#veterinaria #smallanimalvet #avianvet
A 9Month old Male kitten 🐱 presented for a communitted fracture on the humerus 🦴..The kitten also presented with signs of radial nerve neuropraxia🦾.. initially was given citicholine, methycobalamine, and calcium supplement💊 to support the neruonal regeneration and callus formation.. multimodal pain killers 💉were given... post surgery, physiotherapy was also started in order to stimulate radial nerve..
The kitten started walking normally in about 30-35 days..
Plate was removed 5 months post surgery...
#orthopedics #veterinaria #plating #veterinaryorthopedics #smallanimalvet
🦁 Lion cub vaccination 💉 protocols are practically similar to feline 🐱 vaccination with a few changes..
Prophylactic Deworming 🪱 🪱 protocol is the same and can be done with any of the following drugs started at 4 weeks of age.... Repeated every 2 weeks until 3 months of age and then repeated every 3-4 months
💉 Vaccinations are done for:
🦠 Feline Calicivirus (FCV)
🦠 Feline Rhinotracheitis/Herpes Virus (FRV)
🦠 Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV)
🦠 Ferret Distemper Virus (Canary Pox vector) (FDV)
🦠 Rabies virus
1ml of each vaccine is given at 6-8wks of age and repeated every 3 weeks apart until 3 shots are completed.. A booster dose is given after 6 months.. and then either annual booster is given or a booster is given triennially.
Vaccine composition ( 1ml (FDV) + 1ml (Rabies) + 1ml (FVRCV+ FeLv)
#felidae #feline #wild #lion #panthera #veterinaria #vet #vetlife #zoovet #vaccination