Hello Hoomans!
My name is Baebot! Born on June 24, 2020, my furrmom was there when my biological mom gave birth to me. She’s a vet and she came to my old house for an emergency vet visit that time. I guess it was not love at first sight, she was not ready to love more that time. Ate Nami and the rest of the old La Caridad Doggos were enough, so she said.
So on my vaccination day, I lured her with my charm and super glossy hair (so I thought). But I was right! Plus my vet furrmom jaz the vet noticed my umbilical hernia, she was afraid that the family I will be with will have difficulty in treating me in case things go wrong. Fast forward, today I am a proud BroBro and Bae at na vet. I love my mommy and SQUEAKY TOYS TOO!!!!!