#Bunny #bunnysbuddiescebu #lionheadrabbit #rabbitlife #bunnysbuddies
Bunny Kits
Available soon🥕☘️
🐰 Pure Standard Rex
🐰F1 Netherland Dwarf
🐰F1 Lionhead Bunny
📨Message us and reserve your favorite bunny now
Pregnant Pure Breed Mini Rex Bunny preparing her nesting spot🐇🥕🌱🙏
Nesting behaviors and fur pulling:
Pregnant Pure Breed Mini Rex Bunny preparing her nesting spot🐇🥕🌱🙏
Towards the end of their pregnancy (sometimes even on the last day), rabbits will usually start to get frantic about building a nest. They’ll gather hay in their mouth to move to a nesting location, and they’ll pluck fur from their dewlap and their chest to line their nest.(c)🙏🙏🙏
2 Weeks Old
2 weeks old
Date of Birth: April 16, 2024
Netherland Dwarf Doe gave birth to 3 healthy kits🌱🥕🐇
Netherland Dwarf just gave birth to 3 healthy kits🥕🌱🐇
Date of Birth: April 29, 2024
Healthy and young mini rex bunny #bunnysbuddiescebu #minirex #bunnysbuddies #minirexrabbit
Velvety fur and gentle personality of Pure Standard Rex Bunny only here in #bunnysbuddiescebu 🌱🥕🐇 #cebupet #bunniesofinstagram #cebucity #bunnylife #bunnyrabbit #FurparentsLife
4 healthy bunny kits🌱🥕😘 Date of Birth: April 16, 2024 9AM 🐇🐇🐇#bunnyrabbit #bunnysbuddies #bunniesofinstagram #bunnylife #bunny
Its been a long time, How are you guys?
We have 3 cute White Netherland Dwarfs only here in #BunnysBuddies 🐰🥕🫒
Rabbit Mating, you’ll witness the performance of our Giant rabbit in mating .❤️The Doe in this video is a breeder size Rex and the Buck is a F1 Flemish Giant.🐰🙏🏼.
Our giant rabbit🐰🐇🥕🌱. #bunnysbuddies #bunnysbuddies #kunemax #flemishgiantrabbit #ceburabbit #fbreels #petreels #rabbitreels