Deputy Commissioner Tharparkar

Deputy Commissioner Tharparkar DISTRICT THARPARKAR
comprising of 7 Talukas i.e. This District with present boundary has come into existence on 02-12-1990 as Thar. Mirpurkhas & Thar @ Mithi.

Mithi, Islamkot, Chachro, Dahli, Diplo, Kaloi & Nagarparkar having population of 1649661 souls approximately is spread over an area of 4,791,024 acres (22000 square kilometers). Prior to this, the present geographical area was a sub-division of old District Tharparkar (Mirpurkhas) it was bifurcated into 2 Districts i.e. The name of present district was re-notified as “Tharparkar” on 19-10-1993. T

he Headquarter of this district “Mithi” which is situated at a distance of 150 Kms in South/East of Mirpurkhas. It is situated in 24-26 North latitude and 69-51 East Longitude. The boundaries of this district are as under:

North: Mirpurkhas & Umerkot districts
East: Barmer & Jessalmer districts of India
West: District Badin
South: Runn of Kuchh

95% of entire population depends on cultivation and cattle, while remaining in small business, like Shopkeepers and Manufacturing handmade Carpets. The entire huge area of this district is desert (expect small portion on 65636 acres as barrage area). There is only one crop in whole year in desert area, which also depends on seasonal rains. Rain is expected in June, July and August when sowing season commences for maturity of crops, other 2-3 rains are needed, else crops will dry and of no use consistently people of this area confronting menace of drought almost after every one or two years. In event of no rains, lands are barren. People and cattle face starving situation and start migration with their cattle to other districts, to earn their livelihood. There are 7.00 million cattle heads (approximately), which number is biggest out of all districts in Sindh. In event of sufficient rains, this desert depicts classic, green and beautiful look, then everyone is happy. People from various places come over particularly in Nagarparkar, which place is worth to stay and live. The socio-economic condition of this district solely depends on seasonal rains. The rains are expected in the 2nd week of June up to 15th August, which are a lone beneficial for sowing purpose. Further 2-3 more rains are require at some interval which are essentially required for maturity of crops. But in absence of seasonal rains, the poverty is the fate of the people of the area. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND

It was in 1843, when Sir Charles Napier became victor of Sindh and this part was merged into Kuchh political agency in Hyderabad collectorate later on in 1858, the entire area became part of Hyderabad. Subsequently in 1860, it was renamed as “Eastern Sindh Frontier” with its headquarter Umerkot controlled by Political Superintendent. In 1882, it was renamed as district and its administrative head was Deputy Commissioner. Lastly in 1906, headquarter of the district was shifted from Umerkot to Mirpurkhas. Finally, this district was created in 1990. This district is specially named according to geographical conditions, i.e. “Thar & Parkar”. “Thar” means desert while “Parkar” is rocky & hilly park. GEOGRAPHICAL FEATURES

There is no stream/river in the district. However in Nagarparkar, there are two perennial springs namely “Anchlesar & Sardhro” as well as temporary streams called “Bhatyani & Gordhro Rivers” which flows during the rainy season at the Northern and Southern side of Nagarparkar town. There are some hilly tracks called”Karoonjhar”. The Granite Marble has been found there. “Karoonjhar Mountain” is near to Nagarparkar and Karoonjhar hills are circularly surrounding the Nagarparkar for 24 Kms in between Nagarparkar & Adhigam. There is no lake, Glacier, plains etc in the district. Mostly this district is desert area. Tharparkar district is located at the extreme South-East corner of the province. It is one of the poorest and under developed district in Sindh. It is flanked by Mirpurkhas and Umerkot districts, the most prosperous on its Northern side, on the West by Badin district, on the East by Barmer & Jaisalmer districts of India and on the South of Runn of Kuchh. This district is approximately 250 kms across having in area of 22000 sq: Kms. The district is divided into three ecological zones, the South Eastern is hilly rich in mineral deposits, the central area is Thar which is sandy dunes and on the western side (very small portion) of barrage area and fertile. During summer, climate is hot and dry while winter is somewhat mild. The rain fall varies from year to year. Most of the rain fall in monsoon period between June & September and the winter rains are in significant. TOPOGRAPHY

The Thar region forms part of the bigger desert of the same name that sprawl over a vast area of Pakistan & India from Cholistan to Nagarparkar in Pakistan and from the south of the Haryana down to Rajistan in India. This district is mostly deserted and consists of barren tract of the sand dunes covered with thorny bushes. The ridges are irregular and roughly paralleled that thy often closed shattered valleys which they raise to a height to some 46 meters. When there is rain these valleys are moist enough admit cultivation and when not cultivated they yield luxuriant crops of rank grass. But the extra ordinary salinity of the subsoil land consequent shortage of potable water renders many tracks quite picturesque salt lakes which rarely a day up. The only hills a Nagarparkar, on the Northern edge of the Runn of Kuchh belongs to quite a different geological series. It consist Granite rocks. Probably, an outlying mass of the crystalline rocks of the Aravalli range. The Aravalli series belongs to Archean system which constitutes the oldest rocks of the earth crust. This is a small area quite different from the desert. The tack is flat a level expect close to Nagarparkar itself. The principle range Karoonjhar is 19 Kms in length and attains a height of 305 meters. Smaller hills rise in the east, which is covered with Sars jungle and pasturage and gives rise to two springs named Anchlesar & Sardhro as well as temporary streams called Bhatyani & Gordhro after the rain. MAJOR CROPS

There are plenty rains in desert, Bajra, Gowar, Moong, Juwar crops grow in abundance. In the Parkar area, even Wheat grown on rain soaked lands. Vegetables & Fruits are also growing on wells at “Kasbo” in Taluka Nagarparkar, Castor oil seed grow in Parkar area. While in Barrage area, Sugar Cane & Wheat is main crop. ECONOMY:

Tharparkar is arid area, there is no water for cultivation, and hence people depend on monsoon rains. Main economy of the people depend cattle breeding, when there are no rains, human being and cattle both begin to pie and strive. When there are plenty rains in desert, Bajra, Gowar, Moong, Juwar crops grow in abundance. Small number of industries (Carpet Centre & Salt lakes) is located in Diplo & Mithi Talukas. District Tharparkar severely have adequate facilities of communication mainly roads. Cane & Wheat are main crops. In the whole district, mateled road is about 1200 Kms. Transportation depends on 4 wheel drive vehicles or on back of animal and foot in desert/katcha area/tracks. TRADE OF COMMERCE

1. Handicrafts 2. Wood Works 3. Sheep Wool 4. Carpets 5. Shawls

No such area is earmarked for the purpose, but hunting area is in Taluka Nagarparkar. The famous bird Taloor, Quails, Houbara Bustard, Deer, Neel Gai and other are available in the district.


هيٽ اسٽروڪ جون علامتون ۽ اُن کان بچڻ جون تدبيرون

ٿرپارڪر @مٺي (03 جنوري 2024) ضلعي رٽرننگ آفيسر/ ڊپٽي ڪمشنر ٿرپارڪر عبدالحليم جاگيراڻي پاران عام چونڊن جي تيارين ۾ لاپروا...

ٿرپارڪر @مٺي (03 جنوري 2024) ضلعي رٽرننگ آفيسر/ ڊپٽي ڪمشنر ٿرپارڪر عبدالحليم جاگيراڻي پاران عام چونڊن جي تيارين ۾ لاپرواهي ۽ غفلت جو مظاهرو ڪرڻ تي ڊسٽرڪٽ مانيٽرنگ آفيسر ٿرپارڪر ۽ مانيٽرنگ آفيسر ڇاڇرو کي شوڪاز نوٽيس جاري.

تفصيل موجب ضلعي رٽرننگ آفيسر / ڊپٽي ڪمشنر ٿرپارڪر عبدالحليم جاگيراڻي پاران ڊسٽرڪٽ مانيٽرنگ آفيسر/ ايڊيشنل ڊائريڪٽر لوڪل گورنمينٽ ٿرپارڪر آفتاب احمد مغل ۽ مانيٽرنگ آفيسر ڇاڇرو/ ڊپٽي ڊسٽرڪٽ ايجوڪيشن آفيسر محمد عارب سمون کي غير ذميواري ۽ لاپرواهي جو مظاهرو ڪرڻ، غير حاضر رهڻ، عام چونڊن جي تياري جي سلسلي ۾ ٿيل اجلاس ۾ شرڪت نه ڪرڻ، هيڊڪوارٽر کان بغير اجازت وڃڻ ۽ موبائيل فون بند رکڻ تي شوڪاز نوٽيس جاري ڪيا ويا آهن. جڏهن ته ضلعي رٽرننگ آفيسر /ڊپٽي ڪمشنر ٿرپارڪر پاران شوڪاز نوٽيس ۾ انهن آفيسرن کي ٻن ڏينهن اندر موقف واضح ڪرڻ جو به حڪم ڏنو ويو آهي.


9th November, Iqbal Day

*ڊپٽي ڪمشنر ٿرپارڪر عبدالحليم جاگيراڻي سول اسپتال مٺي جو دورو**ڊپٽي ڪمشنر ٿرپارڪر سول اسپتال مٺي ۾ ايڪسري مشين، الٽرا سا...

*ڊپٽي ڪمشنر ٿرپارڪر عبدالحليم جاگيراڻي سول اسپتال مٺي جو دورو*

*ڊپٽي ڪمشنر ٿرپارڪر سول اسپتال مٺي ۾ ايڪسري مشين، الٽرا سائونڊ، آپريشن ٿيٽر، ليبارٽري سميت ٻين وارڊن جو دورو ڪري ٿيندڙ علاج جو جائزو ورتو*

*ڊپٽي ڪمشنر ٿرپارڪر پاران سول اسپتال مٺي جي انتظاميا کي مريضن جو بهتر علاج ڪرڻ جون هدايتون*

*ڊپٽي ڪمشنر ٿرپارڪر عبدالحليم جاگيراڻي مٺي شهر ۾ پيئڻ جو صاف پاڻي فراهم ڪندڙ واٽر ٽينڪ جو دورو ڪري پاڻي فراهمي جي ڪم جو ...

*ڊپٽي ڪمشنر ٿرپارڪر عبدالحليم جاگيراڻي مٺي شهر ۾ پيئڻ جو صاف پاڻي فراهم ڪندڙ واٽر ٽينڪ جو دورو ڪري پاڻي فراهمي جي ڪم جو جائزو ورتو، عملدارن کي پاڻي فراهمي جي ڪم کي يقيني بڻائڻ جون هدايتون*

تھر پارکر @مٹھی (10 اکتوبر 2023) ڈپٹی کمشنر تھرپارکر عبدالحلیم جاگیرانی کی صدارت میں آج اشیائے خوردونوش کی قیمتوں کے تعی...

تھر پارکر @مٹھی (10 اکتوبر 2023) ڈپٹی کمشنر تھرپارکر عبدالحلیم جاگیرانی کی صدارت میں آج اشیائے خوردونوش کی قیمتوں کے تعین اور سرکاری قیمتوں پر عملدرآمد کرانے کے ضمن میں ایک اجلاس کانفرنس ہال ڈپٹی کمشنر آفیس مٹھی میں منعقد ہوا۔ اجلاس میں مختلف ہول سیلرز اینڈ ریٹیلرز تاجر تنظیموں کے نمائندوں کی تجاویز، ہول سیل نرخوں، ٹرانسپورٹ کے اخراجات و دیگر اخراجات کو مدنظر رکھتے ہوئے اشیائے خوردونوش کے ریٹیل کے نرخ مقرر کئے گئے۔ جس کے تحت دال ماش 492 روپے ,دال مونگ واش A کوالٹی 265 روپے ،دال مونگ واش B کوالٹی 210 روپے ،دال مونگ چھلکا والی 225 روپے ، دال مسور اے کوالٹی 290 روپے، دال مسور بی کوالٹی 280 روپے، دال چنا (A) 210 روپے، دال چنا (B) 140 روپے, چنا بڑا 12 ایم ایم 420 روپے، چنا 09 ایم ایم 340 روپے, کالا چنا 175 روپے ، بیسن A کوالٹی 240 , بیسن B کوالٹی 180, چاول سپر کرنل نیو 320 روپے, سپر کرنل B پرانا 360 روپے، سپر کرنل اسپیشل 1121پرانا 360 روپے، سپر کرنل A ٹوٹا 220, کرنل B ٹوٹا 200, سپر کرنل A باسپتی 320, سپر کرنل B باسپتی 300, رائس نمبر 386۔ 220 روپے ، باسپتی 1121 پونا 270 روپے, باسپتی پونا 220روپے ,رائس سیلہ A کائنات 340 روپے ، رائس سیلہ سپر کرنل نمبر دو 290 روپے ، رائس اسٹیم A کائنات 310, مہران چاول 165 روپے ، آری چاول 140روپے، سوجی 158 روپے ، میدہ 158روپے, دہی 170 روپے، دودھ 160 روپے، گڑھ 180 روپے، لال مرچ لونگی 740 روپے, لال مرچ پاؤڈر 520 روپے, دھنیاں پاؤڈر 480 روپے, دھنیاں ثابت 470 روپے, دارچینی 950 روپے, بڑی الائچی 2200 روپے فی کلو مقرر کی گئی ہے۔ اس موقع پر ڈپٹی کمشنر تھرپارکر کا کہنا تھا کہ تمام ریٹیلرز نرخ نامے کے مطابق عوام کو اشیاء خوردونوش کی فراہمی یقینی بنائیں اور جو بھی دکاندار گراں فروشی یا زخیرہ اندوزی میں ملوث پایا گیا اس کے خلاف مروجہ قانون کے مطابق سخت کارروائی عمل میں لائی جائے گی۔ اجلاس میں ایڈیشنل ڈپٹی کمشنر تھرپارکر ون آصف علی خاصخیلی، ایڈیشنل ڈپٹی کمشنر ٹو بھگوان داس ، تمام تعلقوں کے اسسٹنٹ کمشنرز، بیورو آف سپلائی، محکمہ خوراک، یوٹیلیٹی اسٹورز ، محکمہ زراعت ، محکمہ لائیو اسٹاک اور دیگر محکموں کے افسران سمیت تھرپارکر کی مختلف ہول سیلرز اینڈ ریٹیلرز تاجر تنظیموں کے نمائندوں نے بھی شرکت کی.

مٺي.(05.10.2023) *ڊپٽي ڪمشنر ٿرپارڪر عبدالحليم جاگيراڻي جي صحت کاتي جي آفيسرن سان پوليو مهم جي روزانه جي بنياد تي ٿيل ڪا...

مٺي.(05.10.2023) *ڊپٽي ڪمشنر ٿرپارڪر عبدالحليم جاگيراڻي جي صحت کاتي جي آفيسرن سان پوليو مهم جي روزانه جي بنياد تي ٿيل ڪارڪردگي گڏجاڻي*

*ٿرپارڪر اندر پوليو خلاف شروع ٿيل مهم جو ڪم بهتر نموني سان هلي رهيو آهي*. ڊي سي ٿرپارڪر

*پوليو مهم دوران درپيش ايندڙ مسئلن کي فوري طور تي حل ڪيو وڃي* ڊي سي ٿرپارڪر

*ٿرپارڪر ۾ هر ٻار کي پوليو جا ڦڙا پيارا وڃن* ڊي سي ٿرپارڪر

*صحت کاتي جي عملدارن پاران ورتل ڪوششون قابل تعريف آهن* ڊي سي ٿرپارڪر

*مهم دوران ٿرپارڪر ضلعي ۾ ٻارن کي پوليو جا ڦڙا پيارڻ وارو ڪم مڪمل ڪيو ويندو* ڊي سي ٿرپارڪر

مٺي. *ٿرپارڪر ۾ پوليو مهم جو ڪم بهتر هلي رهيو آهي، پوليو مهم دوران ڪابه ڪوتاهي برداشت نه ڪئي ويندي* ڊپٽي ڪمشنر ٿرپارڪر ڊ...

مٺي. *ٿرپارڪر ۾ پوليو مهم جو ڪم بهتر هلي رهيو آهي، پوليو مهم دوران ڪابه ڪوتاهي برداشت نه ڪئي ويندي* ڊپٽي ڪمشنر ٿرپارڪر

ڊپٽي ڪمشنر ٿرپارڪر عبدالحليم جاگيراڻي صحت کاتي جي آفيسرن سان پوليو مهم جي روزانه جي بنياد تي ٿيل ڪارڪردگي جي حوالي سان گڏجاڻي ڪئي، گڏجاڻي جي صدارت ڪندي ڊپٽي ڪمشنر ٿرپارڪر چيو ته ٿرپارڪر ۾ پوليو مهم جو ڪم بهتر نموني سان هلي رهيو آهي، پوليو مهم جي نگراني ڊپٽي ڪمشنر ٿرپارڪر ،ڊسٽرڪٽ هيلٿ آفيسر سميت ضلعي جا سمورا اسسٽنٽ ڪمشنر ڪري رهيا آهن، گڏجاڻي ۾ ٿرپارڪر اندر پوليو خلاف شروع ٿيل مهم دوران پوليو جا ڦڙا پيارڻ ۽ سيڪيورٽي سميت سمورن انتظامن جو جائزو ورتو ويو. ان موقعي تي ڊپٽي ڪمشنر ٿرپارڪر صحت کاتي جي آفيسرن کي هدايت ڪندي چيو ته پوليو مهم دوران ڪنهن به قسم جي ڪوتاهي برداشت نه ڪئي ويندي، مهم دوران ڪوبه مسئلو ٿئي ته ان کي بروقت حل ڪيو وڃي. هن چيو ته ضلعي انتظاميا هن قومي ڪاز ۾ هر وقت گڏ آهي. ان موقعي تي ايڊيشنل ڊپٽي ڪمشنر ون آصف علي، ڊي ايڇ او ٿرپارڪر محمد باڪر جتوئي سميت ٻيا لاڳاپيل عملدار موجود هئا

مٺي. *ڊپٽي ڪمشنر ٿرپارڪر جي هدايتن تي اسسٽنٽ ڪمشنرن پاران مختلف اسپتالن جا دورا، بهتر علاج ڪرڻ جون هدايتون*خبر موجب ڊپٽي...

مٺي. *ڊپٽي ڪمشنر ٿرپارڪر جي هدايتن تي اسسٽنٽ ڪمشنرن پاران مختلف اسپتالن جا دورا، بهتر علاج ڪرڻ جون هدايتون*

خبر موجب ڊپٽي ڪمشنر ٿرپارڪر عبدالحليم جاگيراڻي جي هدايتن تي ٿرپارڪر ضلعي جي سمورن تعلقن جي اسسٽنٽ ڪمشنرن پاران ٿرپارڪر جي مختلف اسپتالن جا دورا ڪري مريضن جي ٿيندڙ علاج سميت سمورن انتظامن جو جائزو ورتو ويو. ان موقعي تي اسسٽنٽ ڪمشنرن تعلقه اسپتالن سميت ٻهراڙي ۾ قائم صحت مرڪزن جا اوچتا دورا ڪري اسپتالن ۾ دوائن جي موجودگي، پاڻي، صفائي سٿرائي سميت ٻين انتظامن جو معائنو ڪندي مريضن سان ملاقات ڪئي، اسپتالن ۾ علاج لاءِ ايندڙ مريضن ۽ داخل مريضن کان ٿيندڙ علاج بابت معلومات ورتي، اسسٽنٽ ڪمشنرن اسپتال انتظاميا کي هدايت ڪندي چيو ته اسپتالن ۾ مريضن جو بهتر علاج ڪرڻ سميت سمورا انتظام بهتر رکيا وڃن. اسپتالن ۾ دوائن جي موجودگي کي به يقيني بڻايو وڃي. ان سان گڏ مريضن کي صحت جون بهتر سهولتون فراهم ڪيون وڃن. جيئن عوام کي سرڪاري اسپتالن ۾ ٿيندڙ علاج جو بهتر فائدو ملي سگهي.

مٺي. ڊپٽي ڪمشنر ٿرپارڪر عبدالحليم جاگيراڻي جي صحت کاتي جي آفيسرن سان پوليو مهم جي روزانه جي بنياد تي ٿيل ڪارڪردگي گڏجاڻي...

مٺي. ڊپٽي ڪمشنر ٿرپارڪر عبدالحليم جاگيراڻي جي صحت کاتي جي آفيسرن سان پوليو مهم جي روزانه جي بنياد تي ٿيل ڪارڪردگي گڏجاڻي

گڏجاڻي ۾ ٿرپارڪر اندر پوليو خلاف شروع ٿيل مهم جي پهرين ڏينهن پوليو جي ڪم جو جائزو ورتو ويو


Deputy Commissioner Complex Tharparkar

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00





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DISTRICT THARPARKAR comprising of 7 Talukas i.e. Mithi, Islamkot, Chachro, Dahli, Diplo, Kaloi & Nagarparkar having population of 1,649,661 souls approximately is spread over an area of 4,791,024 acres (22000 square kilometers). This District with present boundary has come into existence on 02-12-1990 as Thar. Prior to this, the present geographical area was a sub-division of old District Tharparkar (Mirpurkhas) it was bifurcated into 2 Districts i.e. Mirpurkhas & Thar @ Mithi. The name of present district was re-notified as “Tharparkar” on 19-10-1993. The Headquarter of this district “Mithi” which is situated at a distance of 150 Kms in South/East of Mirpurkhas. It is situated in 24-26 North latitude and 69-51 East Longitude. The boundaries of this district are as under: North: Mirpurkhas & Umerkot districts East: Barmer & Jessalmer districts of India West: District Badin South: Runn of Kuchh 95% of entire population depends on cultivation and cattle, while remaining in small business, like Shopkeepers and Manufacturing handmade Carpets. The entire huge area of this district is desert (expect small portion on 65636 acres as barrage area). There is only one crop in whole year in desert area, which also depends on seasonal rains. Rain is expected in June, July and August when sowing season commences for maturity of crops, other 2-3 rains are needed, else crops will dry and of no use consistently people of this area confronting menace of drought almost after every one or two years. In event of no rains, lands are barren. People and cattle face starving situation and start migration with their cattle to other districts, to earn their livelihood. There are 70,00,000 cattle heads (approximately), which number is biggest out of all districts in Sindh. In event of sufficient rains, this desert depicts classic, green and beautiful look, then everyone is happy. People from various places come over particularly in Nagarparkar, which place is worth to stay and live. The socio-economic condition of this district solely depends on seasonal rains. The rains are expected in the 2nd week of June up to 15th August, which are a lone beneficial for sowing purpose. Further 2-3 more rains are require at some interval which are essentially required for maturity of crops. But in absence of seasonal rains, the poverty is the fate of the people of the area. Mostly during heavy rains/floods, the barrage dehs and low lying areas specially Siran Colony Mithi, Naukot (Santoro Farm), Deh Wasaipoto, Diplo town, Deh Dodharo, Phant Kharak & Uthdeho are affected the people residing in the low lying areas are shifted to safer places, where ration & rescue and medical coverage is provided to them, till the rainy season is over as per practice of last so many rainy/flood seasons. There is no possibility of flood as neither ”Indus River” touches, nor big canal passes through this district, only one “Runn Distry” passes from barrage area of Taluka Mithi & Diplo, for which irrigation authorities shall keep vigilance over the distry and inform the administration about any mishap/break of bunds, Dhoro Puran and LBOD in case of heavy rain. All the Officers /Officials of related departments shall be appraised at the time of need to take precautionary measures in advance and keep strict watch over the situation and extend full cooperation with each other, Irrigation department and District Administration so that there should be no case on any mishap. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND It was in 1843, when Sir Charles Napier became victor of Sindh and this part was merged into Kuchh political agency in Hyderabad collectorate later on in 1858, the entire area became part of Hyderabad. Subsequently in 1860, it was renamed as “Eastern Sindh Frontier” with its headquarter Umerkot controlled by Political Superintendent. In 1882, it was renamed as district and its administrative head was Deputy Commissioner. Lastly in 1906, headquarter of the district was shifted from Umerkot to Mirpurkhas. Finally, this district was created in 1990. This district is specially named according to geographical conditions, i.e. “Thar & Parkar”. “Thar” means desert while “Parkar” is rocky & hilly park. GEOGRAPHICAL FEATURES There is no stream/river in the district. However in Nagarparkar, there are two perennial springs namely “Anchlesar & Sardhro” as well as temporary streams called “Bhatyani & Gordhro Rivers” which flows during the rainy season at the Northern and Southern side of Nagarparkar town. There are some hilly tracks called”Karoonjhar”. The Granite Marble has been found there. “Karoonjhar Mountain” is near to Nagarparkar and Karoonjhar hills are circularly surrounding the Nagarparkar for 24 Kms in between Nagarparkar & Adhigam. There is no lake, Glacier, plains etc in the district. Mostly this district is desert area. Tharparkar district is located at the extreme South-East corner of the province. It is one of the poorest and under developed district in Sindh. It is flanked by Mirpurkhas and Umerkot districts, the most prosperous on its Northern side, on the West by Badin district, on the East by Barmer & Jaisalmer districts of India and on the South of Runn of Kuchh. This district is approximately 250 kms across having in area of 22000 sq: Kms. The district is divided into three ecological zones, the South Eastern is hilly rich in mineral deposits, the central area is Thar which is sandy dunes and on the western side (very small portion) of barrage area and fertile. During summer, climate is hot and dry while winter is somewhat mild. The rain fall varies from year to year. Most of the rain fall in monsoon period between June & September and the winter rains are in significant. TOPOGRAPHY The Thar region forms part of the bigger desert of the same name that sprawl over a vast area of Pakistan & India from Cholistan to Nagarparkar in Pakistan and from the south of the Haryana down to Rajistan in India. This district is mostly deserted and consists of barren tract of the sand dunes covered with thorny bushes. The ridges are irregular and roughly paralleled that thy often closed shattered valleys which they raise to a height to some 46 meters. When there is rain these valleys are moist enough admit cultivation and when not cultivated they yield luxuriant crops of rank grass. But the extra ordinary salinity of the subsoil land consequent shortage of potable water renders many tracks quite picturesque salt lakes which rarely a day up. The only hills a Nagarparkar, on the Northern edge of the Runn of Kuchh belongs to quite a different geological series. It consist Granite rocks. Probably, an outlying mass of the crystalline rocks of the Aravalli range. The Aravalli series belongs to Archean system which constitutes the oldest rocks of the earth crust. This is a small area quite different from the desert. The tack is flat a level expect close to Nagarparkar itself. The principle range Karoonjhar is 19 Kms in length and attains a height of 305 meters. Smaller hills rise in the east, which is covered with Sars jungle and pasturage and gives rise to two springs named Anchlesar & Sardhro as well as temporary streams called Bhatyani & Gordhro after the rain. MAJOR CROPS There are plenty rains in desert, Bajra, Gowar, Moong, Juwar crops grow in abundance. In the Parkar area, even Wheat grown on rain soaked lands. Vegetables & Fruits are also growing on wells at “Kasbo” in Taluka Nagarparkar, Castor oil seed grow in Parkar area. While in Barrage area, Sugar Cane & Wheat is main crop. ECONOMY: Tharparkar is arid area, there is no water for cultivation, and hence people depend on monsoon rains. Main economy of the people depend cattle breeding, when there are no rains, human being and cattle both begin to pie and strive. When there are plenty rains in desert, Bajra, Gowar, Moong, Juwar crops grow in abundance. In the Parkar area, even Wheat grown on rain soaked lands. Vegetables & Fruits are also growing on wells at “Kasbo” in Taluka Nagarparkar, Castor oil seed grow in Parkar area. Small number of industries (Carpet Centre & Salt lakes) is located in Diplo & Mithi Talukas. While in Barrage area, Sugar Cane & Wheat is main crop. District Tharparkar severely have adequate facilities of communication mainly roads. Cane & Wheat are main crops. In the whole district, mateled road is about 1200 Kms. Transportation depends on 4 wheel drive vehicles or on back of animal and foot in desert/katcha area/tracks. TRADE OF COMMERCE 1. Handicrafts 2. Wood Works 3. Sheep Wool 4. Carpets 5. Shawls ECOLOGY WILD LIFE No such area is earmarked for the purpose, but hunting area is in Taluka Nagarparkar. The famous bird Taloor, Quails, Houbara Bustard, Deer, Neel G*i and other are available in the district.