|| The Department of Agriculture (DA) will continue to train and empower more young “agri-preneurs” to take the reins from aging farm-leaders, help attain food security, and push Philippine agriculture into the future.
“Since the start of the pandemic, the youth has been providing new perspectives, demonstrating entrepreneurial leadership, and mobilizing new movements that are proving beneficial to farm, fishery, and agribusiness sectors in the countryside,” said Agriculture Secretary William Dar during the 2021 National Food Security Summit (NFSS), on May 18-19, 2021.
“To further bolster their drive and enthusiasm, we will provide them the much-needed support, like credit, capacity- building, and post-graduate scholarship, among others, to make agriculture not only as a viable, steady source of income, but more importantly to make agriculture their lifetime passion and career,” the DA chief added.
At the food summit, leaders of the youth, farmers, fishers, rural women and agribusiness groups, in their virtual message, cited the various support that government should provide them.
Full story: https://www.da.gov.ph/da-attracts-more-youth-to-push-phl-agri-into-the-future/