Available now!
Kangkong Chips - starts at P140.00
Available flavors:
Original - P140.00
Spicy - P140.00
Sour Cream - P140.00
Cheese - P140.00
Barbeque - P140.00
SInigang - P140.00
Salted Egg - P160.00
Crispy Mushroom Salted Egg - P130.00
Bucheron - P130.00
Peanut Butter - P100.00
Water spinach leaves, also known as kangkong, are a popular leafy green vegetable in many Asian cuisines.
* Nutrition:
* Rich in vitamins: A, C, and K
* Packed with minerals: Iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium
* Good source of fiber and antioxidants
* Health Benefits:
* May help improve eye health (due to Vitamin A)
* Supports immune function (thanks to Vitamin C)
* Can aid in digestion (high in fiber)
* May have anti-inflammatory properties
Note: for HUMAN consumption only!