Hi, everyone. I just want to give a heads up that we may not be able to be active for the coming days ahead.
Some things have transpired recently and I had one of my worst panic attacks today. I went back to the habit of walking aimlessly on the streets with the want to be hit. It was something I used to do in college, and that is just not how I want things to be. Especially now that I have so many cats and dogs and people relying on to me. May you not perceive me as weak or ungrateful, because I am really trying my best. I am so sorry for being the way that I am, but I really love the SoL cats and dogs and I will do everything for them. I just really need to breathe.
I hope you can still support SoL especially right now as the food funds are dwindling.
I hope you are in better places than I am currently. I hope your hearts are lighter than mine. I may not have met all of you but your kindness has made it worthwhile. Thank you, everyone. For everything.