MTG Dog Park

MTG Dog Park MTG Dog Park is a privately operated facility that offers services to dogs of all breeds but we are specializing programs of service to large & giant breeds.

MTG Dog Park is a facility dedicated to dogs and human handlers to learn, enjoy and relax within the city limits. We provide support and assistance to all dog owners in need as long as they will follow our rules. We have to maintain discipline and order in our premises for our dogs to follow the same.


Crate or Cage: Do I really need to have a cage or crate if I have a dog? I don't like to or want to put my dog in a cage or crate.

The crate or cage, could be for travelling or stationary crate in your household, is an essential space for your dog in times your dog is feeling anxious and insecure. It is a place where you kept your dog to feel secure when introducing to your new place. Same crate is use to isolate a visiting dog or new dog or puppy to avoid conflict in territory with your dog. The cage or crate is the place you make the visiting dog or new dog feel secure and relax before you introduce to your dog and your place.
Also the crate is the place where you can isolate your dog in cases you will have visitors that are not fond of dogs or if you have visiting kids that you are not sure if they are compatible with dogs.
Having a cage or crate in a household is a must for a number of reasons except for unnecessary isolation or restraints. You must not use the cage or crate for restraints or prolonged isolation except for emergency. Leaving you house for long period is not an emergency in this case.
Yes you need to have a cage or crate and you need to train your dog to be comfortable in the crate or cage closed, open, locked or covered.



Packwalk: I have a number of dogs in my household, is it necessary to do packwalk with them? Like walking with them altogether?

When you have a pack of dogs in your household it would be great if you are able to manage the pack in favor with your daily life requirements; like being behaved for the sake of public peace and quiet :)
Packwalk is one of the best way to manage the pack besides feeding. If you walk with a dog is considered packwalk if you are walking with purpose. You don't need to walk with a dozen of dogs to do a packwalk but it would be great or shall I say a goal to do packwalk with all the dogs in your household to be able to create your own balanced pack. A packwalk is essential to dogs. It is their way to connect to nature. The members of the pack are recognized and the discipline is reinforced clearly in the packwalk without any violent or fancy tricks. The result of the obedience training, obedience training is a must to every dog in the household, can be applied, tested and reinforced during packwalk. During the packwalk the respect of your pack is superimposed if done properly and the pack will feel confident and secure thus eliminating unruly behaviours.
Is packwalk necessary? YES.
Is walking all my dogs in a pack is necessary? It would be great if you can, so practice to that day and continue. Start with one dog at a time, then two, then three to infinite.



MTG Dog Park offers free dog handling training to dog reescue volunteers. Sessions will start February 2024.
MTG Dog Park is now offering ESA (Emotional Support Animal) Handling Tutorial.
Please contact our page for more information.


Walking with Storm and the Guardians of MTG Dog Park

Children and feeding: Should our eight-year-old daughter feed the dog?That depends on your daughter and the dog. If your...

Children and feeding: Should our eight-year-old daughter feed the dog?

That depends on your daughter and the dog. If your daughter is already responsible and knows how to act around a dog, it's fine for her to give the dog it's dish. In the meantime, your dog must sit obediently and wait under your supervision until you grant it access to the dish. You shouldn't allow your daughter to feed the dog alone. Generally, children are not authority figures for dogs, and the food could lead to disagreements. In the case of "gluttonous" dogs, the feeding should always remain in the hands of adults; the risk of something happening to the child is too great. At the age of 14, children who have experience with dogs can take over feeding of a well trained, reliable dog by themselves. The child's maturity is an important factor so that you can be sure she will observe the established rules of conduct.

Information from "300 Questions About Dogs" by Schmidt-Röger

Leash: My 3 year-old Aspin is leash sensitive. When we walk her outside we use a pull harness so we are able to restrain...

Leash: My 3 year-old Aspin is leash sensitive. When we walk her outside we use a pull harness so we are able to restrain her during walks since she is also sensitive to other dogs and humans especially children. But even with pull harness we have difficulty controlling her and for a number of times she got loose from the harness. I don't want to use slip collars or slip leash because it choked her once when we used it to her. What can I do to correct her behaviour on leash?

For a dog that is not leash trained or tether trained he/she will naturally reject it with all its might. Any type of tether you will be using will be of struggle if you do not train your dog properly. With the issue of slip collar or slip leash, it is only an issue if you do not make the dog understand what is that leash or collar for. The fear of choking a dog with slip leash is not a concern if you are training your dog to walk properly or behave accordingly with the use of the leash or collar to communicate. With slip leash or collar, or even flat collars, you need to establish a communication to the dog first what it means when there is pressure on the collar or leash. Once you establish the meaning of pressure and relax leash that is the only time you start the dog to move with you, directing the dog with the leash or collar. You don't pull the dog using the slip collar or leash, you don't restraint the dog using a collar or leash. The collar or leash are your tools to communicate with the dog and to let the dog know that he/she should pay attention to you. So what really controls the dog is not the leash or collar but your presence. Unfortunately the body harness or pull harness is not a very good tool when you are training your dog with leash. My experience is that I use body harness for pulling exercises and only if the dog is fully obedient with leash and able to heel off leash.


Allergies: How can I tell if my dog has food allergy?Often, this type of allergy first becomes identifiable through ear ...

Allergies: How can I tell if my dog has food allergy?

Often, this type of allergy first becomes identifiable through ear infections, and then through itchy, scaly skin; in extreme cases it may lead to hair loss. Less common symptoms of a food allergy include diarrhea and other ailments; often, this is more a case of indigestibility. If your dog exhibits these signs, you should have the veterinarian check it over to the cause. Often, the diagnosis "food allergy" is made quickly, but specialists indicate that such things as mites are more frequently the cause of skin problems. Only after all other causes have been ruled out should you use a food test under the veterinarian's supervision to determine if your dog is allergic, and to which foods.The dog will be fed for several weeks with only potatoes and a protein source that is not available in common foods, such as exotic kinds of fish. During the food test, treats and all types of supplementary feeding are forbidden.

Information from: "300 Questions About Dogs" by Schmidt-Röger


Supervising play with kids and pets

Feeding: My dog is killing his food. When he eats his dry kibble, he seems like attacking his food so we use a slow-feed...

Feeding: My dog is killing his food. When he eats his dry kibble, he seems like attacking his food so we use a slow-feeder feeding bowl. But then it seems he is not slowing down but the time he is eating is significantly slower now. My concern is that his nose starts bleeding because he still attacks the bowl while eating and the groves of the feeding bowl is hurting his nose and it seems he doesn't care, is it okay? Do he eventually slows down?

Most probably he won't slow down anytime soon or ever. Even if he will get a serious injury he may may not still slow down. What you need to know first is the reason why he is eating like that? Most common reason is that he is afraid that someone or something will take away his food. It comes with being possessive and with resource guarding behaviour. This behaviour usually developed from the time he was weaned and that the feeding bowl is shared among littermates. This behaviour is the result of frequent or regular competition for food during meal time. This behaviour can be avoided when the feeding was supervised and that no puppies are allowed to rush eating during meal. But this behaviour is usually encourage for working dogs but not as beneficial for pets. This behaviour can be corrected when you will address this immediately the moment the puppy is separated from its littermates. You need to keep the feeding bowl in your hand while feeding or even hand-feed the puppy. Make the puppy relax first before giving a bit of food or before offering the feeding bowl. If the puppy is a bit aggressive when eating even with the feeding bowl on your hand do the hand-feeding instead. let him wait and relax every bit that you will give.
Note that I am not and will never use a slow-feeder ever. It will like induce more frustrations to the dog and will developed more unpleasant behaviour other than that of meal time. This is based on my experience from a few puppies that I tried using with slow-feeder.

I hope this will help you out managing your rascals :)


Carrots: My Labrador loves to eat raw carrots. Can they harm them?No, carrots are a healthy supplementary food for your ...

Carrots: My Labrador loves to eat raw carrots. Can they harm them?

No, carrots are a healthy supplementary food for your dog as they are low in calories and they are perfect for food games. That way you avoid the common, usually energy-rich treats and help keep your Labrador fit and trim; dogs of this breed easily tend toward overweight. Carrots also contain lots of vitamin A, which is good for vision. Since vitamin A is one of the fat-soluble vitamins, the canine body can use it only when administered with oil. You can enhance your Labrador's food by adding a couple of pieces of carrots and a teaspoon of vegetable oil. That will promote a handsome, shiny coat.

Information from "300 Questions About Dogs" by Schmidt-Röger

Weimaraners: I really think Weimaraners are great, but all my friends advise against getting one because they are suppos...

Weimaraners: I really think Weimaraners are great, but all my friends advise against getting one because they are supposedly so demanding. Is there any truth to this?

Weimaraners and other dyed-in-the-wool hunting dogs in the hands of non-hunters provide plenty of fuel for discussion. Dhese dogs, which usually appeal to hunters, needs lots of exercise and demanding mental activity in order to feel fulfilled and well balanced. They are absolutely not suited to being kept purely as a family dog that goes out three times a day and once a week to a dog training center. You should make your decision after consulting with breeders, owners, and emergency service providers about their experiences, and after mature reflection.

Information from "300 Questions About Dogs" by Schmidt-Röger

Two Puppies: We can't decide between two puppies from a litter. Should we take both of them?I advised against it. The ef...

Two Puppies: We can't decide between two puppies from a litter. Should we take both of them?

I advised against it. The effort that training a puppy requires is often underestimated with. Dealing with two puppies is no breeze; instead, you will have at least twice the work. Commands must be taught to each puppy separately, and in the meantime, the other puppy has to be kept busy. Even forming a bond between you and the little one become very difficult, as both rascals are usually focused on each other. This can be heightened by the move to a new environment, as at that time the littermate is the only constant. Difficult though it may be, you should select just one puppy from the litter, and only then, once the first dog has gotten used to living with you and is obedient, you can get another dog.

Information from "300 Questions About Dogs" by Schmidt-Röger


Storm's weekend stay at MTG

Traveling crate/cage: We'll be picking up our Cocker Spaniel puppy in two weeks. The breeder has advised us to use a cag...

Traveling crate/cage: We'll be picking up our Cocker Spaniel puppy in two weeks. The breeder has advised us to use a cage to help it get used to the new house. Isn't it cruel to keep such little fellow locked up?

No, not as long as the acclimation process is handled carefully. Most dogs like having their rest spot in a cozy cage, and often prefer it to an open bed. The cage/crate is also very practical while travelling, as the dog is secured in the car and always has its trusted cage with it. At home you can shut the dog in its cage if, for example, you are working with cleaning materials.

Information from "300 Questions About Dogs" by Schmidt-Röger

Sleeping Places: Does our dog need a bed, even though it is allowed on the sofa?Yes, it still needs its own bed. The bed...

Sleeping Places: Does our dog need a bed, even though it is allowed on the sofa?

Yes, it still needs its own bed. The bed performs several important functions. On the one hand, it's a place that belongs you the dog alone. It can go to its bed and know that it will not be disturbed, for instance, when there are visitors in the house. On the other hand, it's also the place where you can send the dog if you want to have the sofa all to yourself.

Info from: "300 Questions About Dogs" by Schmidt-Röger

Gender:We can't decide if we should get a male or a female for our first dog. What are the differences?Males generally a...

Gender:We can't decide if we should get a male or a female for our first dog. What are the differences?

Males generally are larger and heavier than females. For this reason alone more physical strength is required in dealing with a male dog when it pulls on the leash. Most males display "macho behaviour" governed by hormones, and they are feistier; that is, they more frequently pick quarrels with other male dogs, often are more rebellious, and can be more difficult. Thus you may have to show more firmness to keep them in their place.
Female dogs generally are seen as more tractable and gentle. Contrary to the popular opinion, however, they are not more affectionate than males. One important fact is that females generally come into heat twice a year. The female dog bleeds, and that can be unpleasant for the owner (you can get special pants inthe pet shops), and it attracts males. Walks can then become very strenuous, especially if you meet male dogs that are running free.
On the other hand, some males tend to stray and really become lovesick when they are on the trail of a "hot babe". They mark their territory more frequently than females do; some are constantly lifting their leg. In a city this may cause unpleasantness, but it can be controlled through good training. In addition, before you take a dog into a town, you should give it the opportunity to relieve itself. But the issue of reproduction is still there. Anyone who is not sure they can shield their receptive female dog from persistent admirers should consult with a veterinarian about having it spayed. I feel that a female dog is better choice for beginners. Males of certain breeds require experience and lots of knowledge concerning dogs.

Info from: "300 Questions About Dogs" by Schmidt-Röger


ScratchPurchase: In purchasing my dogs these are the things I consider and be very careful to consider.I only purchase a...

Purchase: In purchasing my dogs these are the things I consider and be very careful to consider.

I only purchase a dog when I have a plan of how the dog will be with me otherwise I avoid seeing puppies because I end up buying them for adoption out of pity or cuteness.

These are the factors that will make me think 100 times before moving for the payment;

The mother of the puppies are shy, anxious, or displays aggression. I am okay with aggressive dogs as long as they will not display aggression, I even prefer aggressive dogs on specific breeds.
The dogs appear uncared for or sick.
The puppies have grown up in an environment that has provided them with no stimulation and opportunities to play and run outdoors, that is soiled with dog droppings, or smells unpleasant. I always ask to visit the kennel to view the puppies and mother before I consider a choice for my purchase, if I can’t visit I always look for another. This part is getting harder at this age of online marketing in which breeders will only show you videos and photos and will shy away from visits.
The dogs have lived without intensive human contact. If the dogs have limited contact with humans this will revert the behaviour of the puppies to wild. It would be very challenging to train the puppies but in some cases it is also advantageous if you want to experience the raw behaviour of the breed.
The breeder doesn't ask about your living conditions and knowledge of dogs, doesn’t answer your questions in detail, and pressures you to buy; the breeder will just tell you how good his breed is and will not even bother any details about your knowledge of the dog. The breeder will evade or avoid answering directly on questions about temperament and training. The breeder will repeatedly or keep emphasising that the puppy shown is the last of the litter because others are reserved or sold; or the breeder will pressure you to make a deal first before giving any details of the dogs, “if this kind of breeder will give any honest detail at all”.
The breeder doesn’t appear competent and raises several breeds of dogs.
The breeder is not prepared to show you the mother of the puppies and the environment in which they live; especially those you cannot pay a visit to and when you ask for the current photo and video of parents and puppies and they will send you old photos and will take a few days or a day before providing you photos or videos, and then the videos and photos are not taken at the site where the puppies are usually staying with the mother or the whelping area then it is a red flag.
The breeder doesn’t encourage you to visit several times and gives you a chance to check other breeders before making a choice.
The breeder cannot present the current certificate of vaccination or vet card that is updated for both parents and of the puppies.
The price of a purebred dog is way lower than the usual price or will offer a even the price is the same but cannot present you the actual certificate of pedigree of the puppies and parents for whatever reason the breeder will say you should be considering other options.

These points are my constant reference wherever I purchase a dog or puppy. I tried keeping the list perfectly clean from the list above, I tried having some of those items listed to slip through and even tried that everything on the list is checked and I pushed through my purchase. Well the later purchase gave me a lot of headache and that the dog, until now, is still sickly even how much meds I have given for the past 5 years and I can’t make the dog join the pack because she has temperamental issues and will never respond to training because she is just too sick to do so. And so I have my trophy on a kennel 24/7 for having a bad reference for a purchase.

*the list i used is mainly referred from “300 Questions About Dogs” by Schmidt-Röger


Senior Citizens and Dogs: My mother, age 70, would like to get another dog. Which would be better: a puppy or a grown do...

Senior Citizens and Dogs: My mother, age 70, would like to get another dog. Which would be better: a puppy or a grown dog?

That depends on how healthy your mother is and how much support she gets from you. A puppy requires lots of physical involvement; in activities such as training you have to bend over frequently to discipline the dog, take things away from it, give it a treat, and so forth. In case of small dogs this can lead to knee and back problems. Is your mother mobile enough to go a training school so the dog can part in puppy playtime? Often a grown, well-trained adult dog that likes curling up with its owner on the sofa and behaves itself on a walk is better choice for older people. You should also plan what to do with the dog if your mother becomes unable to take care of it.

info from: "300 Questions About Dogs" by Schmidt-Röger


With Johnny and Mach

Senior Citizens and Dogs: My father is retired and has had a heart attack. I would like to give him a dog for his birthd...

Senior Citizens and Dogs: My father is retired and has had a heart attack. I would like to give him a dog for his birthday to get him out walking more. Would a German Shepherd Dog be a good choice?

Your intention is great; scientific studies have proven that people with heart problems experience a positive influence from a dog. However, I advise against surprising your father with a dog for his birthday; that would not be good beginning for either of them- your father is not prepared, and the dog would spend its first day in the greatest confusion. Whether or not a GSD is the right choice should be left up to your father. It would be better to give him a gift certificate and a book about various dog breeds. After all, it's your father who will have to live with the dog, and he should have some input about how he envisions his animal friend. Also, think about what will happen to the dog if your father becomes unable to care for it - would you adopt it?

info from: "300 Questions About Dogs" by Schmidt-Röger




Mixed breeds: We would like to have a dog, but don't know if we should choose a purebred dog or mixed-breed. Which is be...

Mixed breeds: We would like to have a dog, but don't know if we should choose a purebred dog or mixed-breed. Which is better?

If you choose a purebred dog, you can use the breed description to form a picture of a dog's size, appearance, and desirable character traits. purebred dogs were originally bred for a specific purpose, and many of the needed characteristics are still present in the dogs today. Still, every dog is a personality unto itself, among even the various breeds there are animals that don't have the desired characteristics. So there is no guarantee that, fer example, a herding dog is always cooperative, a retriever loves water, or a hunting dog has a good nose. Mixed-breeds are usually surprise packages. Size and appearance can rarely be predicted, and which traits of parents carry through is also open to speculation; therefore, the mixture produces the uniqueness. You will almost never find another dog that is just like yours. In the best case, purebred dogs come from conscientious breeders who brings them up by all the rules for their future life and stands ready to provide advice to the owners as long as the dog lives (unfortunately, this is not always the situation). Mixed-breeds rarely grow up under such optimal conditions. In spite of that, most of them turn into loving family dogs that give their owners lots of pleasure. Whether or not you choose a purebred dog or a mixed-breed dog depends on your conception of the future houseguest.

- information from: "300 Questions About Dogs" by Schmidt-Röger


Powerful dogs: I owned an Anatolian Mastiff (Kangal). I am alone at Home and my neighbors are far away. I have no proble...

Powerful dogs: I owned an Anatolian Mastiff (Kangal). I am alone at Home and my neighbors are far away. I have no problem with my dog except one, every vet hospital and clinics I visited doesn’t seem to be equipped with handling a breed like mine. Is it okay to visit there?

One of the things we need to consider when we own powerful dogs are other beings, both persons and animals. I don’t recommend owning one just because you have affection for the breed, not just Kangal but other breeds of this category. These breeds are extremely dominant and in need to function or work. These breeds are not suitable as pets in an ordinary household or any household at all. In line with vet visits, these breeds are normally working in big farms which normally have their own vets. You can’t just walk in these breeds in public places with lots of other dogs around. Also most vets are not very confident handling powerful breeds so you can’t force them to accept your dog under their care.
Actually one of the problems when you own a powerful breed is a place for veterinary services. Vets in veterinary clinics or hospitals are trained with small animals and when it comes to giant ones, especially the aggressive ones’ they have no idea how to handle them. I have a past experience where the vets are hesitant to touch my dog yet they accept admission. Luckily I have trust issues when it comes to the care of my dogs. What I did was I keep visiting my dog every four hours so I myself will fix and change the IV of my dog because no one at the hospital is comfortable to touch my dog. Until the third day at the hospital when my dog was already conscious and they noticed that my dog was well behaved then they started to get confident of handling my dog. Even so I still warned them not to touch my dog when I am not around.
After that incident I made sure to have a vet on call who can provide me with home service. From that day onwards all my personal dogs are having veterinary services at my place and I do not let the vet handle my dog as much as possible during routine check up and vaccinations. When owning a powerful breed it is just fair that you have full control of your dog and should at any time ignore the chance that anybody that is not you is not safe with your dog; therefore you have to handle your dog when you are acquiring for veterinary services.


Liability: As a dog owner, why am I responsible for damages my dog causes even if there's no way I can restrain the dog?...

Liability: As a dog owner, why am I responsible for damages my dog causes even if there's no way I can restrain the dog?

Dog owners are always liable whenever a person or a thing is damaged by their dogs. Dogs often behave in unpredictable ways , even when they are well trained. This can entail some weighty consequences, such as when a dog jumps up in greeting a friend, who falls down and is injured. It doesn't matter whether or not the damage your dog causes was avoidable, so you needn't even be negligent or act intentionally but be held liable. On the other hand, if the dog is kept for commercial purposes - for example, as a shepherd's dog or a company's watchdog - the owner may be absolved if it can be proven that the damages resulted in the performance of duty. You should be aware of the legal consequences of dog ownership.

Information from - "300 Questions About Dogs" by Schmidt - Röger


With Mach and Saber

Benefits of spaying and neutering petsHere I am very specific of the word "pet", meaning the dog is required to be with ...

Benefits of spaying and neutering pets

Here I am very specific of the word "pet", meaning the dog is required to be with the human space majority of the time. Pets have life way too different from working dogs. The priorities and the main function of a pet is different from working dogs. Working dogs I am referring are dogs that works are guard dogs, breeding dogs, show dogs, farm help dogs. Working dogs are those dogs that are functioning according to their breed potential are not recommended to be neutered or spayed since they are normally the strongest among their breed and are crucial to maintain the breed quality. Pet dogs on the other hand they are dogs that are expected to please humans in a domesticated ways and mostly to satisfy humans' emotional need. The priority of the pet is to please the owners or family members and that's the job everything else are secondary. When a pet is not neutered or spayed there will be a time that they will stray away from the comfort zone of the owner to satisfy their sexual needs. Also most pet owners are not equipped to handle breeding and the resulting litters of the pet will most likely get neglected and become unbalanced or even dangerous. Last is that there will be overpopulation of specific breed and will developed a new disease for specific breed.
In conclusion pets will most like live a happy and functional healthy life with their human family when they are spayed and neutered by eliminating those consequences related to reproductive urges and responsibilities of the pet.



8 Loro Street, Sto. Niño Village, Banilad
Mandaue City

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 4:30pm
Tuesday 8am - 4:30pm
Wednesday 8am - 4:30pm
Thursday 8am - 4:30pm
Friday 8am - 4:30pm
Saturday 8am - 4:30pm
Sunday 8am - 4:30pm




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