FC Kennel
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Quality puppies comes with quality dogfood and essentials.
FC KENNEL YEAR 3 Introducing our very own "FC BARAKOS"
FC KENNEL YEAR 3 Introducing our very own "FC BARAKOS"
Introducing our very own "FC BARAKOS"
OREO of FC Kennel
Being the face of the kennel, Oreo, a proven stud can produce an average of 5 to 6 puppies per breeding. He has a thick coat, huge paws and photogenic facial traits. Our best production and our clients favorite so far.
ASTRO of FC Kennel
Aside from being the oldest from the pack, Astro proves that he can also produce quality puppies. He has also the fiercest face from the pack but no worries, he is as kind as the others specially when given a treat.
MALIK of FC Kennel
Always compares to a lone wolf as he stands taller from the rest of the pack. Our most playful dog and yet the most loving one. He has a copper-like fur and bigbones that makes him stand out in our kennel.
SQUAL of FC Kennel
The Alpha of the pack, he can dominate everyone, leaving them no choice but to give up the toys and treats in the playpen. He contributed to the kennel's earliest production up until now. He can dominate other dogs and he is the most intelligent one.
Now, you already know them. Might as well visit our page to check our rates and our previous production.