Succesful pyometra-spay in a senior dog.
We are thankful for a succesful operation for this 8-year old dog for a second chance to live, free from life-threatening infection and septicaemia due to a close type pyometra. Lucy, a calm, senior and affectionate aspin was presented very ill and in the brink of possible death due to septic shock. Lucy was lethargic, dehydrated, with pale mucous membrane, poor tissue perfusion, hypothermic, and abnormal cardiac rhythm though still responsive. Blood examinations revealed leucocytosis and elevated creatinine, elevated total protein and serum electrolytes abnormalities. Three days after surgery, Lucy is returning back to normal activity and resumed her normal food intake. Wishing her faster recovery. #pyometra #dog evdogcatclinic #veterinarysurgery #veterinarian #veterinaryclinic
Old but gold.
Epidural anesthesia help minimize anesthesia risk in a senior dog for inguinal and scrotal hernia repair.
Sven a friendly and optimistic, 4-year old, intact male, Beagle has been with us admitted and confined in the past few days for surgery. Sven suffered, chronic pain, discomfort and limited mobility due non-functional hind leg after a failed fracture fixation with pin and wire from previous vet clinic (Radiograph A).
Small displaced fragments were evident in the radiographs that caused open wound leading to chronic pain and infection in the thigh region of the affected leg. We examined Sven and treated accordingly to prevent spread of infection and possible life threatening complications with antibiotics, pain medications and nutritional support.
Two orthogonal views radiographs were taken (Radiograph A and B ) in our clinic for thorough assestment. The stiple developed arthrosis or stiffening due to severe, chronic muscle contracture, scarring and muscle atrophy. There’s shortening of the major segments with massive callus along fracture end and non-union fracture also developed. With careful consideration between risk and benefits, we finally arrived with the best recommendation of amputating the infected leg.
The affected leg was prep; hair was clipped around entire left hind leg extending from below the hock to midline abdomen and dorsal aspect of the pelvis. Soon after sterile prepration, Sven underwent leg amputation via coxofemoral disarticulation. Despite a little delay due to lost of muscle orientations, contracture and atrophy, the entire procedure and anethesia recovery went well.
Sven got home yesterday with his caring owner. He is very much active and much happier with his three legs than before with four legs.
Made life easy
Neuter made ridiculously simple.
The left hind leg of this patient developed non-union fracture of left femur after a failed fixation by other practice a year ago. The stifle joint developed arthrosis due to muscle contraction and severe scarring. Bone segments shortened due dysplasia secondary to non-union fracture. There’s an infected open wound in cranial thigh caused by bone fragment pierced through the muscles and skin. A regional block (epidural) anesthesia together with other analgesia and anesthesia regimen were employed for this patient who underwent hind leg amputation. #legamputation #wound #infection #nonunionfracture #epidural #regionalanestgesia #bonefracture #femur #dog #Veterinarian #veterinarysurgery #analgesia #anesthesia #evdogcatclinic #coxofemoraldisarticulation
As a human being, I admit we are all unique and different individuals, but remains equal.
From our very existence, we realize that throughout our lives we continue learning. Learning is a continuous process and this is what we have in common at mind. As Veterinarians in today’s challenging and highly demanding environment, we find ourselves continuously seeking for excellence not to compete with each other because I believe, life is not a competition.
One can walk faster over the other, but we are walking at same direction towards working each other for the benefit of our patients who cannot speak for themselves.
Before NOVSI, I feel like life as a Vet was a very intimidating profession. With NOVSI, I started to learn and admit life is really easy. The way I see it, it’s because, every time we are presented with surgical case, from a simple routine elective spay to a complicated multiple pelvic fracture, it doesn’t matter even the most challenging case.
We always tried the best we can for the animal. We have options; we can either refer the case to a colleague whom we know, a colleague with good reputation (because it doesn’t mean you can, you should) or you have option to treat the animal in your facility by your own team of dedicated clinicians with full confidence.
I know that you know, what made life difficult as a Vet Surgeon? It’s the pet owners. “I am not saying lahat ng pet owners problema”. I hope, we agree with this common belief. Whether we agree or not, it’s basic human nature which makes life complicated.
Most of the problems in this evolving world is interpersonal relationship.
Fortunately, here comes NOVSI with Dr. Laraya, he taught us through his solid practical experience not only complicated surgical cases, but dealing both with problem clients. His skill is unparalleled. He is unique in his method and mentorship. In the past two years with full-pack lectures and hands-on surgical approaches and techniques using euthaniz
Here’s Coco 2 weeks post op now with 3 very strong functional legs. Coco is able to adopt and compensate her weight with her remaining pelvic leg. We are glad to see Coco back happy and pain free. #Coco #Dog #evdogcatclinic #Veterinarian #Vetsurgery #legamputation #coxofemoraldisarticulation
Pelvic leg amputation
We elected leg amputation in this patient, a 6-year old, sweet, intact female american bully named Coco, due to severe soft tissue damage, degloving injuries and highly comminuted, open fracture in left proximal tibia and mutiple fracture of the digits and metacarpals after being hit by a car.
Surgery and open wound management have been tried and still be an option, but due to the nature of injury and the degree of soft tissue damage, treatment is highly damanding and the risk infections, long term complications, and potential treatment failure are unpredicatable.
Amputation via coxofemoral disarticulation went well for Coco. No worries pain is gone. With just three legs, coco can compensate and able to do her routine activity soon.
Non-reducible, close, comminted, mid-diaphyseal tibia fracture in a dog succesfully fixed with Type-1B External Fixation.
One of our successful Medial Patellar Luxation case in a 5-year, old, spayed, Pomeranian. At six weeks post op, she is back, active and being playful.