Another day, another Cray! We've been so busy lately, but we finally carved out some time to harvest our craylings that we've been nurturing for 2 to 2.5 months! We've also set up our berried females to hatch their precious eggs! And had a fantastic success with 13 mommas hatching! Check out the video for today—it's one you won't want to miss! Enjoy!
Craylings 1-1.7inches
25kg MALES for food consumption for DECEMBER (Sold out)
SEPTEMBER 21, 2024
Another day, another Cray! I'm truly grateful for today! It was amazing to meet both new and familiar faces. Even though it was tiring, the day was incredibly rewarding!
I wish you all the success in your new venture and your research endeavors! Thank you once again, and here's to an exciting journey in Crayfish farming!❤️🥳🦞
Danao (pick up)✅
Cortes (site visit)✅
BISU Calape✅
Another day, another Cray! One of our grow out pond needed to be harvested for delivery on Saturday. 596 pieces of 2-month-old craylings were successfully gathered. to fulfill the 420 pieces required by the school for their research.🦞❤️🔥🙏🏼🥰
14 for the main breeder pond!
Another day, another Cray! We managed to collect 14 berried females for today after cleaning and harvesting our main breeders pond!❤️🔥🦞
Another day, another Cray!
Good news! Luckily, Selina just finished molting when I arrived to check up on them! She’s definitely our biggest female already from our main breeders! Surpassing Peaches (8 inches)
Monthly harvest for weekly hatch.❤️🦞
Another day, another Cray! Here's our weekly hatch update! We are starting to hit 1–1.5k pieces of craylings weekly (mortality included), and we are so happy with our progress! We might need to add more tanks to accommodate all of them in the coming months.
Since we were able to harvest and transfer 500+ pieces of craylings (running 2 months old) last week, another tank is available for these new babies.😅🤣🔥
Molting process
Another day, Another Cray!🔥
Molting is a very stressful time for them because they are very aware of how vulnerable they are afterward. They’re very soft and can’t defend themselves while they are soft.
Immediately after they leave the old shell, their bodies absorb a lot of water, so they ‘grow’ right after they leave the old shell, and during this time they wouldn’t be moving much.
Then they hide as much as they can until enough time passes to harden their new shells. It takes awhile to fully harden, so it’s not a quick thing.
Most crays simply want to hide right after a moult, and if this one has nowhere to hide, then the stress from that alone could be fatal.
Walk-in customer from Sagbayan! Thank you so much for visiting and choosing The Craypod! Happy Monday, everyone! ❤️🦞🔥 ❤️🦞🔥
Dragon fruit x Crayfish
Off to their new home, bound to Bool and Ubay! Thank you for trusting us!❤️🔥🦞
321 craylings on reftub #5
We decided to clear out one reftub and transfer it to grow-out pond #4.
The estimated craylings harvested would have been around 400–550, but 321 craylings on 1 reftub isn’t too bad! These babies are 3 weeks old (0.5–1.2 inches).❤️😅
We will also be harvesting 1 growout pond next week; they'll be turning 1 month and 1 week old (1–1.5 inches; some are probably 2 inches already). 🔥🦞
The estimated harvest would be around 800-1200 pieces. Please message us in advance if you want to place an order because they run out pretty fast.😅, we do release craylings on a monthly basis.
Just like with our breeders, the more quantity you purchase, the bigger the discount and the more freebies you get.🥳🎊❤️
May 17, 2024
Thank you for trusting The Craypod! Happy Crayfish farming!🦞🔥❤️
Happy Mother’s Day!❤️🔥🦞
Happy Mother’s Day!❤️🔥🦞