The dogs I know have more soul, more heart, more love, more connection, more patience, and more softness than any human I’ve ever met. They don’t ask for anything—no explanations, no justifications. They just stay, steady and sure, as if they’ve always known what you need before you do.
People complicate love. They wrap it in conditions, dress it in expectations. Dive it towards pain and disappointment. A dog doesn’t do that. Their love is raw, honest, and without strings. Without complications. They see you—not the version you show the world, but the one you keep buried. And they love that version most of all.
I’ve met plenty of people, but none have ever matched the soft, gentle loyalty of a dog. They don’t try to fix you; they just sit beside you, whole and true. Through thick and thin. And that’s more than most humans will ever understand."
R.M. Drake
art | Alison Friend
You can find prints of her work here: https://alisonfriend.com/