It came to our attention a significant increase in Canine Distemper cases these week in our area. While this viral infection causes serious respiratory and neurological signs in dogs of all ages, and the prognosis (probability/likelihood of recovery from a certain disease) may be guarded to poor, Canine Distemper is preventable through PROPER VACCINATION. :)
Petmarvel Veterinary Clinic
2nd floor, 52-A Constitutional Road/SanMateo road, Batasanhills ,QC
Our Clinic offers the following services:
1. Veterinary Consultation
2. Preventive and Internal Medicine
3. Surgery
4. Emergency
5. Home Service (by appointment)
6. Pet supplies
7. Grooming
8. Confinement
9. Boarding
For appointment and inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us through: Facebook or call us at 09959412158
Stay Safe , Godbless !
See you there! :)