Salam to All,
So let's talk about Flowerhorns today.
Flowerhorn cichlids are ornamental aquarium fish noted for their vivid colors and the distinctively shaped heads for which they are named. Their head protuberance, or kok, is formally termed a nuchal hump. Like blood parrot cichlids, they are man-made hybrids that exist in the wild only because of their release. Flowerhorns first emerged for sale on the aquarium market in Malaysia in the late 1990s and soon became popular in many countries in Asia. First developed in Malaysia, Thailand, and Taiwan, they became very popular with Asian fish hobbyists. They are also kept by hobbyists in the US, India and Europe
They require a pH of 7.4–8.0. They require a tank of a minimum of 40 gallons, with 75 gallons optimal.
The ideal temperature for flowerhorn is between 26-28 degrees Celsius.
Tank Mates:
As flowerhorn is a hybrid,it is extremely territorial ,it cannot stand any fish not even its own kind. So it's never a good idea to keep a flowerhorn with any other fish and no decorations or plants should be placed in the flowerhorns tank because of its aggressive temper.
Flowerhorns needs lots of protein and spirulina and vitamin e.
So consider buying fish pellets or flakes with high protein , spirulina and vitamin E content.
It's an important thing to note that always dip the food pellets / flakes in same Aquarium tank water for 10 minutes before feeding.
In today's world of the Aquarium hobby Flowerhorn is considered one of the most ornamental and beautiful fish to keep but beware because a flowerhorn can also bite due to its temper.
But truly Flowerhorns are a wonderful and majestic fish look at in a tank.
Hope this information will be beneficial for all the members.