R E P R O V E T S Dr. Muhammad Zahid Tahir has a special interest, foreign training and extensive experience in small

Ultrasound scanning has evolved as an imaging modality to evaluate the reproductive health in male dogs. It allows early...

Ultrasound scanning has evolved as an imaging modality to evaluate the reproductive health in male dogs. It allows early detection of subclinical problems in fertile and confirmatory diagnosis of testicular and prostatic issues in infertile dogs. However, it's imperative that the operator has excellent imaging skills and that serial observations are made along with semen analysis and hormone profiles. If you are looking for the most authentic experience, reprovets is the one-stop-shop for your next breeding venture 🐾..

Semen analysis relies on visualizing the changes in semen quality parameters in relation to the potential fertility of a...

Semen analysis relies on visualizing the changes in semen quality parameters in relation to the potential fertility of a male dog. It should be noted that the interplay of various factors can lead to contrasting findings. Thus, it's imperative to have multiple observations in order to develop a comparative narrative and avoid reporting errors. If you are looking for the most authentic experience, reprovets is the one-stop-shop for your next breeding venture 🐾..

Blood progesterone relies on monitoring the hormone dynamics during the periovulatory period. However, it should be note...

Blood progesterone relies on monitoring the hormone dynamics during the periovulatory period. However, it should be noted that the test results may vary based upon sample handling, assay technique, laboratory standards and clinical correlations. Thus, it's imperative that serial observations are made in order to develop a standard curve and avoid reporting errors. If you are looking for the most authentic experience, reprovets is the one-stop-shop for your next breeding venture 🐾..

Ovarian ultrasound relies on monitoring the follicular dynamics during the periovulatory period. It should be noted that...

Ovarian ultrasound relies on monitoring the follicular dynamics during the periovulatory period. It should be noted that the canine ovaries are one of the most difficult organs to be scanned and interpreted. Thus, it's imperative that the operator has excellent imaging skills and that serial observations are made along with va**nal cytology in order to develop a comparative narrative and avoid reporting errors. If you are looking for the most authentic experience, reprovets is the one-stop-shop for your next breeding venture 🐾..

Vaginal cytology relies on the modifications in the va**nal epithelium throughout the early stages of the heat cycle. It...

Vaginal cytology relies on the modifications in the va**nal epithelium throughout the early stages of the heat cycle. It should be noted that the interplay of various factors can lead to contrasting findings. Thus, it's imperative to have multiple observations in order to develop a comparative narrative and avoid reporting errors. If you are looking for the most authentic experience, reprovets is the one-stop-shop for your next breeding venture 🐾..

The first time I heard the word "reprovet" dates back to 2010 while I was pursuing my PhD in France. The word instantly ...

The first time I heard the word "reprovet" dates back to 2010 while I was pursuing my PhD in France. The word instantly resonated with what I always wanted to be. However, it took me almost 10 years to coin this as a virtual platform, this page. The more I got involved in this, the more I felt the desire to turn this into a physical reality. While it might take you less than a minute to read this post, it took me more than a decade to be able to write it. Yes, our speciality clinic is finally open. We are excited to welcome all the dog lovers, fanciers and breeders in our state of the art and one of it's kind, the canine fertility clinic. And, it's not just a clinic, it's actually a dream come true 🐾..

The journey of passion and perseverance has reached an exciting milestone. We are now a family of more than 1K members. ...

The journey of passion and perseverance has reached an exciting milestone. We are now a family of more than 1K members. For me, it's not just a number game, it's more of an opportunity to share my love and understanding of canine reproduction with you all. This platform has helped me challenge old practices, introduce new concepts and pursue unexplored avenues of small animal practice. I appreciate your presence and hope to make a difference in the way canine reproduction is practiced in our country 🐾..

In the past decade, the veterinary practice has witnessed an unprecedented transformation across the country. At present...

In the past decade, the veterinary practice has witnessed an unprecedented transformation across the country. At present, there are probably more than 200 clinics in Lahore (as compared to less than 20 clinics in 2010). Meanwhile, the standards of veterinary care as well as client's expectations have also evolved significantly. Being an advocate of veterinary specialization, and having worked in a speciality clinic in France, I have been longing to introduce the concept of a speciality clinic for almost 10 years. The dream is finally coming true. I'm super excited to announce the launch of our clinic, very soon. That's one small step for a vet, one giant leap for animal-kind 🐾..

The hand of a breeder is the hand that calms the dog during whelping, caresses the belly during contractions and makes t...

The hand of a breeder is the hand that calms the dog during whelping, caresses the belly during contractions and makes the path free to facilitate the birth of pups. It is the hand that does not tremble while helping a stuck puppy, that tries to revive a fading puppy, that cuts the umbilical cord, if the need be, and gives milk replacer round the clock when there is very little yield. A breeder's hand is the one that socialize the puppy, and takes care of the little things when things go wrong. In short, the hand of a breeder is the hand you have entrusted to your future puppy. For all these and many other things, the next time you shake a breeder's hand, think of everything that hand has done with love. Nothing seemed more appropriate to copy this message in order to acknowledge all the breeders and mothers around the world 🐾..

Puberty is an important milestone in the developmental stages of dogs. The onset of reproductive function is translated ...

Puberty is an important milestone in the developmental stages of dogs. The onset of reproductive function is translated as visible signs of sexual activity. However, puberty alone doesn't qualify the male or female dog to be bred. Infact, the actual prerequisite for breeding is the sexual maturity. It should be noted that the onset of maturity may vary with the size, age and weight of that particular dog breed. As a thumb rule, one should skip atleast 1-2 heat cycles before breeding a female. Similarly, it's important to not engage a male too early in his life. As a responsible breeder, one should consult their reprovet to choose the best age at first breeding 🐾..

Today marks one year of reprovets serving as specialized reproductive partners for pet owners and breeders in Pakistan. ...

Today marks one year of reprovets serving as specialized reproductive partners for pet owners and breeders in Pakistan. The project was launched to introduce the concept of speciality practice in small animals. We never imagined that this would turn out to be such an exciting journey. We extended our technical support to more than 250 consultations, made acquaintances with hundreds of wonderful dogs and developed bonds with a lot of awesome pet parents. We cherished each and every moment with you and we look forward to many more encounters in the future. Happy New Year 🐾..

Breeding isn't just about reproduction, it also encompasses health, care and wellness of dogs. The consideration should ...

Breeding isn't just about reproduction, it also encompasses health, care and wellness of dogs. The consideration should begin long before they are actually bred and should include routine screening and treatment for internal, intestinal and external parasites. These parasites may not only impair the general health but also be transmitted to the offsprings. Ideally, the female dog should be dewormed on quarterly basis, making sure that the treatment doesn't coincide with the onset of heat. It should be noted that the safety of most of dewormers hasn't been established during heat, mating, pregnancy or lactation. Thus, the choice of appropriate dewormer should be made in consultation with your reprovet 🐾..

Irrational use of antibiotics, particularly before mating, is one of the major malpractices in canine breeding. It is as...

Irrational use of antibiotics, particularly before mating, is one of the major malpractices in canine breeding. It is assumed that such premedication would clear the female of any va**nal infection and enhance the chances of conception. As a matter of fact, the presence of va**nal bacteria, neutrophils, lymphocytes and erythrocytes is completely physiological during proestrus. Thus, the indiscriminate use of antibiotics not only seems unnecessary but it also adversely effects the fertility by causing imbalance in va**nal flora. Indeed, if you see any abnormal discharge during heat, contact your reprovet. By being responsible, you would be playing your part in the fight against antimicrobial resistance 🐾..

Assisted mating is a common sight in dog breeding. This relates to handling of dogs during the mating ritual. A female d...

Assisted mating is a common sight in dog breeding. This relates to handling of dogs during the mating ritual. A female dog can get overly excited, distracted, or even aggressive when taken to the dog's place. Thus, it's always prudent to supervise all dog matings. However, there's another, rather scary, side of the story. In case, things don't go as planned, the breeders tend to force the mating without taking in consideration the physical, physiological and psychological state of the female. Instead of forcing mating on predetermined days, one should consult a reprovet to determine the exact breeding dates, and opt for artificial insemination, if needed 🐾..

In the dog world, the tail can tell a lot of tales. When a female enters heat, she will curl her tail to one side, somet...

In the dog world, the tail can tell a lot of tales. When a female enters heat, she will curl her tail to one side, something referred as flagging. On the contrary, tail tucking is referred as a tendency to guard the v***a whenever another dog approaches. In a normal situation, flagging corresponds to fertile period while tucking manifests too early or too late encounter. It should, however, be noted that alpha females don't allow mating despite being ready. Similarly, submissive females may allow any dog to mount at any day of cycle. It's amazing how easily mismating can occur and how often planned breedings go astray. Meanwhile, a reprovet can help you determine the exact date of the desired rendezvous 🐾..

The success of any breeding program relies on timing of mating in general and timing of ovulation in particular. The Dra...

The success of any breeding program relies on timing of mating in general and timing of ovulation in particular. The Draminski Ovulation Detector claims to rely on the direct interdependence between changes in the electrical resistance of va**nal mucus and the occurrence of ovulation. While the readings may vary from 100-1000 units, it is the profile trace that is important and not the actual value of the readings. The accuracy depends upon the repeated measurements via consistent degree, length and site of probe insertion throughout the heat. The instrument hasn't gained much popularity due to the need of daily readings, and even multiple readings within a day, variable and inconsistent results, occurrence of false peaks and risk for the spread of contagious diseases. Lastly, it should be noted that the only reliable methods for detection of ovulation include ovarian ultrasound and progesterone assay 🐾..

Saliva ferning is an inexpensive and noninvasive diagnostic procedure that requires minimal apparatus but provides poten...

Saliva ferning is an inexpensive and noninvasive diagnostic procedure that requires minimal apparatus but provides potential information for breeding management in female dogs. Ferning occurs due to the presence of sodium chloride in saliva under estrogen effect. The test relies on detection of a characteristic fern-like pattern which results from crystallization of sodium chloride once the saliva specimen is allowed to dry on a glass slide. The picture may vary from round circles to edgy ferns and evolves according to the physiochemical changes in the estrus cycle. While, the test provides an indirect evidence of fertile window, it does not predict the time of ovulation in dogs 🐾..

Vulvar swelling is considered to be an indication of heat by pet breeders and owners. Indeed, the increasing estrogen co...

Vulvar swelling is considered to be an indication of heat by pet breeders and owners. Indeed, the increasing estrogen concentrations lead to anatomically visible v***ar edema at the onset of heat, and sometimes a couple of days before the start of season. However, it may also be sequel to an allergic reaction, microbial infection or va**nal tumour. There is considerable variation in the time of ovulation in relation to the onset of v***al swelling and subsequent softening. While monitoring of v***ar swelling is a useful clinical assessment, it shouldn't be relied upon for timing of mating until and unless a reprovet hasn't employed other methods in conjunction with one another 🐾..

Most of dog breeders, pet owners and even vets tend to rely on cesation of va**nal bleeding to breed a female in heat. I...

Most of dog breeders, pet owners and even vets tend to rely on cesation of va**nal bleeding to breed a female in heat. It should be understood that the onset of bleeding is just a sign for the onset of heat. While, most of females stop bleeding after 9 days, the duration of bleeding may extend upto 21 days, as well. Thus, one shouldn't wait for the bleeding to stop in order to plan breeding. At the same time, any abnormality in the nature, pattern or duration of bleeding should be evaluated for an underlying va**nal, uterine or ovarian complication 🐾..

Vaginal discharge is any substance coming from the va**na, through the v***ar opening. It may comprise of blood, mucus o...

Vaginal discharge is any substance coming from the va**na, through the v***ar opening. It may comprise of blood, mucus or pus and may be manifested at the onset of heat, after mating, during pregnancy, or following whelping. The color may vary from reddish, brownish, pinkish, yellowish or greenish while the frequency may be continuous or intermittent. During heat, the blood color usually fades away towards the end of proestrus which is often regarded as the optimal time of mating. However, breeding should only be scheduled once the female has undergone detailed breeding soundness examination by a reprovet 🐾..

Mismating or an unplanned breeding is always an unpleasant surprise for the pet owners. Very often, the intact dogs are ...

Mismating or an unplanned breeding is always an unpleasant surprise for the pet owners. Very often, the intact dogs are found together unsupervised but the mating hasn't been observed, per se. In other instances, breeding isn't technically possible at all, as one or both dogs are sexually immature. Yet, in other cases, the female isn't in the fertilewindow of her cycle. Vaginal cytology comes in handy within first few hours of suspected mismating. While presence of s***ms confirms mating, the absence of s***ms doesn't warrant lack of mating. In any case, contraception or abortion should never be opted without confirmation of breeding or pregnancy 🐾..

Pyos***mia, also known as leukos***mia, is characterized by the presence of white blood cells in the semen. While few le...

Pyos***mia, also known as leukos***mia, is characterized by the presence of white blood cells in the semen. While few leukocytes pose no threat, an abnormally high number is a negative prognostic factor of fertility. The diagnosis is made by examining the semen under the microscope. However, the pus cells are often misinterpreted by the presence of other cells like round cells, epithelial cells and immature s***m precursor cells (s***matocytes or s***matogonia). The condition usually develops as a sequel to inflammatory syndrome of urogenital origin. Thus, the use of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant drugs may be attempted while keeping in consideration the underlying etiology 🐾..

Canine TVT is a naturally occurring neoplasia in which the exfoliative tumour cells are transplanted during coitus and p...

Canine TVT is a naturally occurring neoplasia in which the exfoliative tumour cells are transplanted during coitus and perpetuate like any other heterologous, mono-cellular organism. In the females, it is almost always located in the vestibule and/or va**na. The common clinical signs include a serosanguineous or hemorrhagic va**nal discharge, protrusion of the neoplastic lesions and deformation of the external genitalia. While many novice pet owners may mistake the presentation with the onset of heat, reprovets can instantly confirm the condition by digital examination and va**nal cytology. Chemotherapy works like a magic and significantly regresses the lesion within 3-4 weeks 🐾..

Pregnancy loss in female dogs may be manifested as embryonic death (D30), premature birth (>58 days) or still birth (~63...

Pregnancy loss in female dogs may be manifested as embryonic death (D30), premature birth (>58 days) or still birth (~63 days). The incidence of embryonic or fetal resorption is almost 10% and usually happens to one or two sacs only. Ultrasound remains to be the key diagnostic modality and reveals reduced volume of embryonic fluids, loss of body mass, absence of heartbeat and thickening of the uterine walls. Interestingly, resorption seems to not interfere with adjacent embryos. However, the whole litter may get resorbed without the owner being aware of it 🐾..

Hemos***mia relates to red discoloration of semen and is indicative of fresh blood. The most common causes of hemos***mi...

Hemos***mia relates to red discoloration of semen and is indicative of fresh blood. The most common causes of hemos***mia in dogs are prostatic disease and pe**le trauma. However, it may also be associated with infection, inflammation, obstruction or trauma of the glands, tubes and ducts involved in synthesis, emission and ej*******on of semen. The semen analysis should be complimented with detailed ultrasound imaging of the urogenital tract to reach a definitive diagnosis 🐾..

Ovarian cysts occur as solitary or multiple, unilateral or bilateral, follicular or luteal, fluid filled structures. The...

Ovarian cysts occur as solitary or multiple, unilateral or bilateral, follicular or luteal, fluid filled structures. The cases are usually presented with the complaint of abnormal heat cycles. Vaginal cytology, coupled with ovarian ultrasonography, are the key diagnostic modalities. The follicular cysts may predispose animals to development of CEH-pyometra complex, a life-threatening condition. Medical management is mostly unsuccessful, ovariohysterectomy remains to be the treatment of choice 🐾..

Canine transmissible venereal tumour (CTVT) is a contagious venereal tumour of dogs. The mutated tumour cell itself is t...

Canine transmissible venereal tumour (CTVT) is a contagious venereal tumour of dogs. The mutated tumour cell itself is the causative agent and perpetuates as a parasitic allograft in the host. Cytology is the method of choice to differentiate between lymphocytic, plasmacytic and mixed type. The tumour appears as round to oval cells containing mitotic figures and prominent nucleoli. The most striking finding is the presence of multiple cytoplasmic vacuoles. The primary complaint is preputial bleeding, however, it should always be ruled out for the presence of inflammation, infection, hyperplasia, obstruction, trauma or foreign body in the urogenital tract 🐾..

Vaginal cytology is the first step in breeding soundness examination of female dogs. It's an in-house tool which provide...

Vaginal cytology is the first step in breeding soundness examination of female dogs. It's an in-house tool which provides a subjective assessment of heat cycle and/or an underlying pathology. A correct evaluation relies on the sampling technique, staining method, microscope quality, observer's experience and, above all, comprehensive understanding of reproductive anatomy, endocrine physiology and pathological presentations. Indeed, the most fascinating secrets of nature are often visualized under a microscope 🐾..

The earliest report of artificial insemination in dogs dates back to 1780s. However, the vast majority of breedings used...

The earliest report of artificial insemination in dogs dates back to 1780s. However, the vast majority of breedings used to occurr by natural mating till 1990s. In the past 3 decades, with an improved understanding of canine physiology and greater advances in semen technology, AI has become a routine breeding procedure, worldwide. In Pakistan, we are the first ones to achieve pregnancy via frozen semen insemination. We are proud to have opened up a new world of possibilities for our breeders 🐾..

The fluctuating progesterone levels in the blood have been correlated with important biological phenomenon in the bi***e...

The fluctuating progesterone levels in the blood have been correlated with important biological phenomenon in the bi***es. Progesterone assay is commonly practiced to determine ovulation time, diagnose luteal insufficiency, and predict the whelping day. Meanwhile, the test results may vary based upon sample handling, assay technique and laboratory standards. Thus, the test reports should preferably be coupled with clinical reasoning, va**nal cytology and ultrasonography 🐾..

Vaginal bleeding is attributed to the onset of heat in bi***es and considered as a landmark for breeding at predetermine...

Vaginal bleeding is attributed to the onset of heat in bi***es and considered as a landmark for breeding at predetermined days. It should be noted that bleeding may be physiological or pathological and thus be referred as vulvova**nal hemorrhagic discharge. Vaginal cytology offers clinicians an insight into the nature and origin of the discharge and enables them to differentially diagnose between physiological, traumatic, infectious, hormonal or neoplastic bleeding 🐾..

Uros***mia is the contamination of semen fraction with urine. It's less characterized condition as it often goes undiagn...

Uros***mia is the contamination of semen fraction with urine. It's less characterized condition as it often goes undiagnosed in natural matings. The discovery is often incidental and encountered during routine breeding soundness exam. The male is presented with the complaint of subfertility or infertility. Semen collection reveals the presence of urine in the seminal plasma. The altered pH and osmolarity causes decreased motility and short survival of s***ms. Semen evaluation is, thus, warranted in all males suspected for subfertility or infertility 🐾..

A quick house visit for pregnancy scan of a female pug mated 3 weeks ago. Early scanning provides clinicians an excellen...

A quick house visit for pregnancy scan of a female pug mated 3 weeks ago. Early scanning provides clinicians an excellent opportunity to assess the embryonic sacs and appreciate the gestational fluids. Indeed, a repeated scan is warranted at 4 weeks to evaluate normal progression and rule out embryonic resorption. An evening well spent while sharing good news, great tea and well deserved sweets with the pet owner 🐾..


We have special interest, advanced training and extensive experience in small animal reproduction consultations. We can assist pet owners and breeders directly or as an additional support to the referring vets 🐾..


55-A/2, Gulberg III

Opening Hours

Monday 18:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 18:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 18:00 - 21:00
Thursday 18:00 - 21:00
Friday 18:00 - 21:00
Saturday 18:00 - 21:00





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