Available Bettas strain halfmoon, multicolor, dumbo ear, hellboy, red samurai, full red, copper, mustard gas, bicolor, galaxy avatar, fancy, candy, white, blue and turquoise green. Junior and full size and female breeders.
Female Betta Breeder Size #betta4k #bettafish #bettacommunity #bettafishtank
Betta Dumbo Ear #bettafish #betta4k #bettalover
Betta Community Tank, 1 month old multicolor galaxy betta #betta #bettafish #bettalover #communityfishtank #betta4k #fbreels
Royal Blue Halfmoon Plakat Betta
#bettafish #fbreels #betta4k #betta #bettalover #bettahalfmoon
Betta bubble nest with eggs
#fbreels #bettafish #betta4k
Multicolor Betta Male & Female
Betta Fry 17 days old
Candy Betta Fish HMPK
Betta Flaring Avatar @ Full Molt
Betta Fish Breeding
Day 4 successful Galaxy Multicolor Breeding
Betta breeding tips: 1. Use a 14 x 10 x 4 inch container, fill with about 3 inches of water depth. 2.Water solution with talisay extract, pinch of salt, clean stock water. 3. Separate female by using any transparent confinement for 1 day before release.
Red Dragon and Full Red Betta Breeding