Cesarean section or C-section is a major surgery to remove puppies from the uterus. Surgery is usually performed as an emergency procedure when there is difficulty in giving birth (dystocia).
C-section surgery is performed to increase survival rates for both the dam and the puppies, as long labor in dogs is closely linked with death of the puppies.
A case of dystocia was presented in one-year-old shihtzu, Bambie, with history of persistent straining for the past 6 hours, greenish vulval discharge and no response to medical treatment for whelping, C-section was immediately indicated for the survival of dam and puppies. Two puppies were born alive and Bambie recuperated well.
Whether your pet needs emergency procedure,
Call or visit us to discuss more.
NOAHS Pawradise Veterinary Clinic
Clinic hours 9 AM- 6 PM (Monday- Sunday)
We also accept EMERGENCY CASES 24 hours