Thank you for providing us the facts about the Indian Almond leaves or we call it Talisay leaves.
Why they are antibacterial and antifungal properties? When it comes to treating fish illnesses, most common illnesses are weaker bacterial or fungal infections, such as fin rot.
Why it can lower down the pH levels of the water inside the aquarium? While frequently messing with your pH is not recommended, there are safe ways to lower or raise your pH level. However, you should not attempt to do this without a basic chemical understanding of pH and how it can affect your tank’s inhabitants.
And why it can induce breeding and spawning? Indian Almond leaves can lower the water to around a pH of 5, if the water was soft with little to no carbonate hardness. If the water is moderately hard, it will likely only bring the pH down to around 6. No matter the hardness, Indian Almond leave have an excessive amount of tannins, so your water will be dyed a dark brown quickly. These conditions will help induce spawning in finicky species.
#fish #fishkeeping #talisayleaves #indianalmondleaves #naturalvitamins #fishkeeper #koi #guppy #danios #goldfish #ornamentalfish #diseases #manila #philippines
Thank you for giving us some insights about these Aquarium Heaters.
There are material types of heaters, the most commonly used is the Glass Heaters and the Stainless Heaters. Click on the caption below to choose your heaters! :)
Aqua Speed GLASS HEATER [50W] [200W] [300W] Aquarium Fish Tank AquaSpeed:
AquaSpeed HEATER STAINLESS Steel for Aquarium/Tank [50W] [100W] [200W] [300W] [500W]:
In order to choose the correct heater wattage here is the simple guide that you need to follow.
5-10 Gallons = 50 Watts
15-20 Gallons = 100 Watts
25-40 Gallons = 150 Watts
50-60 Gallons = 200 Watts
75-100 Gallons = 250-300 Watts
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Thank you Dr. Greg Lewbart M.S., V.M.D., Dipl. ACZM for giving us some knowledge about the most common disease of the Koi Fishes!
To control these kind of diseases you always need to do water change at least 30%, do not overfeed your fishes and also make sure that you do some water treatment.
For external medicine Methylene Blue is effective enough to use but please do read the instructions at the back of the label to make sure that you will not kill your fish. Click on the caption below to buy one :)
Aqua Gold Methylene Blue Meth Blue Aquarium Tank Fish Medicine Gill Fluke Velvet Fungus Blue Water:
For treating the tap water by removing the Chlorine content. Click on the caption below as well to buy one!
Aqua Gold Chlorine Remover Anti-Chlorine Dechlorinator Chlorine Neutralizer Aquarium Tank Essential:
#fish #fishkeeping #fishkeeper #koi #guppy #danios #goldfish #ornamentalfish #diseases #manila #philippines
Let me present to you my first ever personally owned Flowerhorn Fish! And since it's just 2-3 week old fish this is my food that I fed which helps the growth and the coloration as well. Click on the caption below! :)
Aquav Flower Horn Pellets:
#flowerhorn #fish #kamfa #fishkeeping #fishkeeper #growh #fishfeeds #manila #philippines #caloocan
Thank you in teaching us about Japanese Koi Fishes. Speaking of their food click on the caption below is the best food that you can take advantage for your Koi Fishes!
[Keepers Choice] Koiking Growth 1kg | Bonuses Color Enhancing 1kg:
#fish #fishkeeper #fishstore #fishkeeping #japanese #japanesekoi #fishfoods #manila #philippines
Thank you for providing the facts about Flowerhorn Fishes! For you to be able to start taking care of a Flowerhorn fish especially for the starters this is food is for you! Click on the caption below! 🙂
Topka 9.9 Flowerhorn food 100g:
#flowerhorn #thailand #malaysia #cichlids #fishkeeping #fishkeeper #breed #fishstore #fishstorebusiness #manila #philippines
Hello guys! If you want to start your first ever aquarium these are the products that you need! THE BASIC 3 EQUIPMENT! Click on the caption below for the products to buy! :)
Air pumps:
Silicone hose:
Sponge Filter:
#aquarium #equipment #starters #fish #fishkeeping #fish #caloocan #manila #philippines
Thank you for giving us an idea about guppy fishes!
#guppy #fishkeeping #fishkeeper #breed #fishstore #fishstorebusiness #manila #philippines
Hello! I want to share one of my partners to build up my business which is Involve Asia! Planning to start affiliate marketing? Click the link here! to sign up!
#affiliatemarketing #newbusiness #involveasia #partner #manila #philippines
Welcome to the first ever post of KoiGuppDan Aquatics! Since this is one of our advocacies to spread the correct knowledge about our pet fish! FFF! Fun Fish Facts brought to you by!
#fish #fishkeeper #fishstore #fishkeeping #japanese #japanesekoi #investment #manila #philippines