MADRAS THORN Bona Espero "Aylo" (4,5 months)
Happy in Denmark 💚
Najlepsze chwile dla hodowcy, kiedy dostajemy wieści z Nowych Domów naszych szczeniąt 🙂 Jesteśmy wdzięczni i zadowoleni, że tak dobrze się sprawują i mają szczęśliwe życie ❤️
Pierwsze miesiące są najważniejsze dla wzajemnego poznania, dotarcia się, konfrontacji oczekiwań i wyobrażeń o rasie. Mamy nadzieję, że Was nie zawiedliśmy i przygotowaliśmy na wszystkie możliwe sytuacje 🙂 także na takie, które prawdopodobnie się nie wydarzą 😆 Pamiętajcie, że jesteśmy dla Was dostępni na dobre i na złe ...stoimy dyskretnie w tle i się nie narzucamy, ale bardzo się cieszymy na każdy kontakt ☺️
Jeszcze raz bardzo dziękujemy za znalezienie nas... co być może nie było zbyt łatwe 😉 i docenienie naszej pracy, doświadczenia i pasji 💚
#hiszpańskipiesdowodny #spanishwaterdog #spanischerwassehund #swd #pdae #spanishwaterdogkennel #hiszpanskipiesdowodnyhodowla
AQUAFOREST Bona Espero, the last of our "15" ❤
for now he has a wonderful home with us <3
As part of socialization he went dancing at the spa 🙂
and I think he liked it a lot 🙂 and he himself aroused sympathy 🙂
There were a lot of dogs there, small and large, sometimes barking (which you can hear) ... and ours reacted calmly 🙂
We try to provide our puppies with diverse, but thoughtful and age-appropriate socialization 🙂 When they go to new homes, even as slightly older ones, they already have a wide range of experiences in new places, with strange people and animals.... and with proper continuation it will pay off 🙂
#hiszpańskipiesdowodny #spanishwaterdog #spanischerwassehund #swd #pdae #spanishwaterdogkennel #hiszpanskipiesdowodnyhodowla #spanishwaterdogpuppies
#hiszpańskipiesdowodnyszczenięta #spanischerwasserhundzucht
Very busy puppies :-D
The brown male is still looking for a new loving home <3
The rest of the puppies are already with their new families <3
Thank you for your trust and we wish you all the best... <3
Anticipating the questions, why did he stay? I don't know...
Everything is fine with him, testicles, scissor bite, tail without kinks, friendly temperament :-)
Łaciatki w akcji 😆💚😆
... a bar mleczny zamknięty :-D
We have MALES AVAILABLE !!! :-)
I don't necessarily like this kind of show-off... but oh well 🙂
"on demand once allowed" to quote the Polish classic 😃
3 males (brown & white and brown & white and black) are looking for the best homes possible, knowing the needs of the breed 🙂
Look at "Cudak" (MIRACLE BERRY), it's the white and brown one with a short wagging tail ❤
and who says that females are more affectionate??? 😃
and who says that dogs with bobtails don't express emotions??? 😃
A-Puppies Bona Espero & Mama Bella 💚
#spanishwaterdog #spanischerwasserhund #hiszpanskipiesdowodny #pdae #puppies #welpen #szczenięta
M-Puppies Bona Espero & Mama Heike 💚
#spanishwaterdog #spanischerwasserhund #hiszpanskipiesdowodny #pdae #puppies #welpen #szczenięta
Litter A Bona Espero - 2 days ❤
And here is the second expected litter, born on May 1, 2024 :)
Ooooh, they're going to be WORKING 😃
Parents are young champions:
RAFAEL Wavelet (JChCR, ChSK, ChHU)& XANTOBELLA Bona Bona Espero (JCHPL, ChPL)
Bella really surprised us by giving birth to as many as 9 puppies in her first litter, and it wasn't that noticeable from her :)
So we have 5 males and 4 females ❤ ❤
Colors also as expected: brown (with small white markings), brown and white and 1 white and brown ❤
The tails are of different lengths, but they are there and even the short ones will wag :)
Of course, both parents have a complete set of tests recommended for the breed and great results HD A, ED 0/0, prcd-PRA N/N, CHG N/N, NAD N/N, ECVO + Gonioscopy - all clear... and even more :-)
The babies, although slightly smaller than Heike's seven, feel very well, are lively and gain weight quickly ❤ Bella takes care of them bravely, and if necessary, Heike will also help ❤
Thank you Rafael Rafa Wavelet and Viktoria Debnarova for trusting us and allowing us to make this association ❤ ❤
Litter M Bona Espero - 5 days 🙂 ❤
We are pleased to inform you that, as planned, exactly at the turn of April and May, 2 litters of puppies were born in our kennel.
Here's the first one :)
Litter M born on April 28, 2024
Parents: HEIKE Bona Espero & QUIXOTE De Qebrantatinajas
We have 5 males and 2 females ❤ ❤
This is the sixth generation in our kennel.
Colors as expected: 4 "penguins" and 3 spotted ones, black or brown pigmentation.
Tails of different lengths, there are no tailless ones :)
Parents tested with the best possible results, very open and friendly characters :)
Mom and babies feel great and are growing like weeds :)
Thank you Katka Juskuvova... it was a trip full of adventures!!! 😃