My goal as a plant mommy is to be able to have that intimate relationship with my plants where I would be able to know what they need by just looking at their leaves. Wala pa ako sa level na ganun. Hahaha. But I am sharing to you below a well written article shared in Philodendron and other Genera - Philippines (POGe - Ph) group. Credits to Mr. Mark Alday.
Fertilizer and Yellowing of Leaves
(Let's talk about Fertilizer and yellowing of leaves since these 2 are most likely related naman)
🌱Ever wonder what does NPK means? you'll see them around the labels of some Fertilizer brand we usually bought on shopee, Osmocote, Nutricote, Agroblen these are brands and they do differ in everyway!
NPK stands for Nitrogen - Phosphorus - Potassium, so when you see Osmocote 14-14-14 that means Nitrogen 14, Phosphorus 14 and Potassium is also 14, but some osmocotes have a different value of NPK so don't just buy Osmocote check its NPK equivalent aswell! because you might over fertilize your lovely plant!
You see, when you use organic soil mix these already have a built in NPK, first lets talk about " Vermicast " this one has an equivalent value of 0.5 - 0.7 - 0.4 while a banana peel have an NPK of 0.4 - 0.7 - 11.5 average but some goes as high as 0 - 0 - 42!
here are the list of NPK value per fertilizer
🌱so what does Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium do?
Nitrogen = Promotes leaf growth, as well as green leaves high in clorophyll for photosynthesis. so we want a little as possible for variegated plants so they won't revert much but still without nitrogen, plants won't be as lush as you want it to be!
Phosphorus = Promotes root growth, every plant wants this but you need to be very weary of this one, because you don't wanna confuse the plants if will they produce roots ? or will they produce more leaves? thats why Osmocote 14-14-14 is very popular coz its alil bit balance on everything.
Potassium = boost the immune system of plants againts fungus, viruses etc. This I like the most! who doesn't want a plant free of deseases!
🌱 It's a long post please bear with me 😅 Now regarding yellowing of leaves " Photo below " yellowing doesn't always means overwater! there are sooooooo many reasons why your lovely plants Leaves turned yellow! not to mention fungus and transport shock! from shipping.
🌱Nitrogen = acasia leaves or beans peas.
🌱Phosphorus = bone meal, yeah you heard it right its made up of different bones of animals steamed, but you can also buy it as powder.
🌱Potassium = banana peels are great source of potassium it can go as high as 42 !
🌱Magnesium = Epsom salt or magnesium Sulfate is a great source! of cors of magnesium!
🌱Calcium = Egg shells ! this one is so popular indeed!
If you ever make it out here 😅 thanks for reading, Now you know why people use Egg shells! Banana peels! as well as Fish Tank water aye!
lastly rain water 🌊
rain water oxygen level is very high thats why alot of us use it, some don't know why but lets educate our selves and share everything we've learned!
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