Veterinary Assistant Qadoos Anwar

Veterinary Assistant Qadoos Anwar Welcome to my page
I will help you to diagnose animal disease and his treatment

🐾 جانوروں اور انسانوں کے درمیان زونوٹک بیماریوں کی منتقلی 🦠🔬 تعارف🦠 زونوٹک بیماریاں (Zoonotic Diseases) وہ امراض ہیں جو ...

🐾 جانوروں اور انسانوں کے درمیان زونوٹک بیماریوں کی منتقلی 🦠
🔬 تعارف
🦠 زونوٹک بیماریاں (Zoonotic Diseases) وہ امراض ہیں جو جانوروں سے انسانوں میں منتقل ہو سکتی ہیں۔
🐾 یہ بیماریاں مختلف طریقوں سے پھیل سکتی ہیں، جیسے کہ براہ راست رابطہ (Direct Contact)، ہوا کے ذریعے (Airborne Transmission)، خوراک یا پانی سے (Foodborne/Waterborne)، فومائٹس (Fomites)، اور کیڑوں اور حشرات کے ذریعے (Vector-Borne Transmission)۔
⚠️ زونوٹک بیماریوں کا بروقت پتہ لگانا اور ان سے بچاؤ کے طریقے جاننا نہایت ضروری ہے تاکہ انسانی اور حیوانی صحت کو محفوظ بنایا جا سکے-

🦠 زونوٹک بیماریوں کے پھیلاؤ کے طریقے 🦠
1️⃣ براہ راست رابطے سے منتقلی (Direct Contact Transmission) 🐾

📌 جب کوئی شخص متاثرہ جانور کے لعاب، خون، پیشاب، پاخانے، یا جلدی زخموں سے براہ راست رابطے میں آتا ہے، تو انفیکشن کا خطرہ بڑھ جاتا ہے۔
📌 ویٹرنری ڈاکٹرز، کسان، جانور پالنے والے، اور قصاب زیادہ خطرے میں ہوتے ہیں۔
📌 مثالیں:
🔹 ریبیز (Rabies) 🦇 – متاثرہ جانور کے کاٹنے یا لعاب سے پھیلتی ہے۔
🔹 بروسیلوسس (Brucellosis) 🐄 – آلودہ دودھ یا متاثرہ جانوروں کے بافتوں (Tissues) سے منتقل ہوسکتی ہے۔

2️⃣ فضائی منتقلی (Airborne Transmission - Aerosols) 💨

📌 کچھ جراثیم ہوا میں تیرتے ہوئے سانس کے ذریعے جسم میں داخل ہو سکتے ہیں، خاص طور پر بند جگہوں میں جیسے کھیتوں کے باڑے، لیبارٹریز، یا جانوروں کے رہائشی مقامات۔
📌 مثالیں:
🔹 کیو فیور (Q fever - Coxiella burnetii) 🐑 – متاثرہ جانوروں کے فضلے یا مٹی سے آلودہ ہوا میں سانس لینے سے پھیل سکتی ہے۔
🔹 مائیکو بیکٹیریم بویس (Mycobacterium bovis) 🐄 – یہ تپ دق (Tuberculosis) کی ایک قسم ہے جو متاثرہ جانوروں کے قریبی رابطے سے پھیل سکتی ہے۔

3️⃣ فومائٹس کے ذریعے منتقلی (Fomite Transmission) 🛑

📌 فومائٹس وہ اشیاء یا سطحیں ہوتی ہیں جو زونوٹک جراثیم سے آلودہ ہو سکتی ہیں اور بیماری پھیلانے میں مددگار ثابت ہوسکتی ہیں۔
📌 عام فومائٹس میں شامل ہیں:
🔹 لباس، بستر، زرعی اوزار، فارمی مشینری، اور طبی آلات 🏥
🔹 بچوں کے کھلونے یا جانوروں کے

Bovine Foetus Abnormal Presentation, Position and Posture:*************************************************************A...

Bovine Foetus Abnormal Presentation, Position and Posture:

Abnormal presentation, position and posture in a bovine birth.

When attending a dystocia, the first thing to determine before acting is the "3 P", Presentation, position and posture of the calf.

🤩Presentation signifies the relationship between the longitudinal axis of the fetus and the maternal birth canal.

These may be:
🐮Longitudinal presentation, which can be anterior or posterior, depending on which fetal extremity is entering the pelvis;
🐮Transverse presentation; ventral or dorsal, according to whether the dorsal or ventral aspect of the trunk is presented; and
🐮Vertical presentation; ventral or dorsal. Vertical presentations are very rare, and only the obliquely vertical ‘dog-sitting’ presentation in the horse needs to be considered in detail.

🤩Position indicates the surface of the maternal birth canal to which the fetal vertebral column is applied.
It can be dorsal, ventral, and left or right lateral.

🤩Posture refers to the disposition of the movable appendages of the fetus and involves flexion or extension of the neck or limb joints, for example, lateral flexion of the neck or hock flexion posture.

Enterotoxemia:- Bacterial Disease of sheep , goat, of all age Eitology:- Clostredum perfringens  type C , D♦️The Bacteri...

Enterotoxemia:- Bacterial Disease of sheep , goat, of all age

Eitology:- Clostredum perfringens type C , D

♦️The Bacteria Normally found in low numbers in the gastrointestinal tract of all sheep and goats.

♦️Predisposing factors for disease change in the diet of the animal. Most commonly, the change that triggers disease is an increase in the amount of grain, protein supplement, milk or milk replacer ، feeds are rich in starch, sugar, and/or protein. When unusually high levels of these nutrients reach the intestine, Clostridium perfringens

🔴 signs of enterotoxemia in sheep
and goats include:
• The animals may abruptly go off of
feed and become very lethargic.
• Affected animals may show signs
of stomach pain, such as kicking at
their belly, repeatedly laying down
and getting up, laying on their sides,
panting, and crying out.
• Diarrhea may develop; in some
cases, there is blood visible in the
loose stool.
• Animals may lose the ability to
stand, lay on their sides, and extend
their legs, with their head and neck
extended back over their withers.
This posture is caused by the effects
of the toxins on the brain. Death
commonly occurs within minutes to
hours after this sign is seen.
• Because enterotoxemia can
progress so quickly, animals may be
found dead with no previous signs
of disease

🔴 Treatment
Treatment of enterotoxemia may not be successful in severe cases

_ intravenous fluids
_Antibiotic ( such as penicillin senstive of the bacteria)
_ supportive care, such as supplemental oxygen.

Prevention:- Vaccinations

🌍🌳(Black Quarter)🌳🌍Blackleg is an acute, highly fatal disease of cattle and sheep caused by Clostridium chauvoei. What i...

🌍🌳(Black Quarter)🌳🌍
Blackleg is an acute, highly fatal disease of cattle and sheep caused by Clostridium chauvoei.

What is the cause of black quarter?

Black quarter (BQ) is an acute, infectious disease caused by Clostridium chauvoei - a Gram-positive, anaerobic organism. This disease is characterized by inflammation with gaseous oedema of skeletal muscle and severe toxaemia.


Hot painful swellings of muscles of hindquarters and sometimes forequarters cause lameness, depression, high fever and death within one to two days. Animals are often just found dead. The disease is usually associated with certain areas, farms, etc.
What causes black disease in cattle?
Black disease is an acute, highly fatal disease of sheep, goats and cattle and is usually associated with a liver fluke infestation. It is caused by the bacterium Clostridium novyi.

How is black quarter transmitted?
Spread of infection

Faffa explains that the spores of the bacteria occur in soil and water – the animal, therefore, ingests it via feed and water. It can also spread to an animal's muscles through small cuts in the mouth caused by roughage and shedding of teeth.

What is black quarter treatment?

Treatment is generally unsatisfactory due to the rapid progression of the disease; however penicillin is the drug of choice for treatment. Treatment is only effective in the early stages and as a control measure.

Where is blackleg found?
Etiology of Blackleg in Animals

C chauvoei is found naturally in the intestinal tract of animals. Spores remain viable in the soil for years and are purported to be a source of infection. Outbreaks of blackleg have occurred in cattle on farms in which recent excavations have occurred, or after flooding.

Say good bye to,sneezing, cough, CRD in poultry, Flu in rabbit ,pig and ruminant animals with Garcinia kola know as  BIT...

Say good bye to,sneezing, cough, CRD in poultry, Flu in rabbit ,pig and ruminant animals with Garcinia kola know as BITTER KOLA_

Bitter kola is organic growth promoter for Broiler,Turkey ,rabbit that make boost growth,weight ,prevent diseases.

Using bitter kola for broilers make Broilers farmers achieve average body weight of 3kg within 6_7 weeks.

BITTER KOLA effective use for treatment and prevention of SNEEZING,CRD,cough etc in poultry,goat and animal.

Bitter kola is highly rich in vitamin, Minerals antioxidant ,Anti stress ,boost growth prevent many diseases

Organic poultry Farmers using Bitter kola for broilers, turkey birds grow bigger with better weight gain No symptoms of Cough, Sneezing and respiratory diseases

Bitter kola is often use for prevention & TREATMENT of over 42 DIFFERENT diseases affecting birds and animals.

Bitter kola is effective use for human being for treatments of SORE throats,Throat pains, infection ,toilet infection etc.


IF you cannot use the link to join just message me on WhatsApp 03400659475

Organic farming still the best to practice,reduce odour , fast growth .

Diseases caused by protozoa  (Piroplasmosis ,Texas fever,  Red water, Tick fever)Babesiosis is a protozoan parasitic feb...

Diseases caused by protozoa
(Piroplasmosis ,Texas fever, Red water, Tick fever)
Babesiosis is a protozoan parasitic febrile disease of cattle, horses, sheep and swine caused by Babesia spp..
In sheep and goats, babesiosis is caused by Babesia motasi and Babesia ovis.
Acute signs of the disease are characterized with fever, anaemia, parasitemia and haemoglobinuria. B. ovis usually causes a milder form of the disease than does B. motasi. The parasite grows and multiplies in the blood corpuscles (erythrocytes) of sheep and goats and causes haemoglobin (constituent of erythrocytes) elimination in urine (haemoglobinuria).
🔴 :
Different species of ticks in the family Ixodidae serve as vectors of infection.
Babesia ovis infection transmitted experimentally in sheep has caused acute signs of disease, parasitemia and lasting immunity similar with babesiosis in cattle.
🔴Antemortem findings :
1. Incubation 7 – 10 days
2. High fever (41.5°C)
3. Difficult breathing
4. Anaemia
5. Loss of appetite
6. Dark reddish brown urine
7. Recovered animals may be emaciated, have reduced milk production, and some may
also abort.
There are no characteristic signs in the chronic disease.
🔴 findings :
1. Enlarged, yellow liver and distended gall bladder containing thick dark bile. The bladder
mucosa is edematous and yellow.
2. Subcutaneous tissue and connective tissue in the muscles are edematous and
3. Thin watery blood and red urine in the bladder
4. Enlarged spleen
5. Edematous and haemorrhagic lymph nodes
🔴 :
Carcass of an animal in the subclinical form of the disease or in the chronic stage may have a favourable judgement providing the carcass is adequately set and icterus is not present. An animal carcass showing acute form of the disease accompanied with fever, marked
anaemia and haemoglobinuria and/or emaciation is condemned.
🔴Differential diagnosis :
bacillary haemoglobinuria and anaplasmosis

Babesia is a parasite and won’t respond to antibiotics alone.
🔴Treatment and control:
The same drugs used for bovine babesiosis are applicable for ovine and caprine babesiosis treatment;
👉Quinuronium sulphate has been widely used, Acaprin 1 ml/50 kg BW by SC injection at tail fold.
👉Diminazene aceturate (Berenil) is effective treatment 3.5 mg/kg BW by IM injection on two successive, or 12 mg/kg BW as a single dose.
👉Imidocarb dipropionate salt (Imizol) are effective at a dose1mg/ kg Bw, (Imizol 0.1 ml /10 kg BW by SC injection).
🔴Control measures depend on tick control by dipping. Where ovine and caprine babesiosis is endemic, it is best to create and maintain a state of a stable situation to eliminate the opportunity for epidemic infection in a flock.

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"Tick off those pesky critters! 🕷️✅ Check out our top tips for removing ticks from your furry friend. 🐶      ""Don't let...

"Tick off those pesky critters! 🕷️✅ Check out our top tips for removing ticks from your furry friend. 🐶 "

"Don't let ticks bug your pup! 🐾✨ Discover effective ways to remove ticks from your dog with our helpful guide. 📖 "

"Tick season got you itching? 🌞🕷️ We've got you covered! Learn the best tick removal techniques to keep your furry companion safe. 🐕💪 "

"Time to tick them off! ⏰🕷️ Safely remove ticks from your dog using our expert tips. Your pet's health is our priority! 🐾💚 "

Lumpy skin dieses:Lumpy skin disease (L*D) is an acute virus disease of cattle characterised by eruption of variably siz...

Lumpy skin dieses:

Lumpy skin disease (L*D) is an acute virus disease of cattle characterised by eruption of variably sized skin nodules, oedema of the limbs and swelling of the superficial lymph nodes.


Lumpy skin disease (L*D) is caused by lumpy skin disease virus (L*DV), a virus from the family
Poxviridae, genus Capripoxvirus. Sheeppox virus and Goatpox virus are the two other virus species in this

2.Clinical signs:

○ Fever
○ Watery eyes,
○ increased nasal secretions,
○ enlarged superficial lymph nodes
○ loss of appetite,
○ reduced milk production,
○ depression and reluctance to move.
○ This is followed by the eruption of skin nodules that may cover the whole body. They can be found on any part of the body but are most numerous on the head and neck, perineum, genitalia and udder, and the limbs.


The principal means of transmission is believed to be by arthropod vector.
Transmission by direct contact with infected animals can occur at a low level but this is not considered a major method of spread. Most infection is thought to be the result of insect transmission. Many different types of biting insects are thought to be involved. Transmission is thought to be mechanical rather than biological.

4.Post mortem findings:

Nodules are found in the subcutaneous tissues, muscle fascia and muscles. They are grey-pink with necrotic cores. Nodules may also be found through the nasopharynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs, rumen, abomasum, renal cortex, testicles and uterus.


○ On basis of sign and symptoms
○ Laboratory tests
Identification of agents through PCR and electron microscopy


○ No specific antiviral drugs
○ Antibiotics to prevent secondary infections
○ dressing of wounds lesions

7.Prevention and control:

○ Import restrictions and surveillance
○ restrictions of movement in infected animals
○ culling infected animals
○ vaccination

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