Quran, Rukya, Prophetic Medicine, Spiritual Treatment for Taweez, Ganday, Magic and Black Magic, Satan, Devil, Mowakilat, Jinn, Istikhara, Hijama (Cupping), Pari, Diyo, witchcraft (magic), Couple's Separation, Blocking Work, Blocking Studies, Ill Health Conditions, Apathy, The False Love, Madness & Death, Subjection, Disobedient Children, Witchcraft (magic) in House, Witchcraft (magic) in Shop, Wi
tchcraft (magic) in Car, Revenge, Psychological Problems, Padlock : dreaming to be chased fights, blocked or imprisoned; blockage in life, String with knots : dreaming snakes, River : dreaming a mass of water, Tree : dreaming climbing, going down, falling, being high, or in an airplane, Hole, bridge, or well: dreaming about a hole, bridge or well, falling in a deep place; deep problem, permanently losing money, Cemetery: dreaming dead people, graves or funerals. Apathy, depression, weakness and thinking about death, Shoes, footsteps: dreaming about vehicles, journey, mounts, and foot illness, Clothes: dreaming children or babies. Bad effect wrapping the person Photo: alteration of the personality, ugliness, darkness of the face, illness in the face, Hair: worries, successive problems, headaches, mental problems, Writings: dreaming about people, study problems, Charcoal: sadness, dark aspect, bad perception, Fire: dreaming of fire, embers or smoke; burnings in the body, Star or Paper Clip: being tied, promises not honored, extremely complex situation, Canary (it’s a pot where they put mixtures for sorcery) : blocked life, Cut cola Nut (2 inch nut they eat in Africa and use on occasions, they use it in sorcery like doll to burn or cut or sting) : broken chance, Stung doll or Cola Nut: stung sensation, multiple pains in the body, Anger : fight etc., Dirty blood: blood illness, abnormal health problems, Animal Skeleton / Co**se : repulsing illnesses, miserable look, Dog Hair : dreaming dogs, bad character, Me**es blood: dreaming blood, sexual and pregnancy problems, Fish., Bones: bones’ illness, pain or weakness, Excrement: dreaming excrement, sh****ng, dirty water or toilets, Skin: skin illnesses, Donkey: evident stupidity, unable to understand, stubbornness, Pants / Underwear : serious sexual problem, heavy erotic dreams, P***s hair, Pimento: burning like hot pimento, constant nervousness, Madness: loosing mental capacities, dreaming crazy people, Mental weakness: difficulty to think or decide loss of confidence, Oversight, Sacrifice: dreaming meat, soul captured (no personality), sorcery with sacrifices, Revivification: dead personality, no conscience. Any part of the person dead, not responding any more, Losing Money, Statue: along with sacrifice sorcery; dreaming masks, Noises, Voices or Buzzing, Presence in the House, Passions, Eye Disease, Sterility and Sexual Weakness, Cold, Ants, termites: pins and needles in the body, hundreds of jinns in the body, Fear, Killing Jinn and Sorcerers.