MULCH - Some disadvantages of mulches
Organic mulches decay over time, and they are temporary. The way a particular organic mulch decomposes, and reacts to wetting by rain and dew, affects its usefulness. Mulches can negatively affect plant growth; mulches can be decomposed rapidly by bacteria and fungi, which require nitrogen and remove it from the surrounding soil. Organic mulches can mat into a barrier that blocks water and air flow between the soil and the atmosphere, they can also wick water from the soil to the surface, causing the soil to dry out.
Diversity and wildlife
The use of cover crops adds at least one more dimension of plant diversity to a cash crop rotation. Since the cover crop is typically not a crop of value, its management is usually less intensive and increases the likelihood that a more complex structure will develop to support a higher level of wildlife diversity.
The notion of plants influencing their neighbours has been around since the ancient Greeks. By the mid 1800's, the hypothesis that plants influenced each other by chemical means became widely accepted, especially after the work of French botanist, A.P. DeCandolle in 1832. The word is based on the Greek allele meaning ‘one another’, and path for ‘suffering’ or ‘disease.’ Hans Molisch, an Austrian plant physiologist, introduced the term ‘allelopathy’ to identify the process in 1937. Molisch applied a broader definition by including both negative as well as positive impacts of chemical interactions occurring between plants, as well as micro-organisms.
In the same way that allelopathic properties of cover crops can suppress weeds, they can also break disease cycles and reduce populations of bacterial and fungal diseases and parasitic nematodes. Species in the Brassicaceae family, such as mustards, have been widely shown to suppress fungal disease populations through the release of naturally occurring toxic chemicals during the degradation of glycosylate compounds in their plant cell tissues.
Text from the roots, Elisabeth Ferkonia (Aus.) PDC studied with Bill Mollison.
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MULCH - Baadhi ya hasara za matandazo
Matandazo ya kikaboni huharibika baada ya muda, na ni ya muda mfupi. Jinsi matandazo fulani ya kikaboni hutengana, na kuguswa na kunyeshewa na mvua na umande, huathiri manufaa yake. Matandazo yanaweza kuathiri vibaya ukuaji wa mmea; matandazo yanaweza kuoza kwa haraka na bakteria na kuvu, ambayo yanahitaji nitrojeni na kuiondoa kwenye udongo unaozunguka. Matandazo ya kikaboni yanaweza kuweka kizuizi ambacho huzuia mtiririko wa maji na hewa kati ya udongo na angahewa, yanaweza pia kufinya maji kutoka kwenye udongo hadi juu, na kusababisha udongo kukauka.
Utofauti na wanyamapori
Matumizi ya mazao ya kufunika huongeza angalau kipimo kimoja zaidi cha aina mbalimbali za mimea kwenye mzunguko wa mazao ya biashara. Kwa kuwa zao la kufunika kwa kawaida si zao la thamani, usimamizi wake kwa kawaida huwa mdogo na huongeza uwezekano kwamba muundo changamano zaidi utakua ili kusaidia kiwango cha juu cha wanyamapori mbalimbali.
Ugonjwa wa mzio
Dhana ya mimea inayoathiri majirani zao imekuwepo tangu Wagiriki wa kale. Kufikia katikati ya miaka ya 1800, dhana kwamba mimea iliathiriana kwa njia za kemikali ilikubalika sana, hasa baada ya kazi ya mtaalamu wa mimea wa Ufaransa, A.P. DeCandolle mwaka wa 1832. Neno hili linatokana na aleli ya Kigiriki inayomaanisha 'mmoja mwingine', na njia ya ' mateso' au 'ugonjwa.' Hans Molisch, mwanafiziolojia wa mimea kutoka Austria, alianzisha neno 'allelopathy' ili kubainisha mchakato huo katika 1937. Molisch alitumia ufafanuzi mpana zaidi kwa kujumuisha athari hasi na chanya za mwingiliano wa kemikali unaotokea kati ya mimea, pamoja na viumbe vidogo.
Kwa njia sawa na kwamba sifa za allopathiki za mazao ya kufunika zinaweza kukandamiza magugu, zinaweza pia kuvunja mzunguko wa magonjwa na kupunguza idadi ya magonjwa ya bakteria na fangasi na nematode za vimelea. Spishi katika familia ya Brassicaceae, k**a vile haradali, zimeonyeshwa sana kukandamiza idadi ya magonjwa ya ukungu kupitia kutolewa kwa kemikali za sumu zinazotokea asili wakati wa uharibifu wa misombo ya glycosylate katika tishu zao za seli za mmea. Maandishi kutoka kwa mizizi, Elisabeth Ferkonia (Aus.) PDC alisoma na Bill Mollison.