Hypocalcemia in buffalo is a metabolic disorder characterized by low levels of calcium in the blood. Affected animals may show symptoms such as inability to stand and lack of muscle contractions. Proper and timely diagnosis is essential for quick recovery and prompt restoration of normal function, including the ability to stand and move.
Abdul basit veterinary assistant at sheikh veterinary health center
Janwaro ko giranay ka aasan tariqa ..
Tagging is an important part of animal identification as it helps a producer or farmer to identify a certain animal for reproductive and health concerns, as well as for culling and selling.
Castration of bull through berdizzu castrater
Reduced aggressiveness and sexual activity by lowering testosterone levels
Higher quality grade-more consistent, marbled, and tender beef
Castrated bull meat command higher prices at market
Ticks control and eradication can improve fattening and prevent ticks born diseases..... Prevention means stopping problems, focusing on keeping animals healthy, not just treating them when they become ill. And if they do, it means supporting them to manage their health earlier and more effective...