Horse Foundation „Koniki Moniki”

Horse Foundation „Koniki Moniki” The Horse Foundation "Koniki Moniki" was established out of love for animals and the desire to save unwanted, neglected, and doomed dead animals.

The main goal of the foundation is to help animals in need. Fundacja ,,Koniki Moniki"
Bank account numbers:
PKO BP: 05 1020 4900 0000 8202 3349 1785
IBAN: PL 05 1020 4900 0000 8202 3349 1785


Marusia has fortunately already arrived with us. She is still a bit confused and scared by the whole situation, but she is slowly starting to get to know her new companions and the place where she will spend the next few days. We are covered up to our knees in snow and I hope Marusia feels like rolling in it too, because as you can see she is not the cleanest. If not, we will help her as soon as the weather improves.

Thank you so much for your help for Marusia. Marusia will spend the coming holidays in good company where she will get lots of hay, oats and good care. That's exactly how it should be.

🐴 You can find Marusia's story here:

(currently only in Polish, but most internet browsers have translation programmes built in).

👉 Please support me and my activities:

Donate with the purpose: "For Koniki Moniki" or "For + name of an animal you would like to support".

🔹 Horse Foundation "Koniki Moniki"
Zawada Nowa 22, 26-720 Policzna, Poland

🔹 Polish account number:
PKO BP: 05 1020 4900 0000 8202 3349 1785

🔹 For donations from abroad:
IBAN: PL 05 1020 4900 0000 8202 3349 1785

🔹 PayPal: [email protected]

👉 I will be happy to answer your questions via Messenger or ✉ [email protected].

❗ "Koniki Moniki" is a simply structured foundation, with no salaried staff and no separately run office. All the missions of this foundation are carried out only by the founder. ❗

We have already welcomed Gabi to our humble accommodation. The farrier and the vet have already paid her a visit. There ...

We have already welcomed Gabi to our humble accommodation. The farrier and the vet have already paid her a visit. There is nothing wrong with the pony, so she immediately joined the rest of the herd. She is incredibly energetic. In the first moments she got to know her new friends and explored the pasture.

Gabi will already spend the next few days "mowing" grass, munching hay and resting in holy peace. Thank you so much for taking care of her and giving her life! Gabi definitely deserved it.

🐴 You can find Gabi's story here:

(currently only in Polish, but most internet browsers have translation programmes built in).

👉 Please support me and my activities:

Donate with the purpose: "For Koniki Moniki" or "For + name of an animal you would like to support".

🔹 Horse Foundation "Koniki Moniki"
Zawada Nowa 22, 26-720 Policzna, Poland

🔹 Polish account number:
PKO BP: 05 1020 4900 0000 8202 3349 1785

🔹 For donations from abroad:
IBAN: PL 05 1020 4900 0000 8202 3349 1785

🔹 PayPal: [email protected]

👉 I will be happy to answer your questions via Messenger or ✉ [email protected].

❗ "Koniki Moniki" is a simply structured foundation, with no salaried staff and no separately run office. All the missions of this foundation are carried out only by the founder. ❗

Do you remember Felek? The little horse who spent his whole life in a chicken coop, with no access to the world or to pe...

Do you remember Felek? The little horse who spent his whole life in a chicken coop, with no access to the world or to people. Today, this beautiful pony with the pretty pigtails steals the hearts of everyone who meets him. 💚🐴

He has a wonderful adoptive home, lots of loving people around him and friends in the pasture with whom he can munch hay all day. This is what his life looks like now, 2 months after he was rescued by you. These are the best moments of his life, and he owes it all to you! Thank you for giving him a future he could only dream of. Felek sends you his greetings!

🐴 You can find Felek's story here:

(currently only in Polish, but most internet browsers have translation programmes built in)

👉 Please support me and my activities:

Donate with the purpose: "For Koniki Moniki" or "For + name of an animal you would like to support".

🔹 Horse Foundation "Koniki Moniki"
Zawada Nowa 22, 26-720 Policzna, Poland

🔹 Polish account number:
PKO BP: 05 1020 4900 0000 8202 3349 1785

🔹 For donations from abroad:
IBAN: PL 05 1020 4900 0000 8202 3349 1785

🔹 PayPal: [email protected]

👉 I will be happy to answer your questions via Messenger or ✉ [email protected].

❗ "Koniki Moniki" is a simply structured foundation, with no salaried staff and no separately run office. All the missions of this foundation are carried out only by the founder. ❗

Lucynka is already with us! We managed to pick up the poor thing happily. She is already after a visit to the farrier an...

Lucynka is already with us! We managed to pick up the poor thing happily. She is already after a visit to the farrier and the vet, luckily everything is fine with her. I trimmed and combed her mane because it was tangled. Now she is a real lady. It is safe to say that Lucynka is a real soul of the company. I had the impression that she felt at home immediately.

Thank you so much for supporting Lucynka so much. From now on her life has a new rhythm and new colours and will never be the same again.

🐴 You can find Lucynka's story here:

(currently only in Polish, but most internet browsers have translation programmes built in).

👉 Please support me and my activities:

Donate with the purpose: "For Koniki Moniki" or "For + name of an animal you would like to support".

🔹 Horse Foundation "Koniki Moniki"
Zawada Nowa 22, 26-720 Policzna, Poland

🔹 Polish account number:
PKO BP: 05 1020 4900 0000 8202 3349 1785

🔹 For donations from abroad:
IBAN: PL 05 1020 4900 0000 8202 3349 1785

🔹 PayPal: [email protected]

👉 I will be happy to answer your questions via Messenger or ✉ [email protected].

❗ "Koniki Moniki" is a simply structured foundation, with no salaried staff and no separately run office. All the missions of this foundation are carried out only by the founder. ❗

My dear friends, Marika has now been collected. It took a while because it was not possible to organise her transport, b...

My dear friends, Marika has now been collected. It took a while because it was not possible to organise her transport, but in the end everything turned out well and the mare is now in a friendly stable where she is rediscovering life under the watchful eye of good people. This time, however, without the pain and suffering she has endured over the last few weeks. Thank you so much for giving this poor girl life. We have shown her that a human being can do more than fail and give up.

🐴 You can find Marika's story here:

(currently only in Polish, but most internet browsers have translation programmes built in)

👉 Please support me and my activities:

Donate with the purpose: "For Koniki Moniki" or "For + name of an animal you would like to support".

🔹 Horse Foundation "Koniki Moniki"
Zawada Nowa 22, 26-720 Policzna, Poland

🔹 Polish account number:
PKO BP: 05 1020 4900 0000 8202 3349 1785

🔹 For donations from abroad:
IBAN: PL 05 1020 4900 0000 8202 3349 1785

🔹 PayPal: [email protected]

👉 I will be happy to answer your questions via Messenger or ✉ [email protected].

❗ "Koniki Moniki" is a simply structured foundation, with no salaried staff and no separately run office. All the missions of this foundation are carried out only by the founder. ❗


Dear ones, we have now picked up our new big friend - Srokaty. I wanted to say a huge thank you for helping us rescue him. The challenge was one of the biggest we have done so far. A lot of people didn't believe us and set us up for failure, but thanks to you we managed to save a truly tremendous horse from the hands of death. This shows how much we can achieve together.

The animals we rescue are always innocent, they don't act like humans, they don't look at benefits and they don't suggest what they think is right at the moment. Often people don't look for another solution, but choose the easy way out - at the expense of innocent animals. I have placed Srokaty in a very good rehabilitation centre where a specialist will take care of his sick hoof. There was no point in bringing him to me and then driving him several dozen kilometres away again, so he went straight to good people. They will already know how to heal his hooves, and since the matter is so serious that his functioning depends on it, we have to act as soon as possible. Srokaty was very calm, probably aware of his size and not wanting to hurt anyone. He really is a wonderful horse who deserves a very good life.

Thanks to your support we were able to give him a few days of rehab under the watchful eyes of experienced people, but we don't know how long he will have to stay there and the cost of treatment will continue to rise. I understand very well that it was already risky to save him and that it went against many people's beliefs, but not mine. My goal is for Srokaty to feel healthy and live in the best possible conditions, for that we need to cure him. If you would like to contribute to his treatment, I would be very grateful. A month in such a place costs at least several thousand zloty, but the price is not an issue when life is at stake.

Finally, I would like to thank you for your help, because without you Srokaty would have been nothing but a memory long ago. A sincere bow in your direction.

🐴 You can find Srokaty's story here:

(currently only in Polish, but most internet browsers have translation programmes built in)

👉 Please support me and my activities:

Donate with the purpose: "For Koniki Moniki" or "For + name of an animal you would like to support".

🔹 Horse Foundation "Koniki Moniki"
Zawada Nowa 22, 26-720 Policzna, Poland

🔹 Polish account number:
PKO BP: 05 1020 4900 0000 8202 3349 1785

🔹 For donations from abroad:
IBAN: PL 05 1020 4900 0000 8202 3349 1785

🔹 PayPal: [email protected]

👉 I will be happy to answer your questions via Messenger or ✉ [email protected].

❗ "Koniki Moniki" is a simply structured foundation, with no salaried staff and no separately run office. All the missions of this foundation are carried out only by the founder. ❗

Winter is in full swing and sparing no one. ❄ My animals have prepared well by growing long fur coats, but as you can se...

Winter is in full swing and sparing no one. ❄ My animals have prepared well by growing long fur coats, but as you can see, some need warming up. Although the view is beautiful and the fireplace is burning in the house, we definitely prefer spring and summer! 😊☀ Have a great day, lovelies!

👉 Please support me and my activities:

Donate with the purpose: "For Koniki Moniki" or "For + name of an animal you would like to support".

🔹 Horse Foundation "Koniki Moniki"
Zawada Nowa 22, 26-720 Policzna, Poland

🔹 Polish account number:
PKO BP: 05 1020 4900 0000 8202 3349 1785

🔹 For donations from abroad:
IBAN: PL 05 1020 4900 0000 8202 3349 1785

🔹 PayPal: [email protected]

👉 I will be happy to answer your questions via Messenger or ✉ [email protected].

❗ "Koniki Moniki" is a simply structured foundation, with no salaried staff and no separately run office. All the missions of this foundation are carried out only by the founder. ❗

Maja is already with us! When we let her go, she ran forward happily. I don't know how to put into words how much joy po...

Maja is already with us! When we let her go, she ran forward happily. I don't know how to put into words how much joy poured out of her, it's really amazing. Maja is very open to people, she is not afraid and readily goes for treats, which is good because it means no one has hurt her too much. Today Maja has time to get acquainted with her new home and her housemates, then the vet will visit her. If all goes well, she will join the herd.

Thank you so much for giving life to this beautiful mare! Although the fight was long and many did not believe it would be successful, thankfully you managed to save her from the slaughterhouse. Bravo!

🐴 You can find Maja's story here:

(currently only in Polish, but most internet browsers have translation programmes built in).

👉 Please support me and my activities:

Donate with the purpose: "For Koniki Moniki" or "For + name of an animal you would like to support".

🔹 Horse Foundation "Koniki Moniki"
Zawada Nowa 22, 26-720 Policzna, Poland

🔹 Polish account number:
PKO BP: 05 1020 4900 0000 8202 3349 1785

🔹 For donations from abroad:
IBAN: PL 05 1020 4900 0000 8202 3349 1785

🔹 PayPal: [email protected]

👉 I will be happy to answer your questions via Messenger or ✉ [email protected].

❗ "Koniki Moniki" is a simply structured foundation, with no salaried staff and no separately run office. All the missions of this foundation are carried out only by the founder. ❗


Lesio, who was recently rescued with your help, is slowly regaining his strength. His appetite is getting better. But the most important thing is that he has started to approach people, he likes to be stroked and cuddled. It's a good thing too, because right after he arrived he was a terrible deserter. But a lot of time has to pass before he becomes a lively and very sociable horse.
Lesio only got a second life thanks to your commitment. Thank you! 💝

Lesio's story can be found here:

(currently only in Polish, but most internet browsers have translation programmes built in)

👉 Please support me and my activities:

Donate with the purpose: "For Koniki Moniki" or "For + name of an animal you would like to support".

🔹 Horse Foundation "Koniki Moniki"
Zawada Nowa 22, 26-720 Policzna, Poland

🔹 Polish account number:
PKO BP: 05 1020 4900 0000 8202 3349 1785

🔹 For donations from abroad:
IBAN: PL 05 1020 4900 0000 8202 3349 1785

🔹 PayPal: [email protected]

👉 I will be happy to answer your questions via Messenger or ✉ [email protected].

❗ "Koniki Moniki" is a simply structured foundation, with no salaried staff and no separately run office. All the missions of this foundation are carried out only by the founder. ❗

Dear friends, Czarnulka went directly to a stable that is a friend of mine and was very close to the dealer. She is on s...

Dear friends, Czarnulka went directly to a stable that is a friend of mine and was very close to the dealer. She is on site and has already started "mowing the lawn". After all, everything has to be "mowed" evenly 🙂 .

Thank you for giving Czarnulka life, she has come into really good hands. She will never feel fear again, her suffering is over. From now on, life is as it should always be: happy and safe. Congratulations, Czarnulka! And thank you from the bottom of my heart for this beautiful conclusion to the story!

🐴 You can find Czarnulka's story here:

(currently only in Polish, but most internet browsers have translation programmes built in).

👉 Please support me and my activities:

Donate with the purpose: "For Koniki Moniki" or "For + name of an animal you would like to support".

🔹 Horse Foundation "Koniki Moniki"
Zawada Nowa 22, 26-720 Policzna, Poland

🔹 Polish account number:
PKO BP: 05 1020 4900 0000 8202 3349 1785

🔹 For donations from abroad:
IBAN: PL 05 1020 4900 0000 8202 3349 1785

🔹 PayPal: [email protected]

👉 I will be happy to answer your questions via Messenger or ✉ [email protected].

❗ "Koniki Moniki" is a simply structured foundation, with no salaried staff and no separately run office. All the missions of this foundation are carried out only by the founder. ❗


Do you remember Martynka? In September you gave Martynka life together, and this beautiful grey horse is making the most of it. She has already become rounder and her coat is thicker. She is a very calm and friendly mare who also loves to roll around in the sand, which she really enjoys - she does it quite often. :)

Thank you so much for saving Martynka's life. Every day I see how grateful she is and feel the joy of the life you have given her!


My dear friends, thanks to you, little Małgosia was saved. I am very grateful to you!

Thanks to your quick help, we managed to bring little Małgosia to my stable. The pony is very sweet and beautiful. And such a beautiful animal was sent to the slaughterhouse.... Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your help. From today Małgosia starts her life anew! ☀🐎

She will be examined by a vet soon. As you can see, she is very curious and overly friendly. After quarantine in a few days, if the vet gives the green light, she will join the herd. I have a feeling she will find her way around the herd quickly. 💖

👉 Please support me and my activities:

Donate with the purpose: "For Koniki Moniki" or "For + name of an animal you would like to support".

🔹 Horse Foundation "Koniki Moniki"
Zawada Nowa 22, 26-720 Policzna, Poland

🔹 Polish account number:
PKO BP: 05 1020 4900 0000 8202 3349 1785

🔹 For donations from abroad:
IBAN: PL 05 1020 4900 0000 8202 3349 1785

🔹 PayPal: [email protected]

👉 I will be happy to answer your questions via Messenger or ✉ [email protected].

❗ "Koniki Moniki" is a simply structured foundation, with no salaried staff and no separately run office. All the missions of this foundation are carried out only by the founder. ❗


Julian is now with us! Thank you so much for giving him life. As soon as he came to us he caused a bit of excitement, many animals were very interested in his presence and Julian himself was a bit shy and still confused.
The vet will visit him soon to check his health and then he will join the herd. I hope he will like it and get used to his new home quickly. Thank you again for your support for Julian!

🐴 You can find Julian's story here:

(currently only in Polish, but most internet browsers have translation programmes built in)

👉 Please support me and my activities:

Donate with the purpose: "For Koniki Moniki" or "For + name of an animal you would like to support".

🔹 Horse Foundation "Koniki Moniki"
Zawada Nowa 22, 26-720 Policzna, Poland

🔹 Polish account number:
PKO BP: 05 1020 4900 0000 8202 3349 1785

🔹 For donations from abroad:
IBAN: PL 05 1020 4900 0000 8202 3349 1785

🔹 PayPal: [email protected]

👉 I will be happy to answer your questions via Messenger or ✉ [email protected].

❗ "Koniki Moniki" is a simply structured foundation, with no salaried staff and no separately run office. All the missions of this foundation are carried out only by the founder. ❗

"Long-eared" Mania sends you warm greetings today on this cloudy and rainy day! 🌧 Autumn is like that, it has to blow co...

"Long-eared" Mania sends you warm greetings today on this cloudy and rainy day! 🌧 Autumn is like that, it has to blow cold before winter comes. My donkeys are already arming themselves with warm fur and are not intimidated by the low temperatures. Although, like everyone else, they probably prefer it when the sun is shining. ☀

👉 Please support me and my activities:

Donate with the purpose: "For Koniki Moniki" or "For + name of an animal you would like to support".

🔹 Horse Foundation "Koniki Moniki"
Zawada Nowa 22, 26-720 Policzna, Poland

🔹 Polish account number:
PKO BP: 05 1020 4900 0000 8202 3349 1785

🔹 For donations from abroad:
IBAN: PL 05 1020 4900 0000 8202 3349 1785

🔹 PayPal: [email protected]

👉 I will be happy to answer your questions via Messenger or ✉ [email protected].

❗ "Koniki Moniki" is a simply structured foundation, with no salaried staff and no separately run office. All the missions of this foundation are carried out only by the founder. ❗

Ula, who was rescued last week, has already been picked up from the dealer and is with my friends. At the end of the wee...

Ula, who was rescued last week, has already been picked up from the dealer and is with my friends. At the end of the week I will take her with me. Basia and I are already looking forward to seeing her. As you can see from the photos, Ula is very emaciated. We don't know how long she has been at the dealer and what the poor horse has been through. As soon as she comes to me, she will be looked after by a vet and a farrier.

One thing is for sure: thanks to your help, she has been given a second life. Now it's time for good food and rest among people who love her. Anyone who would like to can continue to support Ula. She still has a long way to go, she will need all the support she can get.

Thank you again for the help you give to these poor horses. ❤️🥰

🐴 Ula's story:

2 (only in Polish at the moment):

👉 Please support me and my activities:

Donation with the purpose: "For Koniki Moniki" or "For + name of an animal you would like to support".

🔹 Horse Foundation "Koniki Moniki"
Zawada Nowa 22, 26-720 Policzna, Poland

🔹 Polish account number:
PKO BP: 05 1020 4900 0000 8202 3349 1785

🔹 For donations from abroad:
IBAN: PL 05 1020 4900 0000 8202 3349 1785

🔹 PayPal: [email protected]

👉 I will be happy to answer your questions via Messenger or ✉ [email protected].

❗ "Koniki Moniki" is a simply structured foundation, with no salaried staff and no separately run office. All the missions of this foundation are carried out only by the founder. ❗

Patryk, who was rescued a month ago thanks to you, is living his life completely new and in much better circumstances th...

Patryk, who was rescued a month ago thanks to you, is living his life completely new and in much better circumstances than before. His days look very different now, every day is special and there is no lack of love, safety or wonderful people looking after him. 🥰 Patryczek is also a great comfort to his carers. See for yourself how his life has changed and become more colourful since he freed himself from the clutches of death. That's the kind of news we like! ☀💛

🐴 Patryk's story (currently only in Polish):

👉 Please support me and my activities:

Donate with the purpose: "For Koniki Moniki" or "For + name of an animal you would like to support".

🔹 Horse Foundation "Koniki Moniki"
Zawada Nowa 22, 26-720 Policzna, Poland

🔹 Polish account number:
PKO BP: 05 1020 4900 0000 8202 3349 1785

🔹 For donations from abroad:
IBAN: PL 05 1020 4900 0000 8202 3349 1785

🔹 PayPal: [email protected]

👉 I will be happy to answer your questions via Messenger or ✉ [email protected].

❗ "Koniki Moniki" is a simply structured foundation, with no salaried staff and no separately run office. All the missions of this foundation are carried out only by the founder. ❗

Dear all, Kluseczka has been with me for 4 days now. We transported the donkey as soon as possible so that she doesn't h...

Dear all, Kluseczka has been with me for 4 days now. We transported the donkey as soon as possible so that she doesn't have to endure any more torture and can finally live a life in dignity. She seems very depressed and sad, but she should get better soon. She will be surrounded by wonderful people and animals who will be happy to keep her company and look after her wellbeing.
I am very happy that Kluseczka is already with us and I hope she will enjoy our company too. See for yourself what a lovely little donkey she is, who almost lost her life.

🐴 Kluseczka's story (currently only in Polish):

👉 Please support me and my activities:

Donate with the purpose: "For Koniki Moniki" or "For + name of an animal you would like to support".

🔹 Horse Foundation "Koniki Moniki"
Zawada Nowa 22, 26-720 Policzna, Poland

🔹 Polish account number:
PKO BP: 05 1020 4900 0000 8202 3349 1785

🔹 For donations from abroad:
IBAN: PL 05 1020 4900 0000 8202 3349 1785

🔹 PayPal: [email protected]

👉 I will be happy to answer your questions via Messenger or ✉ [email protected].

❗ "Koniki Moniki" is a simply structured foundation, with no salaried staff and no separately run office. All the missions of this foundation are carried out only by the founder. ❗

Malwinka arrived with us yesterday and has already started to familiarise herself with her new home. As you can see, she...

Malwinka arrived with us yesterday and has already started to familiarise herself with her new home. As you can see, she is a little confused, but she will surely settle in soon. Today she has already managed to have breakfast and meet some of my animals. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your help in rescuing Malwinka. ❤️ Basia and I are very happy with her company and we believe Malwinka will like us too. We just need to give her a little time. 🐴🥰

🐴 Malwinka's story (currently only in Polish):

👉 Please support me and my activities:

Donate with the purpose: "For Koniki Moniki" or "For + name of an animal you would like to support".

🔹 Horse Foundation "Koniki Moniki"
Zawada Nowa 22, 26-720 Policzna, Poland

🔹 Polish account number:
PKO BP: 05 1020 4900 0000 8202 3349 1785

🔹 For donations from abroad:
IBAN: PL 05 1020 4900 0000 8202 3349 1785

🔹 PayPal: [email protected]

👉 I will be happy to answer your questions via Messenger or ✉ [email protected].

❗ "Koniki Moniki" is a simply structured foundation, with no salaried staff and no separately run office. All the missions of this foundation are carried out only by the founder. ❗




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