Serbisyo Beterinaryo Animal Hospital Marikina City 24 Hrs Pet Emergency

Serbisyo Beterinaryo Animal Hospital Marikina City 24 Hrs Pet Emergency We provide quality and complete veterinary services. We have complete diagnostic equipment including CBC, blood chemistry a**lyzers, ultrasound, and x-ray.

Surgeries in our practice are always done under gas anesthesia to add safety to your pets.

🚨IMPORTANT REMINDER FOR PET OWNERS🚨Please do not leave your pets behind during a disaster. Your pet depends on you for t...


Please do not leave your pets behind during a disaster. Your pet depends on you for their safety and well-being, so act responsibly and ensure that they are part of your emergency plan. Bring them indoors and create a secure space for them. If you are being evacuated, please take your pet with you. If it’s not safe for you to be in that area, then it’s not safe for them too.

This poor animal was seen floating at our parking lot yesterday during the flood. The cause of death was likely due to drowning because of the apparent bloat throughout its body. We do not know if this is someone’s pet or a stray dog. With that, please spare a space for stray animals too. They are already homeless and in times of crisis, they need us more than ever.

Stay safe and keep your furry companions safe too! ☔️

📍59 Mayor Gil Fernando Ave., San Roque, Marikina City
☎️ 09171150937 \\ 09171265361
FB: /SerbisyoBeterinaryoMarikina/
IG: .marikina

Notice To Our Valued Customers Kindly disregard any phone calls or messages from our numbers  09171150937 and 0917126536...

Notice To Our Valued Customers

Kindly disregard any phone calls or messages from our numbers 09171150937 and 09171265361 as our business phones were stolen this morning. We advise everyone to refrain from making any communication with them as these numbers are inactive and has been temporarily disconnected.
We have already reported the incident to the proper authorities.

If you have any questions, you can contact us at this phone number: 0917 110 1097.
You can also check our page for updated information. We will respond at the earliest possible opportunity. We are ready to assist you in any way.

We regret having to inform you of this incident and we apologize for any inconvenience to you.

*We are attaching photos of the thief. Any information from the public will be much appreciated.

Thank you for understanding and stay safe.

“LEAP AWAY FROM LEPTO!”It is officially the rainy season in our country, and just recently, typhoon Carina’s heavy rainf...


It is officially the rainy season in our country, and just recently, typhoon Carina’s heavy rainfall caused severe flooding within Metro Manila, and especially in Marikina City. For the past month, there has been an increase of Leptospirosis cases presented at our facility. Infective leptospira bacteria is shed through urine commonly from rats. During flood, contaminated soil, water or debris can mix with the flood water and increase the risk of spreading the disease. Contact with floodwater and the surfaces previously drenched in it can lead to transmission of leptospirosis. This can be prevented by not allowing our dogs to come into contact with possible contaminated surfaces and by always keeping their vaccinations up to date.

Leptospirosis is a potentially fatal disease that affects multiple organs, mainly damaging the liver and kidneys. Clinical signs include fever, lethargy, vomiting, and the most apparent symptom, jaundice (yellowing of skin, gums, and/or sclera). It is also considered as a zoonotic disease, meaning it can be transmitted to humans via contact with the patient’s bodily fluids especially urine.

Here are some of our survivors who fought strong against Leptospirosis! Remember, prevention is better than cure. Vaccinate your dogs yearly to prevent this disease. If your sick dog have been in contact with floodwater or with rats that have been observed within the area, do not hesitate to bring them to our facility at:

📍59 Mayor Gil Fernando Ave., San Roque, Marikina City
☎️ 09171150937 \\ 09171265361
FB: /SerbisyoBeterinaryoMarikina/
IG: .marikina

“It’s not a loss even with luslos…”Empy is one of our unfortunate patients who’ve had the misfortune of inheriting the g...

“It’s not a loss even with luslos…”

Empy is one of our unfortunate patients who’ve had the misfortune of inheriting the genes for an inguinal hernia. He came to our hospital due to a big “lump” on his inguinal area and a very painful sc***um. Upon our assessment, it was found that Empy had an inguinal hernia which incarcerated one of his testicles as well as his intestines. This resulted to a series of surgeries being needed in order to save his life. He was castrated, his hernia was repaired, and his intestines had to be surgically restored.

Empy is now doing well, no longer having to worry that this incident may happen again! If you observe any “lumps” in your pet, you may reach us at:

📍59 Mayor Gil Fernando Ave., San Roque, Marikina City
☎️ 09171150937 \\ 09171265361
FB: /SerbisyoBeterinaryoMarikina/
IG: .marikina

No matter how much we try to distract our patients during sample collection, here is Pita giving us the side eye knowing...

No matter how much we try to distract our patients during sample collection, here is Pita giving us the side eye knowing full well that our antics won’t distract her. 👀😂

Pita is with us for her follow-up and her results came back normal! After only a week of medications, she is now feeling well and happy (and very suspicious). Follow-up check up is important to ensure your pet’s full recovery. Some owners do not come back after seeing their pets “recovered” but only to end up having a relapse later on.

So save your pet’s follow-up dates! We’ll be happy to hear their progress. If you have questions or inquiries, you may reach us at:

📍59 Mayor Gil Fernando Ave., San Roque, Marikina City
☎️ 09171150937 \\ 09171265361
FB: /SerbisyoBeterinaryoMarikina/
IG: .marikina

LOOKS LIKE ALLERGY? THAT’S EGG-SACTLY WHAT IT IS!! Our little Charlie had himself puffed up after eating an egg! His fur...


Our little Charlie had himself puffed up after eating an egg! His furrents took him immediately to our clinic and had his antihistamine shot. 💉 After a few minutes, his puffy eyes started to open up. Fortunately, his allergic reaction only caused hives and a swollen face. Some allergies are so severe such that pets are having trouble breathing and/or seizing. That is an emergency!

As for Charlie, he can never yolk around with an egg anymore after what happened. If your pet is having an allergic reaction, do not hesitate to reach us at:

📍59 Mayor Gil Fernando Ave., San Roque, Marikina City
☎️ 09171150937 \\ 09171265361
FB: /SerbisyoBeterinaryoMarikina/
IG: .marikina

NEEDLES(S) TO SAY..Always keep out foreign objects away from our pet's reach, especially sharp ones! Our patient, Miao, ...


Always keep out foreign objects away from our pet's reach, especially sharp ones! Our patient, Miao, ingested a sewing needle with thread still attached to it. Thankfully, the needle did not go beyond the oral cavity and no severe perforations were observed. Had they not brought the patient any sooner, the needle or the thread (a linear foreign body) would have caused a severe gastrointestinal problem. The needle along with the thread was easily pulled out and the patient did not present any other complications. Follow our IG account (.marikina) to watch how we extracted the needle from Miao’s mouth! 🪡

Should you encounter a similar case, do not hesitate to bring your pets to our hospital at..

📍59 Mayor Gil Fernando Ave., San Roque, Marikina City
☎️ 09171150937 \\ 09171265361
FB: /SerbisyoBeterinaryoMarikina/
IG: .marikina

CURIOSITY GOES TOO FAR!! (Again)Our curious friend Oreo once had an untoward incident with a metal clip due to his cheer...


Our curious friend Oreo once had an untoward incident with a metal clip due to his cheerful curiosity. This resulted in the need for surgical intervention on his stomach. A year has passed and Oreo was all well and good when his curiosity got the better of him yet again. This time, he happened upon the rubber foot pad of a chair! Surgery was once again needed to help him. He has since recovered for the second time around and will forever bear the lesson that curiosity can, indeed, go a little bit too far!

If your pet is as curious as Oreo and ate something they shouldn’t have, we are open 24/7 to assist you!

📍59 Mayor Gil Fernando Ave., San Roque, Marikina City
☎️ 09171150937 \\ 09171265361
FB: /SerbisyoBeterinaryoMarikina/
IG: .marikina



Ever wonder what a day in a life of an emergency vet looks like? Here’s a peek of how our typical days went. Our clinic undergoes a triage and prioritizes cases that require urgent medical treatment and critical care. Cases range from a puppy eating a bar of chocolate to an adult with a protruding eye from a dog fight. Every shift is unpredictable and unique. At the end of the day, a single purr, bark, and even a bite from a very sick patient is what fulfills our demanding day.

Be it your cat who can’t urinate or your dog who has a broken hip, we are here 24/7 to provide immediate medical attention to your pet’s condition.

📍59 Mayor Gil Fernando Ave., San Roque, Marikina City
☎️ 09171150937 \\ 09171265361
FB: /SerbisyoBeterinaryoMarikina/
IG: .marikina

What a pain in the ass! If you see your dog constantly licking their a**s, scooting (dragging their bottom across the fl...

What a pain in the ass!

If you see your dog constantly licking their a**s, scooting (dragging their bottom across the floor), or being constipated, they may be having a problem with their a**l glands. These glands secrete chemicals that act as identifiers for other dogs, or for territorial marking. Usually, they are expressed when the dog is defecating and would produce a very strong pungent smell. Sometimes, they are also expressed when the dog is afraid or anxious.

Problem arises when the glands are not able to secrete the fluids due to impaction, inflammation and consequently infection. The area becomes swollen causing pain and discomfort for the dog. Treatment includes expression of the glands, anti-inflammatory, and sometimes antibiotics. In the case of our patient, the swelling already developed abscessation which lead to its eventual rupture. Such cases should be properly be assessed by a veterinarian as treatment can be as easy as wound management, but can also be complicated requiring surgical intervention. Our patient’s wound did not necessitate surgery and was instead sent home with oral medications and instructions for proper wound care.

If you suspect your dog is having trouble around his a**s, do not hesitate to bring them to our hospital.

📍59 Mayor Gil Fernando Ave., San Roque, Marikina City
☎️ 09171150937 \\ 09171265361
FB: /SerbisyoBeterinaryoMarikina/
IG: .marikina

SOMEONE’S FEELING A LITTLE GASSY TODAY…Bloat is no joke in our dogs because it can turn into a life threatening conditio...


Bloat is no joke in our dogs because it can turn into a life threatening condition called Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus (GDV). Initially, the stomach gets very distended from either gas, fluid, or food. As the stomach bloats, it twists around itself, locks its both ends, and fills up with gas just like a plump sausage! This is a call for an emergency surgery. Prognosis is time sensitive and every minute is critical.

Giant and large breed dogs including Chow-chow are predisposed to this condition. Just like our bear, Lupin, who was taken to our hospital due to a sudden profuse vomiting and unexplained pain. His owner had no idea as to what may have caused his symptoms because he’s a happy dog before the incident. His x-rays showed a very distended stomach and dilated esophagus, which are some of the classic radiographic signs of GDV. Surgery was immediately recommended and performed. Aside from manual repositioning of the stomach, fixation of the stomach to the abdominal wall was also performed to prevent future recurrence of the twisted stomach. The surgery was a success and after 1 week of confinement, Lupin was able to go home to his furrents with a happy tummy!

If you suspect that your pet is having GDV, we are open 24/7 to assist you!

📍59 Mayor Gil Fernando Ave., San Roque, Marikina City
☎️ 09171150937 \\ 09171265361
FB: /SerbisyoBeterinaryoMarikina/
IG: .marikina

We’re coming your way! 👀👀

We’re coming your way! 👀👀

🔍 Can you predict the next branch of Serbisyo Beterinaryo Animal Hospital? 🏥🐾

Leave your guesses below and stay tuned for the big reveal!

NEVER NECK-LECT YOUR PET 🙅🏻‍♂️🙅🏻‍♀️❗️WARNING: This post contains graphic pictures❗️One of our patients was a rescued dog...


❗️WARNING: This post contains graphic pictures❗️

One of our patients was a rescued dog, a victim of negligence. Her collar was not adjusted properly as she grew in size, and it became too tight for her neck. Constant friction from a tight collar would cause abrasions and if not addressed, these will develop into a bigger and deeper wound.

Open wounds attract flies, where they would lay eggs. The moist surface of open wound provides a favorable condition for maggot survival. Although maggots feed on dead tissue, heavy infestation can still affect healthy tissues prolonging wound healing.

The patient was confined at our facility for maggot removal and meticulous wound management. We use a biologically active substance that promotes a pain-free, scar-free, rapid wound healing. Swipe 👈🏻 to take a look at her wound recovery over a short period of time. Her wound has yet to close completely but the healing has improved significantly and definitely maggot-free!

If you see your pets with maggot-infested wounds, don’t pa-neck! We are here 24/7 to assist you.

📍59 Mayor Gil Fernando Ave., San Roque, Marikina City
☎️ 09171150937 \\ 09171265361
FB: /SerbisyoBeterinaryoMarikina/
IG: .marikina

We are proud to announce that Dr. Jerome A. Balba has become the first and only board-certified acupuncturist in the Phi...

We are proud to announce that Dr. Jerome A. Balba has become the first and only board-certified acupuncturist in the Philippines. The Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist (CVA) certification was endorsed by Chi University and the World Association of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (WATCVM). His hard work, dedication, and pioneering spirit are truly inspiring. Thank you for leading the way in veterinary care and bringing this exceptional skill to Serbisyo Beterinaryo Animal Hospital. 🌟👏

📍59 Mayor Gil Fernando Ave., San Roque, Marikina City
☎️ 09171150937 \\ 09171265361
FB: /SerbisyoBeterinaryoMarikina/
IG: .marikina

“Be careful what you wish for…” 🧐Meet Sky, an ever so curious Shih Tzu with a knack for gobbling up anything he can sink...

“Be careful what you wish for…” 🧐

Meet Sky, an ever so curious Shih Tzu with a knack for gobbling up anything he can sink his teeth into. Unfortunately, on the day he was brought to us, he gobbled up something he would’ve never wished for, a chicken’s wishbone! He was placed under sedation, and the wishbone was safely extracted through his mouth while he was sedated. Visit our ig () to watch how the extraction went. He’s now a happy doggo, living his best life!

We sure wish this doesn’t happen to any of your furriends but in case it did, we are open 24/7 to assist you!

📍59 Mayor Gil Fernando Ave., San Roque, Marikina City
☎️ 09171150937 \\ 09171265361
FB: /SerbisyoBeterinaryoMarikina/
IG: .marikina

RAT SNITCHES GET STITCHES 🐀Choco took it literally and end up with stitches from snitching out a rat. After spotting a r...


Choco took it literally and end up with stitches from snitching out a rat. After spotting a rat, Choco and his brothers dashed out to the rat in full force but the rat fought back which resulted to a deep laceration in Choco’s nose. He was brought immediately to our hospital to have his wounds treated. After a stitch or two, Choco went home with his furents with dignity and a nose job.

Accidents like this is more common than you think! Fortunately, we are open 24/7 to assist you.

📍59 Mayor Gil Fernando Ave., San Roque, Marikina City
☎️ 09171150937 \\ 09171265361
FB: /SerbisyoBeterinaryoMarikina/
IG: .marikina

⚠️TRIGGER WARNING: ANIMAL CRUELTY⚠️Recently, the number of animal cruelty cases reported have been alarmingly increasing...


Recently, the number of animal cruelty cases reported have been alarmingly increasing, and one of our patients have been added to the list. Jisoo, a domestic shorthair cat, was referred to our hospital for surgery due to a complete fracture. Upon taking a radiograph at our facility, a foreign body (dense radiopaque material) was observed and with a thorough physical assessment revealed a small wound on the same limb with the fractured femur. It was suspected to be a gunshot wound to which the foreign body was later confirmed to be a bullet, probably from an airsoft. You may check our IG account (.marikina) to watch the extracted bullet.

There was a significant amount of lost bone shattered into fragments, but the fractured shaft was still realigned with a bone plate to allow its repair. Jisoo has been recovering well but it will take some time for the bone to completely heal. It is disheartening to see patients suffering from such a cruel act.

If you suspect an animal is being mistreated or harmed, it is best to report it to the authorities and have the animal checked by a veterinarian.

📍59 Mayor Gil Fernando Ave., San Roque, Marikina City
☎️ 09171150937 \\ 09171265361
FB: /SerbisyoBeterinaryoMarikina/
IG: .marikina

I love jokes about the eyes.. The cornea, the better! 😉This may look like a joke but Sushi had indeed hair in her eyes. ...

I love jokes about the eyes.. The cornea, the better! 😉

This may look like a joke but Sushi had indeed hair in her eyes. This condition is called a Dermoid Cyst. It is a congenital anomaly that starts during your pet’s fetal development. There is no known cause, the body just mistakenly “misplaced” a lump of hair in the eyes. The cyst itself does not cause any blindness but it blocks the vision of your pet. It is not painful but can be very uncomfortable, and if left untreated, can cause ulcerations in the cornea. Fortunately, this abnormality can be resolved by surgically removing the cyst.

Here is Sushi’s 3-month recovery from her dermoid cyst. Her furrents are vey keen on her follow-ups, and made sure they give her the prescribed medications despite Sushi being stubborn at times.

If your pet has the same condition, we are open 24/7 to assist you!

📍59 Mayor Gil Fernando Ave., San Roque, Marikina City
☎️ 09171150937 \\ 09171265361
FB: /SerbisyoBeterinaryoMarikina/
IG: .marikina

“If chewing things is wrong, then I don’t want to be right” - Marley, 2024Meet Marley.. A retired veteran military dog w...

“If chewing things is wrong, then I don’t want to be right” - Marley, 2024

Meet Marley.. A retired veteran military dog with an eccentric and curious attitude. Unfortunately, Marley’s curiosity got the best of her one day when she played around with her friend’s chew toy. Her furrents have always wondered why a chunk of the chew toy had gone missing for a couple of months when they brought Marley over to our care. Sadly, the chew toy found its way into Marley’s ever curious jaws, and eventually wound up in her gut! She’d been vomiting profusely and her gut absolutely refused anything she ate or drank. Under our care, she was subjected to radiography and surgical intervention, which revealed the missing chunk of the chew toy lodged inside her intestines, blocking the path. After intensive care, she finally got to go home, and her furrents finally had the answer to where that chunk of the chew toy went! She’s now her best self, enjoying the retired veteran life with her furmily!

Thank you for your service, Marley! It’s an honor to have helped you 🫡

📍59 Mayor Gil Fernando Ave., San Roque, Marikina City
☎️ 09171150937 \\ 09171265361
FB: /SerbisyoBeterinaryoMarikina/
IG: .marikina

To all our valued clients!Please be informed of our Holy Week schedule. We will remain open 24/7 all throughout the holi...

To all our valued clients!

Please be informed of our Holy Week schedule. We will remain open 24/7 all throughout the holidays.

Have a solemn Holy Week, and if your furry loved ones need help, we’re here to serve.

God bless!

Well, that escalated quickly! Taking our pets to the mall for a quick stroll can be a fun activity for our furbabies. Ho...

Well, that escalated quickly!

Taking our pets to the mall for a quick stroll can be a fun activity for our furbabies. However, certain precautions are still necessary for our companions as accidents can easily happen in a seemingly unfamiliar territory. Such is the case of our patient, Coco, whose excitement to use the escalator earned himself a trip to the vet. Luckily, his paw only suffered a wound after getting caught in between the moving staircase.

These accidents require immediate veterinary attention as it could have been worse--fractures may arise from such events. Thankfully, Coco's furparents immediately brought him to our hospital and only needed a few stitches and he was good to go!

If an accident similar to Coco's case ever happens to your furbabies, visit us at:

📍59 Mayor Gil Fernando Ave., San Roque, Marikina City
☎️ 09171150937 \\ 09171265361
FB: /SerbisyoBeterinaryoMarikina/
IG: .marikina

Last hurrah until our birthday tomorrow! 🥳🎉

Last hurrah until our birthday tomorrow! 🥳🎉

Don’t let your pets near a pesticide, it’s i-rat-tional! 🐀☠️Our girl, Tifi, took a trip down the ER because she ate a ro...

Don’t let your pets near a pesticide, it’s i-rat-tional! 🐀☠️

Our girl, Tifi, took a trip down the ER because she ate a rodenticide (rat poison). Within hours of ingestion, Tifi had been pooping and vomiting greenish ingesta. Further, her liver had already showed signs of damage. This is due to the ingestion of the rat poison. Rodenticide poisoning is fatal to our furbabies if left untreated. Common signs observed at home include lethargy, vomiting, inappetence, and bleeding. Unfortunately, some commercially available rat poisons are dyed green and has an artificial flavoring which our curious furbabies find irresistible. Whenever putting out rat baits and poison, always make sure that they are out of reach from our poochies and kitties. As for Tifi, emergency care was immediately performed and was safely back at home. Swipe 👈🏻 to see Tifi giving us a thank you kiss before going home. 🥰

If you see your pets eat something that they shouldn’t have, we are open 24/7 to assist you!

📍59 Mayor Gil Fernando Ave., San Roque, Marikina City
☎️ 09171150937 \\ 09171265361
FB: /SerbisyoBeterinaryoMarikina/
IG: .marikina

🐾Exciting news for pet lovers! 🐾 Introducing the Serbisyo Beterinaryo Animal Hospital Wellness Package - designed to ens...

🐾Exciting news for pet lovers! 🐾

Introducing the Serbisyo Beterinaryo Animal Hospital Wellness Package - designed to ensure all your furry friends receive the care they deserve. This package is open to both canine and feline patients of all ages.

To avail of this offer, clients must schedule an appointment at least 7 days in advance through this link:

This advance notice allows our team to prepare thoroughly for the wellness procedures, ensuring a seamless experience for both the client and their pet.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to give your pets the gift of good health! 🎁🐶😺

MARCH YOUR CALENDAR..IT’S OUR ANNIVERSARY MONTH! 🥳🎉Who would’ve thought it’s been 2 years already? 🙈 Of course, we have ...


Who would’ve thought it’s been 2 years already? 🙈 Of course, we have so much gifts in store for our furry guests on our birthday. With that, we’re giving away 200 vaccines (5in1, antirabies) and deworming to our furriends! Just follow the mechanics below:

1. Share this post in PUBLIC.
2. Caption the post with your fond memories or experience with us.
3. End your caption with the hashtags:

MAXIMUM OF 2 PETS PER OWNER can be enlisted.
Only PERSONAL ACCOUNTS will be considered.

Lucky winners will be directly messaged by our page. We’ll be celebrating on March 20-25, 2024 by giving free vaccination and deworming, along with our resident pets, Teager, Cash, Xiexie, and Dollar. We’ll release the names of our furry guests and their scheduled wellness on March 17, so keep posted!

📍59 Mayor Gil Fernando Ave., San Roque, Marikina City
☎️ 09171150937 \\ 09171265361
FB: /SerbisyoBeterinaryoMarikina/
IG: .marikina


As we celebrate our 11th anniversary, we want to thank each of our clients for their continued support and loyalty. We will continue to uphold the standard of quality veterinary care to your furry companion. It will always be an honor to be your veterinary partner in the years to come. 🥂

We are Serbisyo Beterinaryo.

📍59 Mayor Gil Fernando Ave., San Roque, Marikina City
☎️ 09171150937 \\ 09171265361
FB: /SerbisyoBeterinaryoMarikina/
IG: .marikina

HOLE-IN-THE-WALLWhenever we see swelling or lumps in our pets, tumor growths usually comes into mind. However, that may ...


Whenever we see swelling or lumps in our pets, tumor growths usually comes into mind. However, that may not always be the case; visceral fat and even organs may protrude through abnormal holes in the body wall including the abdomen. This condition, called 'hernia', is often congenital but can also be acquired through physical trauma, weakening of the muscle walls, and even post operative complications!

Our patient, Min min suffered from a hernia for months, where the protruding abdominal contents caused a huge protrusion on her belly. Surgical intervention was recommended and was successfully repaired.

In some cases, hernia can be life threatening due to strangulation of the projecting organs. So if you notice any swelling in your pet's body, don't hesitate to visit our hospital and have our veterinarians take a look! 👀

📍59 Mayor Gil Fernando Ave., San Roque, Marikina City
☎️ 09171150937 \\ 09171265361
FB: /SerbisyoBeterinaryoMarikina/
IG: .marikina


59 Gil Fernando Avenue , Brgy. San Roque
Marikina City



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