2 Kittens available
Ongoing Deworming (3x)
Ongoing Vaccine (1x)
For any inquiries please contact:
Ms. Honey Madulid
CP# 09193285607
Enjoying his Monthly Grooming
He loves his grooming sessions. 🤩😳😳😲
#Paws N' Stuff
Vaccination Day!
#Zebby and Puppies
Paws N' Stuff
Veterinary clinic
Also known by their scientific name, Otodectes cynotis, ear mites are tiny parasites that inhabit the ear canals and surrounding skin.
Symptoms of ear mites in dogs include:
Skin irritation in and around the ears
Scratching around the ears, head, and neck
Head shaking
Dark and waxy ear discharge
An unpleasant odour from the ears
Picture: this shows otodectes sp. (Mature) In a mating form and egg form.
The patient had a history of contact with stray dogs, a very common way to get infected. Thus, infected all other dogs in their home.
If you observed same symptoms kindly go to your veterinarian to consult and seek for immediate treatment.
Other possible diseases may also cause same signs, so to avoid prolong treatment , additional costs, do not self medicate.
Minhoo (patient) was brought to the clinic. Having symptoms of vomiting and watery diarrhea for a few days. And was confirm positive with parvovirus. Immediate action was done to replenish the worn out body of the patient due to dehydration. And with good response the patient made a fast recovery.
Patient is now ongoing on the recovery and will be receiving deworming and vaccination.
Prevention is better than cure.
Consult your local vets to know more.
# Lamang ang may alam!
This case is rarely to see in dogs. Commonly known as Lockjaw, in which this disease causes stiffness along the muscles in the face, limbs, tail etc. This inhibits the patient unable to care for itself rendering paralyze for weeks. If not promptly treated, it would be fatal to the patient.
Thus, Intensive care had to be done, for animal to survive throughout the medication. And thankfully all the efforts done by caring owner paid after several weeks of treatment. The patient survive and slowing recovering.
Kudos to the caring and resposible owner!
Getting ready for the Summer ahead!!
Set a date with your furbuddy
And book a Grooming now 🤗🤗
# Pomeranian Puppies
#1st Vaccine
Cute Little Pugs
Get a cute puppy this year!!
Contact us for more info.
Beat the Heat!!
Pamper your Furr Baby with our
Grooming Services
For more Info: Check our FB page.
Contact #: 0935-155-3493