Abdullah Pet Clinic

Abdullah Pet Clinic Small Animal Veterinarian | Pet Practices | Canine | Feline | Birds | Veterinary Medicine & Surgery

Vaccinate your canine friend against deadly viruses at your doorstep in lahore city.DM for consultancy.                 ...

Vaccinate your canine friend against deadly viruses at your doorstep in lahore city.
DM for consultancy.


Intravenous Catheterization in dog.


Draining out an Abscess from cat's Neck tissues.


Pregnancy determination.

Professional Pet care at your doorstep in lahore city.DM for consultancy.                        #                      ...

Professional Pet care at your doorstep in lahore city.
DM for consultancy.


DM for consultancy and queries regarding your furry friend's health.

🍩 Chocolate is toxic to many pets, including dogs and cats.♦️ It contains substances called theobromine and caffeine, wh...

🍩 Chocolate is toxic to many pets, including dogs and cats.

♦️ It contains substances called theobromine and caffeine, which are stimulants that can be harmful or even deadly to animals.

♦️ Different types of chocolate have varying levels of theobromine, with dark chocolate and cocoa powder being the most toxic, followed by milk chocolate and white chocolate.

♦️ Consumption of chocolate by pets can lead to symptoms such as

➡️ vomiting
➡️ diarrhea
➡️ rapid breathing
➡️ increased heart rate
➡️ seizures
➡️ and in severe cases, it can be fatal.

♦️ The toxicity of chocolate depends on the type of chocolate, the amount ingested, and the size and sensitivity of the pet.

♦️ Treatment for chocolate toxicity in pets depends on several factors, including

⭕ type and amount of chocolate ingested,
⭕ size and sensitivity of the pet
⭕ and the time elapsed since ingestion.

♦️ Here are some common steps that veterinarians may take to treat a pet that has ingested chocolate:

➡️ 1. Inducing Vomiting: If the ingestion occurred relatively recently (within a couple of hours), the veterinarian may induce vomiting to remove as much of the chocolate from the pet's stomach as possible. This is typically done using a medication or a hydrogen peroxide solution.

➡️ 2. Activated Charcoal: Activated charcoal may be administered to absorb any remaining toxins in the gastrointestinal tract and prevent further absorption into the bloodstream.

➡️ 3. Intravenous Fluids: Pets with chocolate poisoning may receive intravenous fluids to help maintain hydration, support their cardiovascular system, and aid in the elimination of toxins from the body.

➡️ 4. Medications: In severe cases, the veterinarian may administer medications to control symptoms such as seizures, rapid heart rate, or agitation.

➡️ 5. Monitoring: The pet will be closely monitored for any complications or changes in their condition. Blood tests may be performed to assess the pet's overall health and organ function.

♦️ The specific treatment plan will vary based on the individual circumstances of the case. It's essential to contact a veterinarian or an emergency pet clinic immediately if you suspect your pet has ingested chocolate. Prompt treatment can greatly improve the chances of a positive outcome.

♦️ Prevention is the best approach, so always keep chocolate and chocolate-containing products out of your pet's reach and be aware of other potentially toxic foods and substances for pets.

DM for consultancy and queries regarding your pets health.

اینسیڈز (NSAIDs) کو انتہائی احتیاط کے ساتھ استعمال کیا جانا چاہئے یا بلیوں میں ان کے سنگین منفی اثرات کے امکانات کی وجہ ...

اینسیڈز (NSAIDs) کو انتہائی احتیاط کے ساتھ استعمال کیا جانا چاہئے یا بلیوں میں ان کے سنگین منفی اثرات کے امکانات کی وجہ سے ان سے مکمل پرہیز کیا جانا چاہئے۔

کچھ NSAIDs جو عام طور پر بلیوں کے لیے غیر محفوظ ہیں ان میں شامل ہیں:

1. آئبوپروفین ibuprofen
2. نیپروکسین naproxen
3. پیراسیٹامول paracetamol
4. اسپرین Aspirin
5. ڈیکلوفینیک Diclofenac

یہ ادویات بلیوں میں معدے کے السر، گردے کے نقصان اور دیگر شدید منفی اثرات کا سبب بن سکتی ہیں۔

یہ یاد رکھنا ضروری ہے کہ بلیاں انسانوں یا کتوں کے مقابلے NSAIDs کے لیے بہت زیادہ حساس ہوتی ہیں، اور تھوڑی سی مقدار بھی نقصان دہ ہو سکتی ہے۔

اگر آپ کی بلی کو درد سے نجات یا سوزش سے بچنے والی دوائیوں کی ضرورت ہو تو، کسی ویٹرنریرین سے مشورہ کریں جو آپ کے بلیوں کے لیے محفوظ اور مناسب علاج تجویز کر سکے۔

جانوروں کی رہنمائی کے بغیر کبھی بھی انسانوں یا کتوں میں استعمال ہونے والی دوائی کو بلیوں میں استعمال نہ کریں، کیونکہ یہ جان لیوا ثابت ہو سکتا ہے۔

DM for consultancy and queries regarding your furry friend's health.

Regards Dr Abdullah Shah

♦️ NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) should be used with extreme caution or avoided altogether in cats due t...

♦️ NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) should be used with extreme caution or avoided altogether in cats due to their potential for serious adverse effects.
♦️ Some of the NSAIDs that are generally considered contraindicated or unsafe for cats include:

1. Ibuprofen
2. Paracetamol or acetaminophen
3. Aspirin
4. Naproxen
5. Diclofenac

♦️ These medications can cause gastrointestinal ulcers, kidney damage, and other severe side effects in cats. It's essential to remember that cats are much more sensitive to NSAIDs than humans or dogs, and even a small amount can be harmful.

♦️ If your cat requires pain relief or anti-inflammatory medication, consult with a veterinarian who can prescribe a safe and appropriate treatment option for your feline friend.
♦️ Never administer NSAIDs meant for humans or dogs to cats without veterinary guidance, as it can be life-threatening.

DM for consultancy and any queries regarding your furry friend's health.

Regards Dr Abdullah Shah.


Chick's abdominal tumor.


Cute stray cat


Vaccinate 💉 and Deworm 💊 your canine 🐶 and feline 🐱 friends to protect them against the deadly viruses and internal parasites.

📞 Inhome veterinary Service.

📱 DM for consultancy and queries regarding vaccination and Deworming.

🐕🐍💊  Deworming of Dogs   💊🐍🐕📣 Introduction :Deworming of dogs is the process of administering medication to eliminate in...

🐕🐍💊 Deworming of Dogs 💊🐍🐕

📣 Introduction :

Deworming of dogs is the process of administering medication to eliminate internal parasites, commonly known as worms, that may infest a dog's gastrointestinal tract or other parts of their body such as heart, lungs, etc.

These parasites can be harmful to the dog's health and, if left untreated, can lead to various health issues

Deworming is an essential part of a dog's healthcare routine to prevent and treat infestations of intestinal parasites.

♦️🐍 Common types of worms in dogs

* Roundworm
* Hookworm
* Whipworm
* Tapeworm
* heartworm

🐍🐕 Transmission :

♻️ The most common means of parasite transmission is oral-fecal route

Dogs can easily get worms through various means, such as

* Eating contaminated food
* Drinking contaminated water
* Coming into contact with infected f***s.

♦️ Sings and symptoms :

Remember that infected adult dogs may either appear completely normal, or show signs such as a

* Dry, Rough and dull coat
* Diarrhoea
* Vomit
* Loss of weight
* Bloated tummy
* Slow growth
* Inappetence
* Hairfall
* lacrimation
* lethargy

So dogs that don’t show any symptoms may be passing worms onto you when you touch and play with them. Some of these worm infections can be fatal in humans.

♦️Diagnosis :

The most accurate way of determining if internal parasites are present is to bring a fresh stool sample to your veterinarian for testing.

♦️ Treatment : Common Dewormer

Each type requires specific treatment, and deworming medications are effective in eliminating these parasites

* Pyrantel Pamoate
* Fenbendazole
* Praziquantel
* Ivermectin

♦️👉 commercially available

* Caniverm
* Drontel plus
* Wormtal
* Heartgard etc

💊💉 Frequency:

🐶 Puppies should be dewormed every 2 weeks starting at 2 weeks of age and continue until they are 12 weeks old.

After that,

🐕 Adult dogs should be dewormed at least every 3 to 6 months, depending on their lifestyle and risk of exposure

💊 Dose is according to live body weight

♦️ Preventive Measures:

👉 Besides regular deworming, there are preventive measures you can take to reduce the risk of your dog getting infected.
These include
* Keeping the living area clean
* Removing f***s promptly
* Preventing your dog from consuming f***s of other animals.

🥼👉 Always seek professional advice from a veterinarian for the health and well-being of your furry friend.

DM for consultancy and queries regarding Deworming of Dogs.

🙏 Regards Dr Abdullah Shah

👉 Reference

Pic # 1 kirraweevet.com.au
Pic # 2 www.ashburnevet.co.za
Pic # 3 https://seniortailwaggers.com/

💊🐍🐱  Deworming of cat  💊🐍🐱💊 Deworming is an essential part of cat's health care, as intestinal parasites are common in c...

💊🐍🐱 Deworming of cat 💊🐍🐱

💊 Deworming is an essential part of cat's health care, as intestinal parasites are common in cats.

🐍 These parasites can include
roundworms, tapeworms, hookworms, and others.
If left untreated, they can lead to various health issues and discomfort for your feline friend.

🤔 How do you know if your cat has worms?

* Visibility of worms in faeces, Vomitus
* Blood in stool
* Diarrhoea
* Nausea
* Vomiting
* Bloating
* Weight loss
* Increased appetite
* rough coat
* hair fall
* lacrimation

♦️👉 Here's some important information about deworming cats:

1. ♻️ Frequency:

🐱 Kittens should be dewormed every 2 weeks starting from 2-3 weeks until they are around 8 weeks old.

🐈 Adult cats should be dewormed at least every 3-6 months, depending on their lifestyle and risk factors.

🐈 Outdoor cats or those who hunt may need more frequent deworming.

Dose rate is according to live body weight.

2. 💊🍼💉Types of dewormers:

There are various types of dewormers available, including oral medications (tablets or liquid), topical treatments, and injectables.

💊🍼 The most common form for cats is oral deworming medication.

3. 🥼📝 Prescription required:

Most dewormers for cats are available only with a veterinarian's prescription.

This is because a proper diagnosis is essential to determine the type of worms your cat may have, as different parasites require specific medications.

4. ☢️ Safety:

When used as directed by your veterinarian, deworming medications are generally safe for cats.
However, it's essential to follow the recommended dosage and never give medication intended for other animals or human dewormers, as they can be harmful to cats.

5. ⚠️ Side effects:

Some cats may experience mild side effects like vomiting or diarrhea after deworming. These usually resolve on their own.

However, if you notice any severe or prolonged side effects, contact your vet immediately.

6. ❌ Prevention:

In addition to regular deworming, maintaining good hygiene and a clean living environment for your cat can help prevent re-infestation.

Regularly cleaning the litter box and keeping your cat's living area clean can make a significant difference.

7. 🥼🐱 Veterinary check-ups:

🏃‍♂️ Regular visits to the veterinarian are crucial to monitor your cat's health, including checking for signs of worms.

Your vet can advise you on the best deworming schedule and other preventive measures based on the need of your cat.

They can provide you with the most appropriate deworming protocol and ensure your cat's health and well-being are properly managed.

Pic # 1 Cats.com
Pic # 2 International Cat Care
Pic # 3 produits-veto.com

DM for consultancy and queries regarding Deworming of cat.

Regards Dr Abdullah Shah

🐱 Cat Grooming👉 Grooming is an essential part of maintaining a cat's health and well-being.👉  It helps keep their coat c...

🐱 Cat Grooming

👉 Grooming is an essential part of maintaining a cat's health and well-being.
👉 It helps keep their coat clean, reduces shedding, prevents matting, and allows you to check for any skin issues or abnormalities.

📍 Here are some tips for grooming your cat:

1. 🧤 Brushing:

♦️ Regular brushing helps remove loose hair, prevents hairballs, and keeps the coat in good condition.
♦️ The frequency of brushing depends on the length of your cat's hair.
♦️ Long-haired cats may need daily brushing, while short-haired cats can be brushed a few times a week.
♦️ Use a brush or comb suitable for your cat's coat type.

2. 🛁Bathing:

♦️ Most cats are good at grooming themselves and do not require regular baths.
♦️ However, some cats, especially those with skin conditions or who have gotten dirty, may need a bath occasionally.
♦️ Use a cat-specific shampoo and make sure to rinse thoroughly.
♦️ Be cautious while bathing, as most cats are not fond of water.

4. ✂️Nail trimming:

♦️ Trim your cat's nails regularly to prevent them from becoming too long or sharp.
♦️ Use a pair of cat nail clippers or human nail clippers with a straight edge.
♦️ Be careful not to cut the quick, which is the pink area inside the nail that contains blood vessels.
♦️ If you're unsure, consult a veterinarian or a professional groomer for guidance.

5. 👂Ear cleaning:

♦️ Check your cat's ears regularly for dirt, wax buildup, or signs of infection.
♦️ Use a cat-specific ear cleaning solution and a cotton ball or pad to gently clean the visible parts of the ear.
♦️ Avoid inserting anything deep into the ear canal to prevent injury.
♦️If you notice any redness, discharge, or foul odor, consult a veterinarian.

6. 🦷Teeth brushing:

♦️ Dental care is crucial for cats to maintain healthy teeth and gums.
♦️ Use a toothbrush and toothpaste specifically designed for cats.
♦️Start slowly and gently introduce your cat to tooth brushing.
♦️ It's best to start when they're young, but even adult cats can learn to accept it with patience and positive reinforcement.

7. 👀 Eye care:

♦️ Check your cat's eyes regularly for any signs of redness, discharge, cloudiness, or swelling.
♦️ Use a damp, soft cloth or a cotton ball to gently wipe away any dirt or discharge from the corners of the eyes.
♦️ Clean area around eyes with Normal saline Or Rose water regularly.
♦️ If you notice persistent issues or any changes in your cat's vision, consult a veterinarian.

👉 Remember to approach grooming sessions calmly and positively, using treats or praise as rewards.
👉 If your cat becomes stressed or anxious during grooming, take a break and try again later.
👉 If you're unsure about any aspect of grooming or if your cat has specific needs, consult a veterinarian 🥼 or a professional groomer for guidance.

DM for any queries regarding Grooming.

Regards Dr Abdullah Shah.


Hello, everyone!
Vaccinate your furry friends 🐱🐶 to protect them against deadly viruses.

🐱 Cats vaccination

* feline panleukopenia virus
* feline calicivirus
* feline herpesvirus.
* Rabies

💊💉 For example

* inj Biofel PCH
* inj nobivac Rabies or inj Rabisin.

🐶 Dogs vaccination

* Canine Parvo virus
* Canine Distemper
* Canine infectious hepatitis
* Laryngotracheitis
* Parainfluenza virus
* Leptospirosis
* Rabies.

💊💉 For example

* Inj primadog
* Inj biocan puppy
* inj biocan DHPPiL-R
* inj Hipradog

Deworm your furry friends before vaccination and then every 3 months.
Take care of your pet's Feeding, drinking, excretion and, grooming.

Dm for any queries regarding vaccination, Deworming, feeding and grooming.

Regards Dr Abdullah Shah.


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Rostral maxillary block | infraorbital nerve block in dogs |


A Labrador dog presented with
nervous signs,
involuntary head spasm
and nasal discharge.

On examination it was suspected for "canine distemper "

Advised CDV quick test

The dog was positive for CDV


Ramadan mubarak ❤️.
May Allah bless us with sirat e mustaqeem. Ameen.


Heavy fight between Geese 🦆.

Dvm final year. 2017_22 FVAS Gomal University D I Khan.

Dvm final year. 2017_22 FVAS Gomal University D I Khan.


9th semester ✌️.


Broiler ~ 32 days old ~ 1400_1500 gram weight.

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Cats scream when they mate because of painful scratching from a male cat's barbed reproductive organs [ p***s of Tom is covered with spines which help in t...



brief about histogenesis, growth and regeneration of cartilage.Typed and presented by Abdullah shah.FVAS Gomal University



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HEC Need Base scholarship 2021 interview schedule. 03-01-2022 to 12-01-2022.For more information, contact scholarship of...

HEC Need Base scholarship 2021 interview schedule. 03-01-2022 to 12-01-2022.
For more information, contact scholarship office Gomal University D I Khan.

For success, attitude is equally as important as ability.      .

For success, attitude is equally as important as ability. .



Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00



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