a hint of weakness. Even after losing her vision, she remained vibrant and full of life. She’d still welcome us with a scolding whenever we came home late at night.

During the last three months of her life, she was frequently in and out of confinement, but her determination to keep going was evident. She continued to eat heartily, drank as much as she could, took her medication willingly, always greeted her doctors and nurses with a wink and even delivered encouraging lab results.

On her 13th birthday, just like every year before, she was delighted with boxes of goodies. But the very next day was no good news.

We did everything we could to support and encourage her to stay strong while she was in the hospital. While she was on life support, we could feel that the end was approaching.

How could we ever truly prepare for something like this?

All we could do was to remain by her side and held her until she showed us she was ready to go.

A week after her birthday, she joined the angels.

Even though Sofia isn’t physically with us anymore, she’s still very much a part of our lives. Her memory lives on in every corner of the house and in every story we tell. The joy and love she gave us are treasures we’ll hold forever.

Sofia left a space that cannot be filled and the mark she made on our lives will be forever.

We’re so grateful for the time we had with her and will always remember her with all the love and affection she truly deserved.

Holiday schedule advisory

Holiday schedule advisory

Aside from loyalty and unconditional love, our furbabies also possess these two important traits - faith and courage. Pe...

Aside from loyalty and unconditional love, our furbabies also possess these two important traits - faith and courage.

Pets demonstrate astounding faith in us, in that no matter how many times we leave and for how long, their faith in our safe return never falters. You can give them any command and they will follow, maybe not enthusiastically or immediately, but they will obey.

Their courage is something to behold as well, for they will give their life, no matter how big the foe or how outnumbered they may be, just so that we are left unharmed. Their courage is fuelled by their faith, that we have their back at all times, for they surely have ours, always.

In Leo's short but meaningful life, he exhibited faith and courage, and was rewarded with the love he so very much deserved.

In the silence of his grieving heart, a furdad bids farewell to his beloved cat - "You left us too soon, my dear Jose. Y...

In the silence of his grieving heart, a furdad bids farewell to his beloved cat -

"You left us too soon, my dear Jose. Your absence casts a long shadow of sorrow. I was so looking forward to welcoming you home, to spoiling you with endless love and treats. Now, you're chasing butterflies in the fields of eternal sunshine. If only I could visit you every day.

I never imagined myself as a cat person. But then you came into my life, a tiny bundle of fur that captured my heart completely. Your playful antics, your soft purrs, and your unconditional love transformed me. You were more than just a pet; you were my loyal companion.

Through life's challenges, your unwavering companionship was my greatest source of strength. Your presence filled my days with joy and my nights with peace. Countless times, people have questioned my relentless pursuit of success, wondering why I prioritize material things over personal enjoyment. But you were my reason. I poured my heart and soul into building a life of abundance, a safe haven for you.

The loss of EJ was a wound that never truly healed. The pain of losing you is almost unbearable. I blame myself for every missed opportunity, for every moment I didn’t cherish enough. I was building a home for us, a place where you would be safe and happy. But fate had other plans.

Last night, I sat in your favorite spot, surrounded by memories. The silence was deafening without your purrs and playful antics. I miss the way you would greet me with enthusiastic meows, the way you would curl up in my lap for hours. I wish I had more time to make countless more memories with you.

Rest now, my sweet boy. You are free from pain and suffering. I will cherish the memories we made forever.

I love you more than words can say."

Does it hurt more when your pet is taken away from you suddenly or slowly? Anyone who has ever loved an animal as if the...

Does it hurt more when your pet is taken away from you suddenly or slowly? Anyone who has ever loved an animal as if they were family will tell you it always hurts, regardless of the manner, reason or length of time.

We will miss the way our furbaby looks at us with those trusting and innocent eyes. We will miss the little quirks that make each one of them unique. Maybe they behave properly as you brush their teeth as a pup, or maybe they enthusiastically lick empty their medicine bowl.

Each one is unique, but at the same time, each and every one of them tug at our heartstrings in the same, deep way. It's the simplicity of their existence - their whole world revolves around you and they live to love you, unconditionally.

Buster, you are truly a magnificent creature and you deserve to spend eternity in the lush green meadows across the Rainbow Bridge.

Sometimes, unavoidable circumstances force us to be thousands of miles apart from our furbabies. Life stories like that ...

Sometimes, unavoidable circumstances force us to be thousands of miles apart from our furbabies. Life stories like that of Pitchy's are bittersweet, and sometimes it is best to hear them from the furparents themselves.

"I first met Pitchy when she was just four months old, a tiny ball of fur with big, curious eyes that instantly captured my heart. From that moment on, she became my baby girl, a constant companion through the ups and downs of life. She had a personality all her own—sweet and loving, but also fiercely independent. Pitchy was never one to seek attention all the time. She valued her space, preferring to lounge in her favorite spots where she could watch the world go by without being disturbed. Yet, every morning, without fail, she would jump into my bed and curl up by my feet, a silent but powerful reminder of our bond.

Her sweetness was something I cherished deeply. There was a gentleness about her, an understanding that was beyond words. But she was also adventurous, with a love for the outdoors that could not be contained. The moment she spotted an open gate, she would dash out, running like a free woman, her spirit unbound and full of life. Pitchy always knew what she wanted, and she had a way of letting you know too—especially when it came to food. Chicken was her favorite, and no matter what else was on offer, it was always chicken that made her eyes light up.

Leaving the country was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do, not just because I was leaving behind familiar places and people, but because I had to leave Pitchy. The thought of being separated from her was unbearable, but I took comfort in knowing she was with my mom and siblings, who loved and cared for her just as much as I did.

Even from afar, our connection remained unbroken. During our video calls, I would call her name, and I could see her ears perk up, her eyes searching the screen for me. The moment she heard my voice, her tail would start wagging, a small but precious sign that she was happy to hear me. It was funny, in a way, how something as simple as a voice could bridge the distance between us, keeping our bond alive despite the miles that separated us.

As the years passed, Pitchy grew older, but with age came a sweetness that only deepened. Every morning, she would step outside, do her business, and then sit by the driveway, soaking up the morning sunshine. It became her routine, a peaceful way to start the day, and I loved to imagine her sitting there, content and serene, enjoying the simple pleasures of life.

Pitchy lived her life with strength and adventure, embracing each day with the same spirit that had defined her from the start. She was more than just a pet; she was family, a beloved part of our lives who brought joy and love into our hearts. Though she’s no longer with us, Pitchy will forever be a part of us. Her memory will live on, cherished and loved, a reminder of the bond we shared and the happiness she brought into our lives."

Covid crept up on humanity like a thief in the night. In the same manner, Uno came into the lives of his new family, tot...

Covid crept up on humanity like a thief in the night. In the same manner, Uno came into the lives of his new family, totally unexpected.

But unlike Covid, Uno was welcomed with loving arms. Instead of weakening people like the dreaded virus, Uno became a source of strength and hope for his family. Together, they weathered this generation's most trying and dark time.

So one can just imagine the pain and anguish Uno's family must have gone through when he passed away so suddenly. They say we all have a mission or purpose to fulfill in our lifetime. Maybe it was Uno's to unite his family with love and loyalty during one of the world's darkest times.

Whatever the reason may be, Uno will forever live on in the hearts and minds of everyone he has touched. Run free, forever happy, forever joyful and forever young, in the lush green meadows beyond the Rainbow Bridge, Uno!

Our pet's lives, by human standards, are short. No matter what age they reach, it will always never be enough. Have you ...

Our pet's lives, by human standards, are short. No matter what age they reach, it will always never be enough. Have you ever wondered how this is so?

Is it because they live entirely in the moment, making each second count? Is it because they love us so unconditionally? These are valid answers, but on the other hand, we always feel short-changed because the more they give, the more we realise just how valuable they are to us. And we think we will never experience such devotion again.

Cucha spent her twelve years endearing herself to her family, and anyone else she meets for that matter. And like a true divine gift, she was there for her furmom's lows and trying times. This act was reciprocated when her furmom was there for her during a life-threatening pyometra surgery a few years back.

Our relationships with our furbabies are truly amazing and inspiring. You only have to look at tear-stained eyes to witness to something that was, and will always be truly special.

Hug our feline friends extra tight today!

Hug our feline friends extra tight today!

Every now and then someone or something comes into our lives and they just fit perfectly. The stars don't have to be per...

Every now and then someone or something comes into our lives and they just fit perfectly. The stars don't have to be perfectly aligned, mind and body don't have to be in sync, we just know that someone or something belongs with us.

For Yuri, this happened the day her family adopted her. It wasn't even a question of when she and her family would eventually get along, the match was one made in heaven. More than sparks flying and music playing, there was an instant connection, a connection that would slowly create a bond so deep one would think Yuri was born unto her family.

In Hindu mythology, cats are connected with Shashthi, a goddess who looks after children, so you can expect Yuri to be doing the same in the afterlife.

How does one say goodbye to a pet that seems to have taken it upon himself to spread so much love and joy wherever he go...

How does one say goodbye to a pet that seems to have taken it upon himself to spread so much love and joy wherever he goes? The answer is simple, you don't say goodbye.

They say dogs live in the moment, that they are the most loyal creatures you will ever find. It is our firm belief that since dogs have no concept of death, it then does not hinder them from staying loyal to us long after they depart from their mortal bodies. So in effect, they continue to watch over us, continue to spread love and joy and just stay by our side even when we think we will never see them again. We just need to be ever watchful for the little signs they leave behind.

So even while Peanut is enjoying the lush green meadows across the Rainbow Bridge, you can expect him to be visiting his family every now and then, doing what does best - spreading love and joy.

What makes a hero? Is it just one who is admired or idealized for courage? One with outstanding achievements or noble qu...

What makes a hero? Is it just one who is admired or idealized for courage? One with outstanding achievements or noble qualities? We hear it almost everyday, heroes don't wear capes, or you don't have to save the world to be a hero.

Burnok was only four years old when he crossed the Rainbow Bridge. But short as his life may have been in years, he more than made up for it with the love he shared with his family. If you were meeting him for the first time, it wouldn't take long for him to weave his charms on you.

We sometimes overlook the most important aspect of what pets bring to our lives - they take away our stress, they are a shoulder to cry on, they lend their ears and listen without judgement, aren't these the traits of a hero? If you're not convinced, then how about the time Burnok went out to find Bruno, his sibling, who had gone missing. No one could find Bruno, but only a few hours after Burnok was asked to help find him, he returns home with Bruno.

Our pets are heroes. They rescue us everyday just by their mere loving presence.

It's amazing how sometimes dogs can completely turn our world upside down. Some of the most dedicated furparents did not...

It's amazing how sometimes dogs can completely turn our world upside down. Some of the most dedicated furparents did not even start off liking dogs, but after experiencing the unconditional love that they give, they are converted.

Such was the case with Snuggles, who in a short span established herself as a beloved member of the family. She possessed such endearing traits: brave, fierce, smart, protective and even being such a "maldita" only made her family love her more.

They say time heals all wounds, but wouldn't "Time dulls all wounds" be more apt? A heart broken into a million pieces can be put back together, given enough time, but it will never beat the same way again. And this is fine, for every pulse henceforth will beat in time with our departed's name. Snuggles, Snuggles, Snuggles....

Akai in Japanese means Red, a color that is apt for what Akai means to his family. For among the many definitions and wo...

Akai in Japanese means Red, a color that is apt for what Akai means to his family. For among the many definitions and word associations that red has are Love and Joy, and those are exactly what Akai shared with his family.

Akai was so very much loved that, as a matter of fact, Akai has three mamas. Vegetables, fruits and pandesal are some of his favorite things in the world. His witty tricks, energetic character and distinct howl will forever be ingrained in the hearts and minds of his family. They even have a secret language of love, and it goes something like:

Awwooo! Barrooo!

Run wild and free and forever young, Akai, in the lush green meadows across the Rainbow Bridge!

At least once in our lifetime, we meet our animal soulmate. A creature so special to us that we would move heaven and ea...

At least once in our lifetime, we meet our animal soulmate. A creature so special to us that we would move heaven and earth, cross oceans, scale mountains for.

For Christine and her family, this was Cookie. Their lives were forever changed when they decided to bring Cookie home with them after living abroad for several years. That trip was going to be challenging and expensive, but they were determined not to leave Cookie behind.

And so Cookie lived his best life after travelling from the Middle East to the Philippines. He was the apple of everyone's eyes, especially Christine's. Sometimes it amazes us how one small creature can unite and bind a family even further.

But as with everything in life, nothing lasts forever. Father Time beckoned Cookie to come and stay in the lush green meadows across the Rainbow Bridge, but not before one last selfless act from Cookie. As Christine lay on the operating table, Cookie offered his own life so that Christine would come out unscathed. I have personally observed this phenomenon several times in my life and it is both sad and inspiring.

Christine, the tears will stop and the pain will only get dulled by the passage of time. But every time you feel your heart pinched, it's Cookie's way of saying "Hi".

Gone too soon. Three words that are just so hard to accept. Furparents who suffer loss while their furbabies are in the ...

Gone too soon. Three words that are just so hard to accept. Furparents who suffer loss while their furbabies are in the prime of life, based on our experience, grieve the most. But this is not to downplay others' grief and suffering, for it is not a measuring stick nor a contest.

When a pet who has lived a long life dies, we will always have memories of time spent, places visited and life events shared. These help keep our departed alive, even though they only stay alive in our hearts and minds. These precious memories will be fewer for furparents whose pets were taken too soon. Instead of memories, all that's left are unfulfilled plans, dashed hopes and dreams. That's what makes their grief more painful.

We stand with you, Mommy Em, do know that even though Lucy has crossed the Rainbow Bridge, she will always be with you in spirit, you just have to look for the signs Lucy will leave behind.

There will always be something special with a first. First love, first kiss, first pet. For Tyra's family, she was their...

There will always be something special with a first. First love, first kiss, first pet.

For Tyra's family, she was their first daughter. They experienced falling in love, as all furparents do, for the first time, with a creature not of the same species. What Tyra lacked in size, she made up for in heart. The same heart that would wrap an entire family in love, has made her family experience yet another first - first heartbreak.

It is hard to fathom sometimes, how we can ever get over the loss of such a precious part of ourselves, especially one that was taken too soon. But we don't have to get over it, at least maybe not right away and not completely. For it is through grieving that we realise it is actually our love for our dear departed persevering.

White, Bright, Fortunate, Noble shining one, Dawn. The epitome of purity. These are some of the definitions of the name ...

White, Bright, Fortunate, Noble shining one, Dawn. The epitome of purity. These are some of the definitions of the name Alba.

But for Alba's family, words are simply not enough to define what Alba means to them. Eleven years of love, laughter and loyalty. The ultimate Matriarch. A loving and caring mother to her pups, and even her pups' own pups. Alba is strong and independent, but at the same time, she can tug at your heartstrings with just one look, a wag of her tail and her dignified bark.

Spending time with Alba's family, especially her furmom, and hearing stories about her, make one see the love that's so palpable, showered upon her. Alba is truly one in a million, a gem, a needle in a haystack. We should all be so lucky if we ever get to be fortunate enough to have an Alba, even once in our lifetime.

We met Kyrie's family purely by an unfortunate twist of fate. Kyrie was their first ever pup, Ate Mae opted for Kyrie as...

We met Kyrie's family purely by an unfortunate twist of fate. Kyrie was their first ever pup, Ate Mae opted for Kyrie as her graduation gift. Daddy Chris had the honor of naming him, after NBA Superstar Kyrie Irving. Mommy Amalyn became so attached as Kyrie would wake her up just minutes before her alarm went off. Kuya Mikael showered Kyrie with gifts he won from the arcades.

Aside from going on trips with the family, asking for belly rubs and being the welcoming committee any time someone gets home, Kyrie more importantly filled their home with love, joy and laughter - he brought everyone closer. Being the loyal pup that he is, we are sure he would want to send this message to his pack, his family :

"Daddy Chris, thank you for your sacrifice, I will always be by your side to protect you."

"Mommy Amalyn, if you ever wake up before your alarm, know that I am still doing my job."

"Ate Mae, I am by your side, always, until you become a full fledged doctor."

"Kuya Mikael, stay as sweet and generous as you are, I will be there when you need me."

How long a life your pup lives does not dictate how much you love them. Kyrie's family only had him for five months, but their love for him is good for a lifetime. As Ate Mae writes -"He was and will always be part of our family, and for him, we were his pack- ready to play, to defend, to love and to wait."

We can't put into words how much we feel for Furmom Jenny at Shawn's passing, so we decided to use her own words:We coul...

We can't put into words how much we feel for Furmom Jenny at Shawn's passing, so we decided to use her own words:

We couldn't have asked for a better dog than you. You brought boundless joy and unconditional love into our lives. We shall always carry your memory with us, a bittersweet remembrance of the amazing dog you were. We will always treasure the moments we spent with you and will always miss you in our hearts. You were so little when I first got you. You showed me what unconditional love feels like. Our Shawn is not just a pet, but our baby. It's hard for us to accept that you crossed the rainbow bridge too early. We are not that prepared, and it breaks our hearts really hard.

We will miss how clingy our Shawn is, his cold nose, warm belly, and sweet cuddle.

A golden heart stopped beating. Tiny little paws were at rest. God broke my heart to only prove he takes the best. I still remember the feeling I felt when I first saw you as a tiny little puppy. Sometimes it’s like you were just a dream. I want to fall asleep again and hope that I can re-start that same dream.

Time. It's so priceless. We can never get enough of it, but at the same time, how we wish we could just hit pause and li...

Time. It's so priceless. We can never get enough of it, but at the same time, how we wish we could just hit pause and live in one moment forever.

Clark and Tin are among the few that we can call truly blessed. From his days as a pup, and all through his seventeen years, he shared in Tin's highs and lows, triumphs and heartaches, achievements, life stages and everything else in between. They were each other's person, friend, companion and family.

But alas, we cannot stop the second hand from ticking, the same way that we cannot stop the day from turning into night. We can only spend the time that is given us the best way we can, for we cannot save time. And this, we can assure you, was what Tin and Clark did with the time that was given them.

They say that once in your lifetime someone comes along...whom you're absolutely meant to be with. Everything feels righ...

They say that once in your lifetime someone comes along...whom you're absolutely meant to be with. Everything feels right, stars are aligned, body and spirit are in balance. For Maverick, that was Jekjek. What better way to pay tribute to this lovely creature than through Maverick's own words:

"Jekjek wasn't just a rescue dog; she was my original, my OG DOG! I vividly remember her as a frail puppy, struggling to climb the footwalks to my house, determined to be rescued. She knew where she needed to go and was determined to live for at least another five years.

Jekjek came into my life at a time when I didn't know I could care for another being. She was one of my kids, revealing my strengths and weaknesses just when I needed to see them. Jekjek, we had a great run, my love. Now, GO and be FREE!"

Marie is no stranger to grief. But she has never grieved the way she is grieving for Kelly right now. Barely six months ...

Marie is no stranger to grief. But she has never grieved the way she is grieving for Kelly right now.

Barely six months ago when Kelly was born, Marie instantly knew she was going to be the love of her life. Their bond was instant and strong, like a mother to her newborn baby. Kelly's ways and mannerisms complemented her furmom that left no doubt who was the princess of the house. She was showered with affection and she gladly reciprocated.

Then Parvo struck and shattered all the hopes and dreams they built together. Marie has been inconsolable since, the last time I saw her, she was driving off with Kelly's urn in tow, tears streaking down her cheeks.

We feel your pain, Marie, for we have been there. The pain will lessen, but never fully heal... and that's how you know Kelly is still with you.

Our calling has opened our world to a kaleidoscope of personalities. Different families will have different values, diff...

Our calling has opened our world to a kaleidoscope of personalities. Different families will have different values, different characteristics and different ways of expressing and coping with grief.

For Prince, the passing of the family matriarch signaled a shift in the family's relationship dynamic. He became not just the family's best friend, but everyone else's for that matter. An extremely loyal dog who loves morning pandesal and belly rubs, Prince will surely be missed.

Even though we can only imagine how each furbaby must have lived their lives with their families, it is safe to assume that Prince must have been one class act.

I know we will meet again 😇🪽

I know we will meet again 😇🪽


Burgos Street
Bacolod City


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