Keydeyrey or eskeyrey 🙈
November 1, 2024- What’s scarier than any ghost or halloween themed costume? Imagine tiny living creatures creeping under your pets’s skin, causing mild to severe skin irritation, itchiness and followed by secondary bacterial infection with the possibility of transmitting it to humans causing same symptoms; the condition is called scabies/sarcoptic mange or “galis” and caused by mite Sarcoptes scabeiei😱😬 It might be scary but this can be managed,and if treated properly, it has an excellent prognosis.
We are OPEN😇
Monday- Saturday 8am-6pm(last call 5:30). Sunday 9am-5pm
10 puppies delivered via CS
10 puppies delivered via Cesarean section. See you again on your deworming and vaccination scheds. 😇